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Re: Campfire

Postby avalen » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:42 pm

ahhhh, feels good to relax again. Starting the work week on tuesday just feels odd.
It felt like monday all day of course but when I wake up tomorrow it will be wednesday,
middle of the week, oh glory be!
The best news of course........(drum roll here)
I got my afternoon kids back!!!!! woohoo, I kept wondering why that other driver wasn't
doing it and a sub driver was, she was about to loose her job for whatever reason I have
no idea, but I'm happy to get my kids back when I pick them up in the morning I can tell
them I'll see them in the afternoon and can say "I'M BAAAAACK"
I kept telling myself all week, something GOOD was going to happen :D
Now, I think I'll get me a beer :D or two :D :D
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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:26 pm

that is good to hear Ava!!! always good to get what you wanted and enjoyed!!!
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Re: Campfire

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:54 pm

Ava, glad you got your kids back. It doesn't make much sense to me to have one bus in the morning and a different bus in the afternoon but what do I know. A town near here completely revamped their bus routes last year and it was the biggest whoorah. There were mad parents on the news every night for months. It must be working this year because I don't see anything on the news.

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Re: Campfire

Postby retiredhappy » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:48 am

Ava, so glad things are starting to go good for you. I'm sure your kids will be happy to have you back.
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Re: Campfire

Postby carold » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:03 pm

Yep Ava, nothing worse than a kid in trouble before they even get to class. Not an easy task, keeping all those rambunctious kids happy and mindful while driving. Good job! You can be my bus driver any day-It's 36 ft with a toad and I'll be glad to navigate and get you coffee, and I promise I won'[t whine or tattletale :lol: carold
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Re: Campfire

Postby Nasoosie » Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:19 pm

YAY, AVA!!!!

I'll drink my vodka/juice with you and have a toast to good happenings! It's about time you got some good news, and people realized just how valuable a person you are for those school kids.

YIPPEE!!!! Stoke that fire, and CRUPPERS UP!!!
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Re: Campfire

Postby avalen » Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:04 pm

:lol: Carol, I can do 36" with a toad, my bus is 40' and when I drove the casino bus
that one summer, it was 45' piece of cake and I never blew a tire from curbing. :D
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Re: Campfire

Postby avalen » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:00 pm

ahhhh, good to relax yet another day, but I'm just gonna sit a spell and then go
take a dip in the pool. I'm really very tired and the dip will help me sleep soundly
tonight. I won't be on the computer tomorrow evening so don't anybody worry, I'm
just gonna be busy with a sports trip. I get to haul the cheerleaders to the football
game :D guess I'll learn some of the cheers along the way. Won't get home to really
late and that makes the trip about a 7 hr deal, woohoo, a good 100 bucks added to
the paycheck. I'll be catching up in no time if they continue to give me at least 2
trips a week. The dogs are gonna hate it, but I keep telling them somebody has
to pay for their cookies :lol: or there won't be any. Ok, off to take a dip now.
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Re: Campfire

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:21 pm

I am sitt'in by the fire and thinking hard.....just got back from picking Blondie up from her spay and dental......I had had them run a complete blood panel b/c she is seven years old and well I haven't thought her skin was quite right all summer.....well she came through surgery fine....but the blood panel showed Hyperthyroidism, which is rare in dogs.....we are sending another blood sample this time up to Michigan for a more in depth analysis..... Blondie always told everyone who would listen that she is special...... The campfire is good for the soul and I can hear the crickets singing out in the trees and the fields....
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Re: Campfire

Postby AlmostThere » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:25 pm

Tina, I'm sorry to hear about Blondie not being well, but glad her surgery went ok. Keep us posted on what all else you find out. We are all thinking good thoughts.
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Re: Campfire

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:33 pm


Tina, I'm sorry Blondie's not quite right. Is this problem she may have treatable? I've heard the word (in relation to humans), but have no idea what it means.

Blondie's right - she IS special. She's a dog, after all!

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Re: Campfire

Postby BirdbyBird » Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:23 pm

Blondie will let you know what she finds out from the michigan blood work.....

In the mean time I am actually deserving of a campfire sit....I cleaned some today!!! I can't type that very often.... Sorted through the clutter that gathers on the tops of tables and cleaned the kitchen and swept the floors of all the dust bunnies... Cleaned/bleached the fresh water has been several years since I used them and they needed spiffing up. Realized that I didn't actually have a green hose anymore. Think I do like the idea of bring at least a short section. Will have to find one. Gave all the 4-pawed folks their Frontline treatment and then had to explain that "no" they couldn't go swimming for awhile. Threw in a load of dog bed blankets including Miss Izzy's big blue was time. But she does keep her crate clean at night! Oh, and I put stuff away in the Baby Bus getting ready for Weds take off.... I have a habit of putting things in a pile and thinking next time I go out..... So I took the pile out. Was the first time I actually saw how the husband attached the new TV....Might have to redo it later....don't know what he was thinking....ugly screws handing down..... He didn't like where I wanted to put it...not saying he did it on purpose but for someone who can make beautiful pottery he has little sense of what makes something attractive.... It does work thought and has a neat 12 volt cord! More laundry to get done, so I'll have to keep going up and down to the basement. Oh uck, I also paid bills and reconciled the statements. But with the delightful weather, it is time to rest by the fire for awhile before I fall asleep...guess I should find something to eat too...but for now sitting feels right.....
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Re: Campfire

Postby mitch5252 » Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:30 pm


Hey, Tina - go get some of Vickie's hasenpfeffer...

You're still on for the TN GTG, right?

Have a wonderful trip!

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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Sat Sep 12, 2009 9:16 pm

after that day Tina you deserve to sit!!!
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Re: Campfire

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:53 am

Somehow I think that Soos can work a circle around me.....I don't clean very often and see what happens.....the dogs all want some great adventure today (go somewhere, hike somewhere) and I am thinking that I should get off the computer, sit by the nice campfire and read.......
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