Shirl, I'm so glad to have you with us. And I have to admit that I was feeling guilty after I realized I hadn't sent you a link to the new site. I need to go through my address book and see who else I might have missed. Please, please do me a favor and send some others an invite - do you have Alice's email - I don't think I do?
I'm one of the lucky ones who have met Shirl - and she is one nice and gracious lady. Hope some of the others of you get a chance to meet her down the road.
Speaking of which - maybe you need to get out of drydock quickly Shirl - Barbzee and Jill (with Tommy) will be meeting in NJ - not too terribly far from you - but coming up in just a week or two - check out the gtg room for the info - and see if you can meet up with them
P.S. How are the green bags working? I've been using mine on lettuce and like the results.
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
"He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"