Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Barbzeee » Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:56 am


Sunday, our first or last day...Morning to all. It's strange but yes, it's either our beginning of the week or our ending...sometimes in more ways than one.....My family weekend outing was great...lots of noise and lots of food ...and now I'm down to just 4 that stayed over...and they will be leaving after dinner heading out on their journey to visit the "Clan" as I call neighbors around me always enjoy it as well..guess most people get company like once in awhile ..but for me, it's a constant.....Italians are like's either feast or famine ....and our lives entwine..we grew up this way..Momma's house was like the Old woman that lived in a not all were hers..but it seems all our beds were filled even our table of which we had two joined together..was always crowded...we became part of the restaurant ...there was never a dull moment...and then you start to understand my "Get Away".. when I head to my Florida retreat...aaaaaaah LOL My Sanctuary...My Utopia... LOL My Safari now too...It is wonderful to have the companionship that we have...but trust me.. the Solitude is enjoyable too... I do miss the "action" when I'm away...but you know it's good to have these breaks.....but I do so enjoy my family..ya have too...they are very caring people ..just filled with warmth and every event to them is a blessing to be with hence I have this large, loud, hungry family...LOL My teacher use to say, "Zeee, everyday at your house is like a party"...guess she was right...!!! now what is on with our "Party " on our forum this quiet morning ?

Again, first off let me say, "Paulette, I was so sorry to hear of your mis fortune"... it's the kind of world we are living in today...I never remember even locking our doors..but today you have too !.. People get broke in while they are sitting in their living room...we had a woman coming out of a grocery store get robbed..her purse taken right from her get broken into at the's been a very big issue lately..constantly in the papers......I'm sure they figured there was some good stuff in that bag...they probably opened it and then just dumped it somewhere..Just a shame..but good thing you thought about car rental.. Good side of this is...You save on gas not towing..and you don't have to worry about your car...our thoughts and prayers are with you to help comfort you.... Screw them theives..they'll get their just rewards..maybe they will rob from the wrong person and find themselves meeting their maker !!!

Poor Olive Oil (OO) any one have a good Lawyer Joke.. Seems like she's got a winner of a that might go down in history...sorry OO can't help you.. the only ones I know don't handle that type..just criminal law LOL... Joke folks joke..or is it ?????? :lol:

Fernie.. you know I hear ya about age... I wondered the same thing.. How in the Hell did I get this age..where have I been.!
. listen up.. we sure hope you had a good birthday..doing what you wanted...and hope you had enough cake for all of us to go around...but you do know ..Fernie has to have "Ice Cream" ....Tell us Bonnie what ya did on your day ?

Gentleladybear (Nan) we haven't heard from you in are things going with that Job...Ya got it all under control and now working smoothly...We know you had a few stumbling blocks....and when is your next get away ...We all is anxious to know...(nosy bunch here )

Carold..(Carol) don't ever worry about size of me on that one.. our family has them Roman kind LOL and now one dares to joke about it either...hahahaha...

Echo, I sure hope you had that great ride and no showers....!!

Ok, looks like all our Sister's were busy or just resting their fingers...sooooooo it's time for me to set my table..Ya all come ya hear...get them cups, and glasses ready...cause I just know you all have something to say....My coffee pot is going and so will I... today being my last day for my family company and when they go off to church....and pray for my salvation...I will be getting our Sunday dinner table ready... I'll make my pasta around 11am EST..and then my gravy is cookin.. my meat is Meatballs and Sausage...which by the way is left over sssssssssh don't tell.. and I'm a happy camper.. have some cut up Pineapple and Strawberries for our fruit ..aaaaaaah good bottle of Daygo Red ...another finest..if you've never had Italian homemade wine ya don't know what your missin...but don't go drivin afterwards.. cause it is a kicker....

Ok, gals.. my time is up I hear stirring..geeeeeeeeez I thought I'd had more time ..okie dokies .....

As always.. May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be a Safe one too !

God Bless......

Barbzeee and Crew

Just go with the flow !

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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Gentleladybear » Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:21 am

Barbzee you have that Florida Utopia until the family finds out about coming to Florida for the "visit" then it is over. LOL I have always loved the hustle and bustle of visiting family.

The job is going good, has some interesting days. I am on here reading but usually come home tired so read eat and head for my bed. Learning to work 42 hours a week again has been an experience. But am learning their computer program, learning all about HUD and medicaid so life is truly a learning experience now. Numbers, numbers and more numbers

Gas prices dropped here quite a bit so took Southern Comfort out for a spin and a fill up. Would like to take off for a short weekend trip in a couple of weeks, just to get away from the routine here. Will let you all know when I make that one.

