Good Morning All - there is fresh coffee and some kind of chocolate cake in the kitchen. I say some kind because it was delivered to the front door this a.m. by our friend for Bill's birthday. Have not taken a bit yet but can see chocolate chips!
About the satellite - it is for Jennie. He put one on but we couldn't get the internet - so he's taken it off and is supposed to bring the new one Saturday and install it and straighten out the Direct TV too.
The title for Jennie - remember we registered her in Nevada - it went (?) to the house there where our son lives. He called and said they had it and would mail it. Well we got a package from them but no title. Called him - he said oops his wife has been really busy as her Mother was visiting and he would make sure she mailed it. He thinks he remembered it comeing...........Ah yes children......(he's 39)!
As for the people who came to see the house (we put it on the market several months ago at a very high price) When the realtor called I'd forgot it was even on the market. Any way - they came looked and left. Actually they liked it and she works in stained glass so she like my workshop. But they have to wait for some property to sell and we're not interested in waiting. So doubt we'll hear from them again. Don't really want to sell it anyway. Although now with two motorhomes we should just go full time.
So now we are just kind of spinning our wheels waiting for a few things to get done so we can get on the road south - probably the first week in November.
Have a wonderful day all.