Mitch, A strange silvery craft hovered over her rig and beamed her up. The last we heard she was in Florida (personally I think they spat her out)
Shirl, I'm going to get those ginger capsules. I'm going to stock up on everything and never mention motion sickness. My son sent me a video of a car trip, about 200 miles in 7 minutes. I watched 2 minutes of it and began to sway!
Janet, yes, it's one of those things of being at the right place at the right time. Can you imagine how many replies he would get if he advertised it? In fact I haven't joined workampers this year. Wasn't planning to even without this job. I paid the extra (Awesome Applicant) to post my Resume. In 4 years I've had two job offers. One was for housekeeping and one was a job on a Llama farm, sounded interesting until on talking with the woman I realised that I was expected to entertain her through the winter.