It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby Barbzeee » Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:13 am


It is what it is...Saturday and Morning to you all... My cousin arrived late yesterday afternoon..they came down from visit us all.... and of course you all know where the gathering is...MY HOUSE...but we do have another gathering and that's out in the Hampton's (Long Island NY) that will be my going away party... as they will have a big feast ..for me not being here for the Holidays...yep even a gift giving.. We always, because of the size of our family draw a name out of a hat.. too many to give you'd have to take a loan..(96 immediate) not counting the distant goodness we are prolific group !! Well I'll enjoy that gathering..just hoping they ain't wearing black ( it's a joke folks heard how we Italians are great mourners )..LOL See my mind is off to the races this morning..guess it must have been my conversation last night.. This cousin that's here with truly a gifted comedian..everytime he opens his mouth.. it comes natural.. So at my house today will be just a small group..about 25 or 26..and yes, they will bring's always a given..been already on the phone talking about who's bringing what...LOL See we have no moss grow at the bottom of our trees..hahahaha.. ...Speaking of which .. what's happening in the forum..... (Crossing T's I don't lose this again )

Happy Birthday too Relaxing 101 (Bonnie)...may you have many many more and good you are here with us too !!!

Paulette..before I start strolling through want to say..."Have a safe trip, enjoy your family and Relax.. "... You have to let us know about your GTG with Echo and Kelly... you know it's gonna be a good one..She is a Hoot ! and I'm sure you'll be smiling all the way through.. and you remember ...Pictures...that's our ritual....!! Enjoy dear friend ...

SeeyaGal (Jenny and Dan) all I can say .."Your Mom's talent is Amazing" I've never seen such work of art..she truly is a gifted woman... the only thing I've ever seen done with bird houses.. my FIL when I would visit them in MS ..he had grown Gourds and had made them in to bird houses and we'd sit on the porch and watch those birds move in... I thought that was neat..but Your Moms... My stars..very very impressive...I know she'll win at the fair no doubt in my mind...

Redetotry (BJ) see you reading that story of an Adventure with a family..and here it is our Asirmiraco (now known as Carol) who is part of our forum... I'm sure those that read that story.. make your lists up and ask away.. She will be thrilled to answer all your questions....

Sunseeker ( Jill and Tommy) You two really had a great party.. and yes, the ending as I said before....That was a good one..and now I'll get to meet you too.. in just a few weeks..we'll have a GTG in Freehold NJ.. I'm so looking forward to it..and hoping my DH will be along..if not..hey we'll still enjoy that sit down..and fixin's.. Who knows we may get some surprise visits too..!

Oh check out the upgrade that Asirmiraco (now known as Carol) did with their Alfa.. pretty neat stuff have all the girls looking at their rigs...guess when you get to meet most of'll have lots of questions again on How the heck did ya do that !! You'll be pretty busy.. You take orders for work on the road LOL... Good looking .. but for me with my rig it's my critters nest... it belongs to them.. I just drive it LOL...

Love all these talented people.. as for me..mmmmmm my talent..guess I haven't discovered it yet ...maybe I don't want too cause that entails work and if ya didn't notice.. I'm retired...!!! Joke folks.. just a joke...

Olive oil (OO) is you with us or are you in MO....I hear there's a strong wind brewing.. it's got to be my Dorothy.. that woman has more energy...Goodness.. You do make me you know I love to tease ya.. but you sure are a strong woman...and I know that Kansas will never be the same with out you...However, I don't doubt this for one bit... You will let MO know you are there !!! LOL PS... My tornado shelter is being built in my Florida residence.. it's one that goes in the ground.. it's being put in my car port.. when completed I'll post the pictures.. I heed the warnings.. and the one in Wildwood, Fl came too close to me !!!

Carold... where ya at now, are you coming down the eastern seaboard ? Did ya go to LL Bean's.. ? and where are some pictures.. you take good ones by the way.. You know I have inquiring minds that like to know all this stuff..

Carolinagal.. (Carol) Sure hope to hear from you soon.. as to where you are and everything is ok... just check in for us .. will ya !!!

Ok..well looks like you all had a busy Friday and my guest are waking up.. so much for quiet time..and soon the Blur will begin...I have the pot of coffee on..and yes...Biscotti... SeeyaGal (Jenny) when I don't make my own..Nonni's is by far the three containers in the house now !!!

So come stop by and sit a spell .. let's hear what's on your agenda..and as always... as I raise my cup...

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey a Safe one too....

PS.. know I are always at my right

PSS Oh and just a quick note...any of you that change their names and want to be called something else.. no biggy..just PM me cause I may miss your article as you know I'm not perfect..but I try... I just want you all to be happy... and enjoy my coffee break...

God Bless...

