Now that its been pointed out to me how could I not see that he was chubby, nah, FAT? Beth says she told me so, but I ignored her, I didn't want to know.
I had been giving him 3 scoops of dry food and countless "Kongs" of canned food. Also every scrap of human food that I didn't eat, and as I have no appetite there were lots of leftovers. So now he gets two scoops of food, one Kong in the morning, and one Kong at night, and no people food. I am also trying to encourage him to walk more. We'll try that for a month and then cut back some more if need be. I'm very intrigued by the Green Bean Diet. I wonder where that came from?
I just Googled..didn't find out where it started, but here's the advice. In the morning add half the juice and beans from a 14-1/2oz can of beans to 1 cup of dog food. Repeat in the evening. Lots of fiber makes the dog feel full and happy that he's getting people food.
This is my 2nd edit. The next google I read said if you buy canned, get the no or low salt. And that frozen is the best. The canned doesn't need to be heated, but the frozen should be microwaved to thaw them.