Summer funk and Mondays

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Summer funk and Mondays

Postby avalen » Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:51 am

I've got that summer funk, sorta like the blues. I get it every year about this time, I am so ready for
school to start and get back to work. I am just so tired of being broke and squeezing that nickel
until the buffalo poops, getting back to work means my paycheck will be normal again. Then I can
start dreaming again and planning for the big day, its only 6 years away .
These long weekends with nothing to do drive me nuts. Started a little remodeling. Took out the
accordian style shower curtain, I always hated it, it felt confining and wouldn't stay shut anyway
and was really dinggy looking. It was put up with that double sticky tape and a few screws on the
sides. The double sticky tape of course left a film on the tub and the sides. I picked up a product
called GooGone at Walmart and it really did the trick. It comes in several different types of applications
but I chose the spray on gel. Spray it on, let it set a bit then scrape off with scraper. I used my plastic
type scraper cause I was afraid my metal one would scratch the tub. That stuff works good, we use
it at work to get the gum off the floors of the bus. Got the new shower curtain, rings, and rod and hung
that up. My bathroom now feels a little more roomie. I'm happy with it and glad I took that old thing
My next project........the valances
Currently I have the kind that are boxed sort of on the top and sides with the very top piece having a
tube thingy and of course covered with the fabric that matches the sofa. I started taking those down
and have plans to redo them with something a little more simple plus curtains. Taking these down is
not easy! But I'm getting it done!
I also noticed the ceiling and various spots where the previous people had hung stuff and patched it
is yellowed and really looks bad, so of course I picked up a can of Kilz and brush and started on the
ceiling over my computer.
Speaking of the computer............the XP is much better than the Windows2000, however the job isn't
finished yet. My computer is partitioned off with A,C, Old C, D, E, F, G, H, I, the guy that gave it to me
last year used to use it for his business and the "Old C" was so his employees couldn't dump the
whole computer and loose everything, its a very large hard drive and takes up a lot of space. My
computer guy is going to dump that and combine the two C drives and make it bigger. The other ones
I've emptied all the crap out of but contain like the "Works" so that has to stay. But to make a long
story shorter, he's going to DE-partition it and make it bigger by making it smaller, does that make
sense? For now, I'm having that virtual memory problem until the departition thing gets done. I can't
do any pictures right now, my camera program and all my photos have been removed and can't put
any on until after the de-partition thing is done.
Then I'll be able to post some pics as I do my remodel.
My old guy (almost 14) Bandit, he has me stressed out right now too. He's not well, hasn't been since 2001 when
we moved here. He has allergies from the desert and the summer heat really bothers him. He's like an
old man with COPD and has a hard time breathing. Last week, Tuesday actually, the circuit breaker
tripped on the a/c and he was stressed from the heat in the house. It was 112 inside. I had to get him
cooled, put him in the tub and ran the water, he just layed there lapping it up sideways and I used the
shower sprayer (its on a long hose) to spray his belly and legs and all over. The girls were fine, panting
but fine, running around like normal.
Bandit takes asthma medicine to help him breath and also allergy medicine to help keep the flegm down
and from time to time I have to do the tapping on his lungs to help break it up so it will come out, yep
he gags up a lot in the summer because he can't get out and exercise in the heat. So, of course this
morning he had gagged up and I didn't know it and it was in my chair, yes, I sat in it. (YUK!!) and not
to mention he peed on the trash bag I pulled out to set it outside for the trash truck. He doesn't do that
very often, couple times this year but I hate it. Luckily it was setting on the edge of Pixies potty pad,
but that doesn't say anything for the surprise I got on my hand when I picked up the bag to set it outside.
Monday did NOT start out well, and I just want to go back to work!!
Thanks for letting me get my funk off my mind. Tomorrow is another day and the last day of summer break.
Wednesday starts the new school year.
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Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby Sunseeker » Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:08 am

Augghhh, Ava, so sorry to hear you're in a funk. I hope your little Bandit can get through the rest of the summer without too much trouble. It hurts to watch our "kids" suffer, huh?

Good that you're remodeling and keeping your mind and hands busy. Sometimes that really helps.
Only 2 more days till school starts, (something you can count on), and I bet there are kids out there pretty excited about that too, although almost none will admit it ;) Hang in there, girl...tomorrow will be Tuesday.
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Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby oliveoil » Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:52 am

