Welcome, Sandie!!!
Yes, as Ava said....there's alot of info on how we full-timers got rid of our stuff...
and I'm sure we'll tell you again....that's just the way we are here....always willing to re-tell our stories to help out....We got rid of the house before the stuff and were renting when we decided to hit the highway....so we called the kids, told them to come get their inheritance cause we were spending the rest....
They came and got what they wanted....sorted thru the rest....some went into a yard sale, some went to donations, and the rest went to the local land-fill....we stored 2 totes with the kids...you know, the stuff they can't get rid off until we are both dead and gone....
and so now all we have is the everyday stuff to live in the 5er....rule of thumb we use....if you haven't worn it or used it in a year...throw it out cause you don't need it....gave most of my craft stuff to my sisters....kept only counted cross-stitch items and a crochet hook or 2...buy yard as I need it....
Okay, enough from me.....hope this helps you with the sorting....again, welcome and jump in anytime....anywhere here...