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby Echo » Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:45 am

I've been waiting for that biscotti! Have to worry and get there before Beth when there's cinnamon buns. Now I have to beat Jenny to the table when there's biscotti. All this racing is wearing me out in the mornings and I'm going into work pooped! HA

Dang it! Went to bed at 9:30 and wouldn't ya just know it, I was up at 4:45 to do that hurry up shuffle to the bathroom. Went back into the bedroom, looked at the time and just stood there looking at the time. Oh well, waaaaaa, I shut off the alarm slouched out into the kitchen. Wasn't much sense in going back to bed by then. Not to mention that Shade would have been upset with me for not taking her out seeing as it was so close to getting up time anyway. Dang bladder, dang internal clock. Hells bells, my coffee pot hadn't even kicked on yet. I turned the thing on then Shade and I headed out the door. Let me tell ya, standing out on the porch as soon as I heard that "beeeeeep"? I was back in the door filling my mug. Then of course it was back out the door for me. And that dummy kid of mine? Ended up coming out the door before I finished my coffee. She has been up all night. Took a nap last night after supper so she has been wide awake. Good thing I'm not making her go into work this morning, she would really be dragging butt! :shock: :evil:

Me? I'm going in for 4hrs, until noon. Hopefully the rain will hold off cause I'm gonna ride the bike in. I just need to dig my rain jacket out of the Blazer before I leave. It's nice enough and the sky is fairly clear so it wont be any problem this morning. But hmmmmm? It might be raining when I get out so I'll need the jacket. I don't mind coming home it the rain but sure aint interested in going into to work in the rain. Wouldn't be to much fun sitting in soggy clothes and shoes for 4hrs. Have no idea where the heck my rain pants are. :?

Well it's that time, I need to get off my duff and get dressed. Get out the door a few minutes early to check my gas and air in the front tire before I really need to leave. If I need either David has an air tank and the gas station is a block away.

Hope everyone has a great day! Be safe and enjoy the 1st day of the weekend.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby Sunseeker » Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:19 am

Morning Barb and Echo. Must be lots of sleepyheads yet to join us...I've already fed my critters and my boyfriend. (Note the order of that), so I'm pretty late getting here myself..

Just popping in to raise my mug to ya. This is a day of lists. I have one for things to pack, one for things to buy and a third for things to close up the house, (discontinue, turn off, etc..). Later I'll be off to the store for supplies.

We already have our first two weeks pretty well mapped out, so trying to plan a little homeward detour to my brother's in FL as a surprise. He can't make it to the reunion this year so he's pretty sad. Sis in Phoenix also can't make it, :cry: but that trip will wait till next time, since it's nowhere near this route.

Have fun with kin today Barbzee. Laugh till your face hurts :lol: and eat till your tummy aches. :mrgreen:
Don't get your butt wet Echo, hope the rain holds off for you. As dry as we've been here, you could send a little my way o.k.

Have a wonderful day ladies all, I'll try to check back here later for a catch-up.
Sunseeker Jill
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby oliveoil » Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:26 am

Well it is going to be a scorcher in Ks. today--------
We are headed to the warehouse today---- & work there so Hubby can sort out tools he wants to move-etc/etc/etc----our kids are going to meet us there in the afternoon to pick up things they want------& we will spend the night there---in our 5er----come back Sunday night-------
next week we SHOULD CLOSE ON THE SALE OF OUR HOME IN MO.!!!!!!!!!!
U- haul down with a load------etc/etc/etc----
back to Kansas to get ready for auctions!!!!!! ETC--------

Barb I'm really glad you are putting ina storm shelter!!!!!!!!
We have one on the resort we are buying our home at------so I have to run two blocks to the shelter-----& I have ran farther than that in a storm while storm spotting---- so I should still be able to run that distance for a while yet!!!!! :D

Hubby said he would buy me a golf cart to drive on the resort------where our new home is---I need to make signs for it---- Something like :Warning OLD FARM WOMAN never driven golf cart at wheel!!! I'm sure they will soon learn to beware of me!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll get a horn like our two seater bike has------ to honk a lot!!!!!!

Well Hubby has the truck ready to go------ so a better load the fur babies & the bird & grab the bag-------
You know Almost there----- said she could pack everything for her self for a week in an over night bag or carry on bag--------I want you to know I now can also---(YEA :!: :!: ) & even put Hubby a change or two in also--------

Folks I am learning this size down thing----- I maybe even good at it once we move again to such a small place & have two auctions & keep going back & forth-----for awhile-----I can learn to do with a lot less----- :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Almost there------I took notes---- & I'm learning!!!!!!! :lol: ;)

Well I'm OFF!!!!!!!
Have a great week end everyone & stay cool-----& stay safe!!! Later OO
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby mtngal » Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:38 am

Good morning all! Oh that sounds fun Barb, to see all the family. In Sept ours is celebrating a cousin's 50th anniversary, that will be our family reunion for awhile. Quiet day for me today. Yesterday I went out to explore Smithville, very fun, no chain stores, wide quiet residential streets, great for walking or biking. Almost forgot, I will be on granny-nanny duty this afternoon while DD has a hair appointment. Too hot for much outside activity, we will probably play in the kiddie pool! Have a fun day!!!
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby avalen » Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:38 am

good morning
I too woke up early and got up cause I was wide awake already and it was just 3:30,
so the coffee is about gone!
Did a load of laundry already and its hanging on the line. Went through a box stashed
in the corner, tossing out old papers and filing the rest. Glad thats done. Don't really
have anything planned today so will just take the day as it comes and I know somewhere
along there I'm gonna want a nap cause I'll certainly feel the effects of getting up
early by 9:30.
I'm off to get the yard work done while its not so hot, there are a few weeds growing
and those tumbleweeds are harder to get out as they get bigger. They do grow fast!
Catch ya all later.
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby Getupngo » Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:59 am

My dog woke me up from a really fun dream. I dreamt I had just married Tim Russert (yes, I KNOW he died -- tell my subconscious!). It was fun being married (if only for a night!) to someone so open, gregarious and generous. What a hoot.