AVA------- sorry you have the funk!!!!!!! ;)
I'm more than a little stressed out right now-seems there is far more to do than two people can ever get done------- but one step at a time-----one minute at a time------we will get there---got forms from the insurance woman in Branson-to fill out & my computer won't let me open them----& I'm just brainless it seems to the answer------ I tell my self I'm trying to remember too much & do too much at one time-to slow down & calm down & I'll figure it out & get them filled out & mailed!!!!
We have utilities in three different towns with three different properties--& utility companies--& I got a late bill from one of the companies---for water &-with extra charges this month & I have never ever been late with a bill in my life-----& I can't seem to find my duplicate recorder for then to prove I wrote the check-----I don't want to fight about it----as I know they have a different city clerk this month------& with normal circumstances------of not moving & all I could put my finger on the paper work------ as from having so many businesses over the years- I keep good records!
Our old dog is not doing well quite a bit of the time either-----& I know it is probably the time to do something---but with sooooooo much going on & so much stress right now-- I have not wanted to put her down!!!!
Well I'm able to do so much more than I was a few years ago health wise--- I need to just keep Thanking God for all my blessings----- & keep going!!!!!!!!
Blessings to you AVA----
If I had time right now I would volunteer & then I would get things back into perspective-----as when even I get the funk--- I volunteer & see how fortunate I really am!!!!!!!!
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Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:01 pm

Ava,... not a good start to the day,...but if that's the worst thing that happens today, it won't be a bad one, right? I always try to remember that phrase. I still have nearly a month before we go back to school here in northern NY. The day after Labor Day is it for us. I'm sure by then I'll be ready too,.... well, maybe,.... well,... probably NOT! HAHA..... I kinda like this "retirement" mentality I have this summer.

Hang in there gal,..... see ya for coffee in a.m.....

Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby mtngal » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:55 pm

Hi Ava, almost 4 pm here, so am hoping your day has turned around! Is your school year round? Seems like you will be heading back in the hottest part of the summer! Regarding cousin (retired school bus driver) always gets a bit of a funk when it's time for school to start in the fall and she ISN"T going's short lived to be sure.....but just goes to show how we all have different perspectives. Stay cool!
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Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:06 pm

I so understand! I've been in a funk for a few days. It's too hot to do anything outside, so I have cabin fever. I got the fabric to make slipcovers for the RV, then got a stomach virus. Yuck!

I'm sorry for poor Bandit. And for you. It is so hard to have our furbabies under the weather. Hopefully your week will improve! :D
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Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby Bethers » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:54 pm

I get occasional funks, so know what you mean. And you are certainly entitled. It's also part of the reason I workamp. I could spend more time on my internet businesses, but I become a bit too reclusive - need to make sure that I have that time with people occasionally. And I agree with OO - if I had the time off like you do - I'd probably go do a bit of volunteering - or maybe get a very part-time job, even (if there is one to be found). I like to be busy. So I have to find things - even with my traveling. However, this summer I'm getting in a funk cuz I'm working too much - so need to find a balance here. So spout of, my friend - and we'll spout off with you :)

As for Bandit, I sure hope he makes it okay. Peaches just hates this heat- so she likes the 5:30 am walks that I hate - and then we have to go for a LONG walk every night after it starts getting cooler (just when the mosquitoes are at their worst both times, of course). Luckily the bugs don't bother her. She dances on the hot pavement when I take her out to go potty during the daytime. Just for the reason you talked about with the heat inside, I usually leave at least one of my roof vents open when I'm gone for any time at all - it allows some of the heat out if the power goes off. I so worry about any furkids. I'll be keeping Bandit in my prayers - heat or not heat - age has been creeping up on him, and he needs a little extra concern.
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Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:16 pm

Ava, that funk does ya in... we all have them days and heat never makes it easier either... I have to keep my mind busy or I get into trouble easy...and as far as Bandit... I hear ya too... That age is a tuff go..and no matter how we try to not face it.. it faces us... I have some problems right now with my Reba .. she has two lumps under both arm pits and yes, I've felt them although they don't seem attached ..been there and done that one before.. she's 12 and my Crested..and of course the mind goes to the extreme with it... Her appointment is for Sunday.. at 5pm.. and I have to keep my mind busy or I'll dance that one with her too.... So yes dear Ava... I know exactly what you are going through...

Just remember when you get in those and we're all not far away...and we are always wiling to hear you out..

Hugs to you dear friend....and Bandit too !

God Bless

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Re: Summer funk and Mondays

Postby avalen » Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:25 pm

thank you all my dear friends, I've worked summer school all summer so its not like
I've not been working, its just a long weekend I'm getting through, been keeping
busy scrubbing walls and ceilings and cabinets and anything else that can be wiped
down with a soapy rag. I always thought it was weird how our schools start way
earlier than the rest of the country. Some of the metro area schools even started
last monday. I agree, it is the hottest part of the summer but I suppose they think
that week off in october makes up for it, but at least when I get that week off I will
have good weather and can do something enjoyable and besides I'll be caught up on
the budget then. Soooooooo, wednesday we go in and run our routes, checking the
left and rights, looking for construction spots on our routes, checking times, clean
the bus, etc. Thursday the same, and Friday is the big yearly inservice meeting and
then Monday the students come back. I have my same route with just a few new
stops added into my high school and I kept my bus I've always had. I could have
bid up to a newer bus but I don't like the newer ones, the a/c doesn't do as good
a job as mine does. Mine has an a/c unit up close to me as compared to the newer
buses a/c is farther back and the driver gets no benefit from it.
One more day ;)
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