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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Liz » Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:46 am

Hi everyone,

I haven't had time to check in with ya this week...dd and gds are here. Today I'm heading to their house in GA for a week to watch/entertain the gds as their mother goes back to work. I'll have my laptop with me, so will try to catch up while I'm there.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable week, and may all your prayers be answered.
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby avalen » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:00 am

Good Morning!!!
just more of the same for me, get a few things done outside before it gets too hot
then shut the door, turn on the a/c and stay put. I'll be so glad when the heat breaks
and no more over 100 temps. My a/c has a hard time keeping up and I just don't
think there is a durn thing I can do about it.
Well, time for a refill and off to read the rest of the news of our forum gals
Catch ya later
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby mtngal » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:10 am

Morning gals! You opened my eyes about morning coffee. My new favorite drink is an iced soy latte. (OK, sometimes I do use decaf, just mention in the spirit of honesty). This morning I'm watering DD's garden then we are all going to brunch at SIL's cousins. He often does holiday dinners too so I know there will be tons and tons of delicious food. I'm taking flowers only, no cooking! Have a fun day.
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Paulette » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:15 am

Morning Ladies...Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'll be hitting the road shortly, headed south. I know, wrong time of year! But, ya gotta do what ya gotta do! This trip is for my Dad and my Brother!

Thanks everyone for the hugs and well wishes. I stewed all day yesterday, while I was busy making rental car reservations and getting the rest of the gathering and packing done.

I've got to get Olivia out of bed and get her bathed and fed so we can hit the road. Oh, and give the dogs their travelin pills (dramamine!).

Barbzee, you deserve a rest today!!! Love the big family and the big family stories!
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Sunseeker » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:36 am

Good morning form sunny, HOT, Louisiana. It sounds like lots of you have great family plans today. I hope you all have lots of laughs and make super memories! I'm still in gear preparing for my family gtg next weekend...seems so much to do first. But you've got to love those LISTS!

Just a quick cuppa today and checking in on the posts I missed. I wish I was travelling too. To those on the road today, please be safe. I hope your roads are sommth and your gas prices tolerable :D

For those stay-at-homes, Don't forget to put your feet up at some point today. Enjoy whatever quiet and solitude you can. And try to stay cool!
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:49 am

Gosh I beat Echo. Must be having a much needed rest, too.
I went to a birthday BBQ last night, just next door. My neighbor turned 40. Ahh, so young. lol I had a good time. Got to meet her husband's best friend since elementary school and his family. Very nice people. Lots of older kids and they played in their bedrooms or outside so, yeah, it was nice. The weatherman messed up and it was down right cold so we women stayed indoors and the guys did the huddling around the bbq outside.
Waiting for a call from my DD. She asked me last week to drive up to attend church with her and the girls but it was too late for me to shower and drive 38 miles in 30 mins. I told her to call me and perhaps I could make it this Sunday but haven't heard from her so perhaps they have other plans.
My son/family have gotten settled in their home near Travis AFB in California. They sure are glad for the swimming pool that came with the rental house!
Well, need a refill but hate to move Choco from my lap as he keeps me so toasty warm and the house is a bit chilly right now.
Enjoy the Lord's day everyone. Stay safe!
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Echo » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:54 am

OH YAWN! Grumble, grump, scratch......

I was all excited this morning cause I thought I had actually slept in. Boy what a let down when I realized I hadn't. Well not really. Compared to the time I usually get up, I've slept in. ?? But I took a nap yesterday so didn't go to bed until midnight, set the alarm to let me sleep 8hrs. It went off at 8 this morning. I shut the blasted thing off and once I convinced Shade that Mom was not getting up, I went back to sleep. WOW!?? I ended up getting up at 8:20. :x So I'm kinda grumbly this morning.

I'm sitting here with ? my first cup of coffee that I've added to twice. I have got my sink set up to do the few dirty dishes. I've been really keeping after them this week. It helps that I haven't done a whole lot of cooking this past week. There's one plate, a few bowls, 6 cups, 1 frying pan and of course silver ware. :) And I've sorted out my laundry and the first load is now rinsing. I guess it's gonna be one of those days?

