Well, we're both back in L.A. County, but Jed's still at the Vet. He still can't stand up on his own and it's just too dangerous for both of us to have him come home until he can manage to walk out to go potty and get back in the house. But he's getting better all the time -- it's just a slow process. He may come home tomorrow, or at the latest Wednesday after school. Time will tell.
If there's anything good to come out of this it's that the campground owner feels horrible that her manager was such an idiot. He (the manager) was never cleared to use this poison. The insurance company has been contacted and will be in touch with me no later than Wednesday. So it's looking like the $8000+ in vet bills will be covered.
Thanks for your prayers, everyone. We really appreciate it.
Giving the pictures a try now that I'm home on the bigger laptop.
Here's what he looked like on Saturday morning. He was totally anesthetized and had breathing assistance.
This is of his little outing to see if he could use his legs. They took him outside to the grass -- a much softer landing if he couldn't stand. Good call on their part ...
Hopefully the next time I post pictures they'll be happy ones ... but at least he's out of the woods and all he needs now is a little time.
Thanks again.