Well, Chit!!

Well, Chit!!

Postby AlmostThere » Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:47 pm

After I bowled this morning and saw how beautiful it was outside, I figured I'd get Little Missy, load her up, and head up the road a piece. I went straight to where she is stored and revved her up.
(A little insight here: When I pull onto the highway from the storage place, there is a slight dip down to the street. If I make the turn too square I get a tail strike, so I swing wide, but what that does is makes the RV rock back and forth a bit until all wheels are on the highway.)
Ok, back to story. I pulled onto the highway, swaying a bit and heard a noise from inside just behind me. Well, with no rearview mirror to look and see and traffic too thick to look over my shoulder for any length of time, I had to just keep going until I found a place to pull off. As I drove a bit it seemed less noisey, so I continued on home. I pulled into my drive and went to check it out. There was my TV just barely still in it's hole!! If it hadn't been for the 8 in. shelf it would have been on the floor!! On closer inspection it was just pushed into it's cubbyhole and never strapped down!!! Yikes!
Long story a bit shorter, I was wanting an excuse to put a flat screen TV in her anyway, so now seems the perfect opportune time. I removed the old TV, and gosh, that sucker must weigh 50 lbs!!!
My question is; Do I need to purchase any special type TV for an RV? The one I took out seemed to be just a normal home type. I do know some of you ladies talked about 12 Volt TV. For what reason would I be needing a 12 volt?
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Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:51 pm

A 12-volt would run off your batteries when you're not plugged in and that would, I think, run your batteries down pretty quick. I just put a regular little flat screen in my bedroom.
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Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby avalen » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:01 pm

regular tv works just fine, a 12v is for when your boondocking and running off
your batteries and then of course you'd need the generator to charge them.
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Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:31 am

regular flat screen,.... digital. that's what you need. glad it didn't hit the floor,... or worse yet, hit you!

Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby Shirlv » Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:57 am

I replaced my old tv with a flat screen in the entertainment center. My son in law made a door out of the frame that went around the old tv. I now mount the flat screen on the door and have a ton of storage behind the door. My crocketpot now has a home. :)

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Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby OutandAbout » Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:50 pm

Ditto what Cedar said. Just make sure it is digital with the ATS tuner(i think it's called) and you will be all set. Places might still try and sell their old stock of tv's. linda
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Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby Bethers » Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:47 pm

I did similar to Shirl - added a door to the cabinet where the old tv was - but instead of putting the flat screen on the door, I purchased one of the wall thingies that angles it any which way - and it was placed on the side of the cabinet. Love it! Oh, I didn't purchase anything fancy to put the new flat screen away - I put a small pillow over the screen, then a pillowcase, then tie the tv against the cabinet. I don't think it would move without doing that - but only takes a minute and I feel better traveling with it like that. Plus the pillow and case protect it if something else were to fly around.

Oh, and I got a regular flat screen - I don't watch tv when boondocking - but if I did - would run the generator and have the power for it without using the batteries.
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Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby oregontocal » Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:23 pm

Glad you weren't hurt. This topic is very welcome right now since I'd like to replace my big, heavy TV. When I moved into the house in Bartlesville the beginning of the year (temporarily, it turned out - hitch itch, I think it's called :D , I took the TV out of it's place in the RV and used it in the house. Heavy as lead--and very hard to get out. But, it was strapped in. However, when two friends wrestled it back in, they didn't strap it in, figuring the molding around the outside would hold it in. And, it does, kind of. It still moves around when the rig is in motion. With all the money I'm making here at Amazon, I'd like to replace it with a more lightweight flat screen. So, the ideas about adding a door and attaching the TV to the door makes a lot of sense. And, the extra storage would be great.

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Re: Well, Chit!!

Postby AlmostThere » Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:21 am

I'll be leaving here in just a bit to go get Little Missy and drop her off at the RV repair place to get the new TV put in. (I bought one yesterday at Best Buy). I'm not sure just what the guy has in mind for installing it, but will let him know my wishes and see what he can come up with. I'll post before and after pics, too.
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