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Postby Echo » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:42 pm

Oh for the day I win big on the lottery!!! ;) I did win $35 on my Power Ball ticket today. One more number and I would have had $500. ~sigh~ Work all week at jobs some of us love, like or hate. For the most part a lot of us can hardly wait for the freedom of weekends.

This weekend hasn't been to bad if'in I do say so myself. Did a little housekeeping catch up, took a nap and was otherwise lazy. Today I got it all done. Except the lawn. I've been trying to out wait David. He did get the front mowed last week and he barried Tracy's weed wacker and did all the around the yard, fence and house. Oh and the ditch in the backyard too. But he hasn't gotten to the backyard yet. And the part I missed is like a jungle now. Poor Shade! Even Honey doesn't like to wade thru it! And she's got long legs. Shade tries and gets all tangled up! :lol:

Finished my housework, jumped in the shower, got dressed and grabbed my helmet. YeeHaw. Didn't get very far at first. Tires and the soles of my boots were all wet and muddy and damned if I didn't flop the bike over right at the end of the drive. The tires slid right out from under me as I tried to get from the grass onto the driveway. And my danged boot slid on the drive. So there I was, bike on it's side and me sitting on the side of the bike. :oops: Then I had to yell at Kelly to come help me pick it up. :oops: :oops: ??? I could have probably done it myself? But to tell the truth I had the shakes. Nothing bad happened, nothing got broke, bent or scraped. Only thing that got majorly injured was my pride.... :oops: :oops: :oops: After we got the bike up right, Kelly asked me if I was ok? Oh yeah. Just feeling like a dork. :lol: I have no idea what the thing weighs? But I was really surprised that it seemed kinda light. But the things are awkward to get a hold of and pick up. Going down the highway I got to thinking about the very first time I ever drove a bike and how when I came to a stop back close to where my Dad was standing how I couldn't reach the ground cause I had stopped on the hump between to big black mud puddles in the coal yard. Yep over I went right into the slimy black muck. My Dad about bust a gut laughing at me. He was laughing so hard it was all HE could do to get the bike up. Talk about being mad and insulted. Split my favorite skin tight pants from knee to knee plus up the back and front. There I was with the crotch of my pants flapping in the breeze, soaking wet, covered in black slimy muck and he had the nerve to laugh at me. I really loved those pants and thought I was all 'that' when I wore them. I was all of 12yrs old too. I've been scarred for life! Ya'll remember "Laugh In"? The first time my Dad seen ? I think it was Henry Gibson dressed up as a Nazi riding tricycle he chuckled. But he saw him come to a stop and just flop over with it! OMG! I had to relive it all over again. My Dad laughed so hard he cried. Told me to look cause I was on TV. By this time he was laughing so hard he couldn't even catch his breath. It's a miracle he didn't have a freaking heart attack. ~sigh~ I think my Dad had a perverted sense of humor. Or at least something along those lines. :?

But anyway I put over a 100mls on the bike today. Gads my butt was sore. Went down into NC by way of the interstate and then back up on Rt 19w. Whew there were some curves on that road! Quite a few of them I was right down to about 20mph and even less. I aint as young, stupid and invincible as I use to be! Or think I was. ;) It was a very good ride tho. I almost had the whole road to myself. Only one car came up behind me the whole time. I had come to a stop right on the road on a straight a way cause I had a bee in the back of my shirt. Only stung me a little bit thank goodness. That would have been a picture too!!! Female sitting on a motorcycle in the middle of the road ripping her shirt off and flagging ?something? down. Well I had to get that nasty little stinging bugger out of there some way!!! There was no where at all to pull off the road. And I sure didn't want to get stung again...... :oops: I got my shirt back on just in time for the driver in the car to go 'beep beep'. He was grinning ear to ear... :oops: Today was my day. But at least that was the last embarrassment of the day for me! :D Well almost. I got home and I was locked out. geeze I forgot to get my housekey out of the Blazer. David and GF were still gone, Kelly had run away to WalMart and there I was... I sat out back on the deck in the shade and waited. Finally called Kelly to see how much longer she was gonna be? She was a block away and just thought it was super hilarious that I was locked out.... I get no respect!

Supper is now done with my belly is stuffed with meatloaf, old fashioned mashed taters and green beans, yum yum!! It's Kelly's job to dish up some of it for our lunches tomorrow and put the rest of it away. I am NOT doing any dishes tonight, I'm pooped. I think the housework, all that sunshine and fresh air took their toll on me! I'm ready for bed...

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend doing whatever it was you did. Be it big or small, slow or fast, I hope it was just what you needed to recharge and refresh your soul and heart.

I'm off to bed. Night everyone, sleep tight.
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
Co-horts: daughter Kelly & 'Shade' the Pom.

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Re: Weekends

Postby oliveoil » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:54 pm

Wow----ECHO------ you had a week end-----------

It would have been really really really HOT to be bike riding in Kansas this week end!!!!!!
We worked at our warehouse all week end--- & I think we both got over heated & I think our little back dog did also!!!!!!!
We are all whipped tonight!!!!!!!
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Re: Weekends

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:03 am

Wow Echo,... you had quite a ride. I think the week ought to go smoothly for you,... you had enough "bumps in the road" already,... stay safe, ok?

Re: Weekends

Postby avalen » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:39 am

That sounds like a fun day, well not the dumping the bike part or the bee sting
part either but just to get out on the open road would be such a thrill to me.
Some day soon the Iggy Mobile and I will do just that.
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Re: Weekends

Postby Bethers » Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:03 pm

I just laughed and laughed. When I took got my scooter, my friend who's had motorcycles all his life said - there are those who have put them down - and those who WILL yet put theirs down. I'm on the will yet and hope to stay there. But listening to your story of yesterday and when you were young, oh, I had to laugh. You just told that so well. And, of course, I remember that on Laugh In. Then to be locked out - oh, kind of the perfect ending for the story - if you hadn't have been, you would have needed to make that part up :)

I'm so glad you got a good ride in and didn't let the fall at the start scare you off. Hope when my fall does come I have the gumption to get right back up, too. And that it also isn't anything more than yours just was.
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Re: Weekends

Postby MsBHaven » Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:45 pm

Glad to read that you didn't hurt the bike or anything worse than your pride. Yeah, it's a little embarassing, but lots of people have done it.
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Re: Weekends

Postby carold » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:22 pm

Thanks for an entertaining story.LOL I could see it unfolding right before my eyes. carold
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Re: Weekends

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:28 pm

I split my pants like that running barrels in high school. Nothing like doing something like that with an audience. If they hadn't been skin tight it might have helped.

My first husband got hit on a motorcycle by a hit and run driver. He was just lucky the next car that came along didn't hit him. I think I can safely say that I will never ride a motorcycle. My brother and a friend rode from Canada to northern Arkansaw to go to a rally. They only had two good days out of 10. It was cold, then cold and raining, then hot and hot and raining. I like my comfort too much, think I will stick to my motorhome. Please be careful.

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