Hello wonderful women rv'ers!

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Re: Hello wonderful women rv'ers!

Postby Nasoosie » Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:14 am

HI Sunshine, and WELCOME to our wonderful forum!

How lucky you are to be able to 'meander' and explore the many wonderful campgrounds our nation has. I am still teaching full-time, but hope to get free after this year, if I end up with any money whatsoever.

Hope to see a lot of you on here soon!
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Re: Hello wonderful women rv'ers!

Postby Sparkle » Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:44 pm

Welcome Sunshine on my Shoulder makes me happyyeeeee, okay I've got everybody singing :lol: Seriously, welcome and it will be good to hear about your adventures...everyday is an adventure..right?
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Re: Hello wonderful women rv'ers!

Postby BirdbyBird » Fri Oct 16, 2009 6:35 pm

Welcome aboard the forum and may your Journeys been full of good adventures....
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Re: Hello wonderful women rv'ers!

Postby Bethers » Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:13 pm

Hi Sunshine and welcome. Glad to have you with us. I see you got your first post in - but nothing since. Hope we haven't already scared you off! Please, do some reading - and jump in anywhere you feel like - or just start some posts of your own on topics you'd like. We really do like to add to our group.

And, as you see, I'm not the first to greet - don't get on daily myself - so I do understand that also. But this site is addicting :)
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Re: Hello wonderful women rv'ers!

Postby Sunshine » Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:44 am

Wow -what a great welcoming response from everyone -I feel at home!

My travel trailer is a 1995 Sunline Solaris, that I've been customizing for the way I live. My husband and I don't have many overnight guests in the rig, so took out the couch / futon to make a bigger dining area. We also travel with 2 creeper terriers -small (10and 12 lb) dogs, so we made room for their "den". Since my daughter is grown and out on her own, the dogs get spoiled -they are great travel companions and ensure that we always get out for lots of walks even when the weather is less than ideal ;) . We golf, fish, are into photography and exercise, so our challenge has been finding a space for all our gear, plus pets, plus maintaining our living spaces. I applaud all the other people out there who make full timing work!! :P

It snowed here in PA last week, but since then the weather has turned beautiful. The foliage is just past peak, but we're still snapping pics! I promise I will read the directions on how to post some of them, just haven't gotten to it yet... We keep watching the forecast and plan to leave when the next night goes below freezing... :shock: how's that for planning! We haven't made any reservations yet this year, but in the past have had no troubles finding a site when needed.

Thanks again to everyone who posted a welcome. Sunshine
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