Ended up not going for my ride yesterday. I said the heck with work and punched out at 10:45. I've got over time in for the past 2wks but figured I'd grab another 4hrs yesterday. Nah! It was so quiet and boring at work, it was pitiful. I was THE only person from day shift out of our 2 depts that showed up. The last call the dialer gave me I checked it to see how many times it had been called? After counting the calls I was the 13th caller for the morning. I said the heck with it and left. Came home to see what was up. David and GF were going to her Moms, Kelly was still sleeping (she stayed up all night), I sat for a few to check in to see what ya'll were doing before I sorted recyclables to take to the dumpsters. Had planned on calling the landlord to see if he wanted rent yesterday or today. He called me and let me know he was going to be in the neighborhood in 30 min. Good Grief!!! Told him he could come but would only get part of the rent as I needed to go to the bank. LOLOL I forgot to stop. Any way I asked Shade if she wanted to go bye-bye? Holy smokes! We ran to the bank and robbed it of our money. Whew they were packed. Good dang thing I locked up the Blazer and left the A/C running for her. I was in there for about 20 min.
Got home and while I waited for him I did my recyclables and was loading them as he got here. All paid! All in all I paid rent, sorted & got rid of the recyclable stuff after 2 stops, went to Chinese lunch buffet by myself, Kelly didn't want to go, stopped at the Salvation Army store to see what they had, (still kinda looking for a dresser) they've changed the store and instead of all furniture they now have dang little household stuff and mostly clothes. They had one single dressed that should have been thrown into the fire pit cause it sure was ratty and the bottom edges were busted up with chunks missing. sheesh Honestly I would have been embarrassed to even offer it to them!!!

I came home and it was just so freaking hot outside I was dragging. Even when the wind was blowing it was a hot wind. Was home about 30min and the skies opened up big time. WooooHoooo Thunder, lighting and the wind blew like crazy, and hail bigger than marbles. Sure am dang glad I wasn't out there on the bike. LOLOLOL Ya'll should have seen Shade tho! When that hail started hitting the house she came to a dead stop and started looking around trying to figure out what she was hearing. hehehe She finally looked up toward the ceiling where the thwacking and thumping was coming from and started growling. She paced and started doing circles looking at the ceiling growling. She heard a few hit the storm door and that did it. For sure she thought that thumping monster was trying to get in the house. She threw herself against the door barking and growling! Now mind she's Pom who only weighs 5lbs, standing on her back feet stretched out for all she's worth she can barely see over the bottom edge of the door. Oh goodness she was frustrated that she couldn't see that noisy monster. I about P'd myself laughing. :lol: After all of that? I said the heck with it. Went to take a nap.

Today is the day for the ride. It is beautiful out there. The sky is a perfect clear bright blue and the temps are suppose to be in the mid 80s. My first load of laundry is in the dryer the second is in the washer, the dishes have soaked enough, I've got the floors to do and I'm gone. YeeeeeHawwwww

Hang tight everybody and have a super fantastic day. Be safe!!!!!!

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
Co-horts: daughter Kelly & 'Shade' the Pom.

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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Sunseeker » Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:59 am

Have fun today, Echo. After you're exhausting week, you sure deserve it. Spring some details on us when ya get home.
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:18 am

Morning all ya'll from hot, windy Wyoming. Have to work today. Only have 9 more days here then I'm heading home. Am so ready to hit the road even tho its hot and HUMID in Kerrville. Will be hosting at Schreiner park in Kerrville until after the GTG in November. Am tentatively planning a 2 wk trip with a friend riding copilot, to Florida in January. Then planning on caravaning with Beth to the New Mexico Rally in April. We're gonna make a few stops on the way there. Anyone want to join up with us?

Hope all you all have a great Sunday.
Karen West
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Sunseeker » Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:21 am

That caravan sounds like fun, but we haven't planned past the first of the year yet. What is the deadline to sign on for the rally, anybody know?
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby Bethers » Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:06 pm

You can sign up until just in advance, but the prices go up, I believe, after February 23rd.

I'll probably not register until the first of the year - unless I decide to volunteer - then I will sooner to get to hopefully choose where I work. But I don't think I want to volunteer if we'll get some more of us there. It was good to this past spring when I didn't know a sole - helped me find other people. However, my days were soooooo full that it would be nice to be able to see everything and do all the seminars I want (missed a bunch of good ones because I was working during them) - and then just to relax!

Hope you and Tommy can make it - would be great! And Jenny, what about you and Dan? Might be a good side trip from AZ?
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby carold » Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:29 pm

Well, it's far from morning, but finally got to the computer to check up on everyone. We have been in the Boston area for about a week. Barbz, I will have to start posting pics again. Our DIL asked if we could come and visit while the kids are NOT in school, so it looks like we'll be heading toward NC earlier than expected. JELLO ain't it grand. LOL carold
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Re: Sunday our first or last day ..Morning

Postby oliveoil » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:59 pm

Any body here????????????????
It was sooooooooooooooooooo HOT in Kansas today--------
we just got home from spending the week end in the 5er at the warehouse------ Praise God for the 5er & air conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!!
We would work a while in thw warehouse & then go to the 5er & drink more water & get cooled off & go work some more-------our kids came & got a PU load also---
We bought a load home- just got the truck uloaded------ & got supper fixed & I'm ready for a long shower-- then I'll read some posts & go to bed!!!!!!!!!!
Hope everyone is OK!!!!!! OO
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