Wednesday, humpday already

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Wednesday, humpday already

Postby avalen » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:16 am

Here it is, hump day already, gonna be a short week.
Coffee is dripping and the toasters out for toast. Enjoy.
I'm so looking forward to telling my kids I'll be there to take
them home, they will be very happy. The other driver followed
me on my other run yesterday afternoon so she could see where
the stops were and then during lunch she'll drive it in her bus and
I'll ride along to make sure she turns where she is suppose to. There
is only one little one on that run she will have to look out for, all the
rest are 4th and 5th graders. She will do fine and theres only about
45 kids, and the majority (37) get off at the first stop. Told those
kids goodbye and to be good for the new driver. I get so wrapped
up in my job and my duties it still amazes me to this day how we
can form attachments to things like that.
Well, its time to pour myself another cup and have some toast
now, have a great day and be safe. :D
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:54 am

Good Morning, All!!!

Looks like rain here today....but that's okay....I plan to do inside stuff anyway.... ;)

Thanks for the coffee and toast, Ava....Have fun with the kids....

Okay, not much to offer here right now, so I'll get back to my cross-stitching.... :lol:

Have a great day, all...........
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:55 am

Ava, you sound like the kind of bus driver we all wanted for our our children when they rode buses....a professional that had pride in doing a good job and a caring adult that took time to see them as individuals and let them know that they mattered to them ans did their best to keep them safe :)
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby bluepinecones » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:25 am

A quick good morning to all.
My niece is doing better and is expected to be transfered from ICU to a room today. Also likely she will be released from hospital before end of week. Amazing how quickly they get people from ICU to the front door these days. Niece will go to my sister's house from hospital. Bad as the situation is, it might be good for my sister to have someone else to care for for a while. Since sister will be at hospital most of the day, I hope to get a few of my affairs caught up.
We had a real gully washer type rain storm late yesterday. My gutters are running over and I have a serious erosion problem that I must try to figure out how to correct. However, it is other tasks I must address today.
Wishing you safe travels and something fun in your day.
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:34 am

I agree with Tina, Ava. You sound like a wonder, safe, caring driver! :D
From first grade until I was in high school, my oldest brother was my bus driver. I think he was harder on us brothers and sisters than the other kids. We couldn't eat on the bus and he turned me in for sucking on a cinnamon flavored toothpick! :o
Another cooler day, in the 70s, chance of a shower. Very Fall-like. Yesterday as I walked Choco I heard the sounds of leaves skittering down the street.
Today I take said Choco, in to get his nails trimmed. They grow so fast and it's hard to keep them short as the quick is growing out more also. I had the vet cut them on my last visit and she was amazed at his nails! I've have to have them trimmed every 2-3 wks. to keep on it.
Saturday I'm having a mini GTG with a gal from another forum. She wants to see Little Missy and I'm proud to show her off only I have to do it as soon as she gets here are my SIL is borrowing Little Missy for him and my 2 GDs to sleep in after a surprise birthday party at their friends. I guess there are going to be at least 6 other rigs there.
Also today I'm off to Target to pick up some of the last items for the rig.
Have a great day everyone!
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby Liz » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:40 am

Good morning all. I've been to hairdresser for haircut and to the grocery store so far today. Wish it wasn't so hot and humid outside....I need to do some trimming in the backyard jungle and pressure wash the house. Can't breathe in this weather so it will have to wait.

Ava, bus drivers are usually the first school personel that kids see in the morning and how they are treated on the bus will often make or break the day for them at school. I know all the teachers appreciate bus drivers like you who care enough to "get wrapped up" in their lives and help them start their day in a positive way.

Bluepinecones, glad to hear your niece is doing better, and that your sister will be occupied in her care. I have that situation in my prayers. You have been a great help to her at this difficult time, but I realize how stressful it is for you too.

Wishing everyone a happy, carefree day.
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby Nasoosie » Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:15 pm

Good afternoon, you all!

I missed the morning coffee, so I'm having my afternoon vodka/juice! (Instead of beer today, as I drank all the beer yesterday afternoon!)

Ava, you must be so loved by those kids you drove around, and I sure hope the new driver will be as caring as you were over the years. Why are they getting a new driver? I missed the reason you are not driving them any longer. And, as someone said, the bus driver very often sets the tenor for the entire day in some kids' lives.

Blue pinecones, you and your family have sure had some very stressful situations this summer. I am so glad for your sister and her daughter that you have been there for them, but------who is there for you?? :) Of course, we are all here, but I mean like right there next to you. There is only so much one person can do to help another. Big hugs to you, and try to do some fun things for yourself so you can stay healthy and strong.

The rest of you, I hope your day was nice, fun, and what you wanted! School was both very good and very stressful, as the periods changed and the attitudes of the kids were changed, as well! I got a few things straightened out with the teacher-in-charge of my home room, and he told me to relax and go with the flow, so to speak. Expectations are not very high with these very low brain level kids, and I should consider it a good day if I see any of them smile! So I did notice smiles today, and made a lot of jokes so they could smile more!

Cruppers up to all!
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby jodycolorado » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:17 pm

So I had to ask, what's a crupper.
Maybe I don't want mine up. Good afternoon, anyway. Sure enjoy this site.
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby VickieP » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:29 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:22 pm


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Re: Wednesday, humpday already

Postby Nasoosie » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:24 pm



Here's a placque with a poem and a real horse's crupper that a friend of mine made for me years ago. It is one of my treasures, and it's at my leanto by my pond. He and I invented a toast one night, (CRUPPERS UP!) after we learned that the part of a horse's harness that goes under its tail and holds it up away from its poop hole is called a crupper! (Used in parades, very often, to make a nicely arched, clean tail!)

He is long dead, and I miss him, but I still toast him very often with a hearty CRUPPERS UP!!
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