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Postby Nasoosie » Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:09 am


You are my age, and don't EVER let anyone tell you we are too old for anything! As you feel, I know I am more ready now than ever before to cater to my real desires rather than doting on others in my life. We earned it, and by george, we shall DO IT!!!

This group of wonderful women is more fun than I can ever express----and also full of wisdom, gumption, opinions, empathy, sympathy----you name it, they have it all! (Some even have a diabolical sense of humor that never fails to make me laugh and spew my coffee all over this keyboard some days!)

Hope to meet you down the road, and read about your life as I check out the messages on here daily!
Life is about learning to dance in the rain
Happy travels!
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Postby SeeyaGal » Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:23 pm

It really saddens me to see these husbands being grumps!!! We have lived on the road 8 yrs now and met so many interesting people and sad to hear one wants to RV and the other does not. Usually it is because the guys do not want to leave their tool shed behind! I have met alot of guys who pick up new interests from wood carving, golf, music, art , sports, dancing, whatever. They are missing out on all the fun with the other guys out there enjoying it.
I feel like I'm the kid in the pack because most of the folks are old enough to be my parents in all these campgrounds and I just turned 57. Wonderful wonderful people!
Dan is teaching RV Driving lessons and we do alot of couples and alot more just the gals!
If something should happen to Dan, god forbid, I would trade down to a smaller class C motorhome to travel between the Pacific Northwest where I have family and my winter property in Yuma Arizona.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away
Seeyagal ... G_0053.jpg
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Postby bluepinecones » Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:20 am

Another welcome to the forum. These ladies do pass out some very sound advise and much encouragement.
The only major handicap in life is a bad attitude!
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