Here is PattyK getting her Flamingo wineglass
PattyK presents me with a Flamingo shot glass.
Sharon (Sprinter) joined us on her scooter. I gave her a Flamingo glass cause she came to visit me and promised to join the forum soon.
My friend Carole joined us and we barbequed some steaks then sat around drinking wine and talking. Carole left around 8pm, Birdie went to her rig around 8:30 and PattyK, Sharon and I continued till about 11:30. We finished off the wine and I DON'T want to discuss my head the next morning.
Tuesday PattyK and I went to the "biker" bar in Bandera then to the Texas Stonehenge. Patty has those pictures to post.
We had fun and at least Sharon is still here altho at a different park them me. Since she' working I can't lead her astray as much as I would like but stay tuned.