OH, GEEEEZZZ!! I have a farty dog at my feet. BRB -- gotta open the windows! That's what I get for feeding and walking him. I'll check in another time .... :roll:
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:06 pm

Good Day, Barb, and All.....Sorry I'm late to the coffee table.....
Have been having fun with the "fur-grandbaby"....JoJo....he's a good boy!!! no accidents yet.....only 5 months was surprise to wake up with JoJo in bed this he's good with it.....the kids are off to Ocean City, MD for a weeks JoJo's with Papa and Grammy....well, back to what I was doing before I took this break....

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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby Paulette » Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:47 pm

Well, it was it is afternoon. What a day. I got up and headed to the grocery store this morning so I can get the rv packed up and get everything ready to roll out tomorrow morning. When I got back and started taking in the groceries, I thought, wonder where my bright orange back pack is that has all my tow gear in it. Well, I'll have you know that some SKUMBAG stole it out of my jeep...and it had the front pins for the base plate in it too...oh, and they also took my garmin outta my glove box. No it wasn't locked, but comeon car is my car and your car is your car...I am soooooo upset that words can't even begin to describe. The electric cable that goes from my mh to the jeep is made to go from my motorhome to the jeep...they aren't universal. So, I can't even run and get replacements. The pins come with the baseplate, so I can't pick them up either. I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow! So, I just made reservations for rental cars in 2 of the 3 places that I plan on staying while I'm gone. I just don't get it, why would someone take the towing stuff unless they have the exact same setup as I do? I'm just ill. I don't even want to go now, but have to because of the nature of the trip. Okay, enough of that. But I sure hope that whoever stole the stuff ends up getting lost using the garmin and drops the backpack on their foot and breaks many many bones in there! No, that doesn't make me feel any better, but I'm just so ticked off I can't think straight right now.
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby Sunseeker » Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:01 pm

Oh, sorry about your day! People are sometimes idiots and perhaps desperation can lead to thievery, but it's no excuse! That was YOUR stuff in YOUR private space. Please try to shake it off, there's obviously nothing more you can do about it before your trip. Hey, that's what insurance is for, right? You did the smart thing by following plan B and making rental arrangements. You didn't really want to tow anyway..maybe someone just did you a favor. This gives you longer to get prepared for next time. :)

Important thing now is to concentrate on the packing job at hand and not stay stressed. Think of how nice it will feel to finally be heading out again tomorrow and the great get togethers you have planned. Deep breath now, you've got packing to do.
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby Bethers » Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:08 pm

((((((((((((((((((((((((( Paulette )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you need a big, bug hug! So sorry someone did that. I wonder if they even looked at what they were taking - probably not, and they are probably upset that they can't get anything for those cables, etc.

I did not get up before my alarm this morning - I hit snooze 2 or 3 times, until I had to rush to dress and walk Peaches and walk over to the rec hall where we do breakfast and lunch on the weekends.

Now, my work day is done, I tried to walk Peaches, but it's too hot for her right now. She decided that in only a short walk and she's now back and laying down waiting for it to get later when it'll be cooler.

One of the workers here has her last day today (her husband is staying, but she's headed back to TN) and she offered me the use of their golf cart for a week starting tomorrow. Peaches LOVES riding in golf carts, so for the next week, we'll have to have our walks, then a nightly ride around the park. Will be fun :)

Hope you've all had a great day.
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby AlmostThere » Sat Aug 02, 2008 6:07 pm

I'm so sorry. I know how violated that makes you feel as well as angry.
I know the Lord says vengance is His, but I know I'd like to be a fly on the wall when He doles it out!! lol
Love ya, hon!
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby carold » Sat Aug 02, 2008 6:56 pm

What a bummer, Paulette. I hate the fact that I'm always having to lock my car because I don't feel to trustworthy these days. Hope it all works out and you get your stuff replaced before you next, next trip. carold
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Re: It is what it is ...Saturday Morning to All

Postby SeeyaGal » Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:31 pm

Oh Paulette (((((((((HUGS))))))) to you! So sorry someone was that mean to take your stuff!! I remember when our home was broke into and stole all our audio stuff, we felt so violated for such a long time. We put a alarm on the house after that and by habit we always lock the car and the alarm is set.

More than likely they did not know the back pack had the cables etc in it and hoped you had something else in it. Sounds like you are not going to let it spoil your plans tho that's good.
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