Good Morning. Nice clear sky and rising sun out there this morning, but ground out from under the trees is covered with frost. Was 32°when my fur kids woke me up a bit after 7. Supposed to head to upper 50’s. I’m up, dressed and have had breakfast. Today is the day we are having a gas disruption, supposedly from 9-5. My house is warm and with the sun being out, will stay comfortable. I’m going to be working outside anyway. It’s only a one day thing and necessary to keep the gas flowing. They were doing prep work yesterday so they can go at it today. And they are out there now, will be coming through when they are done to relight pilot lights etc. No shut off as yet. The
Shelia, glad you had a good time on your trip and arrive home safe. Beth, you definitely could write a book. But so far things have turned out well and now it’s just getting the fridge issue resolved. This too shall pass and you can enjoy your Winter. Judy, hopefully all your RV issues are settled for awhile. Sounds like your doctor is going to set you in the right direction and figure out your problems. At least he’s concerned. Karen, congrats on the big Bunco win Tomato season is done here.
I will be spending the day here today since we don’t know when thry will be around to relight the pilots. Might fill out my absentee ballot and run it down to the township hall this morning. Only takes a few minutes to go and come back. I’ve got a mess of leaves down in the yard thanks to the windy days we had this week. So that’s today’s project. Will do some cleanup at neighbors as well. Can’t start too early as ned to let things dry out from frost and dew. Vacuum day first thing.
So guess I will play my daily round of FreeCell and then get busy. Ya’ll have a nice day.