Cool, breezy Monday!

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:47 am

Good morning gals,

I have most of my windows open in the house since last night. It has been windy overnight and in the low 70's, so I decided to air out the house. I actually had to close the bedroom windows during the night because I was chilly! Have them open again this morning. Great breeze blowing thru now! Will only get to 88* today. Good day to be outside. I didn't open any windows the night before because it was very humid out and I didn't want that air inside the house!

Am almost done with the living room. Lots of little things I have had to sort thru. Just have one cabinet to go thru and then work on the porch. Might do the porch first, since it is cool out there now. Just have a couple small boxes to go thru under a table out there. Also have a few phone calls to make since it is Monday.

Went over to visit with Gloria, my old neighbor, last night and get caught up with her. I will keep in touch with her after I leave.

Irmi, my brother's surgery went very well! He looked so much better right after surgery and is doing well recovering at home. So that is a big relief. His blood pressure is staying steady now too. The tumor was on his adrenal glad (which they also removed) which was making his blood pressure bounce all over the place, which was not good, since he has an aortic aneurysm in his abdomen. They sent the tissue in to see if it is cancerous but we haven't heard back on that yet.

Judy, I hope you can get your rig checked out soon!

Beth, there are tents called "easy up" that are super easy to put up in just one minute and just as easy to take down. All parts are already attached. They come in different sizes and brand names.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby Irmi » Mon Sep 16, 2024 1:29 pm

Hi Barbie and all that check in!

Anita, welcome back! It was fun following your trip. I, too, am wondering how your daughter is. Judy, at least you were able to replenish the veggies that were taken at the border crossing. Barbie, I opened our windows and doors for a few hours this morning for the first time in months, to give our a/c a break. We're supposed to be waking up in the low 70's soon, so hopefully that will be a regular occurrence.

Steve called the body shop where his truck is to see if the new bed came in and the truck repainted. We're anxious to get it back. We put the furniture in the pergola back in place today. Everything has been bungeed together since weeks before we left for MD. We have friends coming Thursday and hope to entertain outside. And we said we would start spending more mornings and afternoons out there. We've been so stuck inside with the high temperatures and humidity, not the temps Anne and Barbie have had, but it's been warm. We didn't have any rain yesterday so I watered our plants outside this morning.

Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby Cudedog » Mon Sep 16, 2024 1:57 pm

Irmi wrote:We've been so stuck inside with the high temperatures and humidity, not the temps Anne and Barbie have had, but it's been warm. We didn't have any rain yesterday so I watered our plants outside this morning.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Good morning Irmi, Barbie and all who follow.

Finally a break in the weather here! Hi today predicted to be low 70's, low to mid 70's over the next week or so - then looks like back to the low-to-mid 90's (90's late September - just ugh).

Chance of rain also predicted here over the next day or two, I'll believe it when I see it.

Have a great week, everyone!

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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:19 pm

Good morning. I know just barely. It was a chilly morning today 48/66 today. Very Fall like weather already. I love Fall, it is my favorite season. I dont like that we turn back the time tho in November. I dont like it dark in the morning and so early in the evening.
My IPAD quit working, (and so did my generic ear buds a while back)...can you imagine after about 10 years it has given up the ghost. LOL I like to use it to read in bed at night for a while, or in the afternoon. I dont like reading on my phone at all. Just won't hold a charge anymore. So just might invest in another one. Since I have converted to Apple Iphone and watch (and I do like both now, didnt start out that way) I seem to be able to navigate them pretty well. They work really well with my hearing aids too. I dont want a real expensive one of course. Guess I will just compare them all and see what will work best for me. Might check out the Air Pods too.
YUP I have crossed over ha ha I have been an Android girl all my techy life. Tried the Mac computer years ago and that did not bode well, expensive to put it in time out in the closet until the fire. I will stick with my Windows computer tho, not going down the Mac road again.

Anita glad you made it home all safe and sound. We are glad to have you back. Irmi I usually have my doors and windows open in the morning too but NOT this morning. In fact I covered up with my fleece blanket. Not cold enough for my heated throw yet, but I have it handy.
Sheila the chocolate cake is super easy, chocolate cake mix, 2 eggs slightly beaten, 1 21oz cherry pie filling, a tsp of almond or cherry extract. Stir well to blend. Bake in 9x13 greased pan Oven at 350° for 25-30 minutes. Icing of your choice. I have a couple of recipes for soups of all kinds LOL so will use some of my tomatoes for sure. Barbie you are coming right along. Judy hope your RV fix is an easy one. (cheap would be good too but we know that wont happen)
Beth, I was always a "fair weather" tent camper. But you know my tent camping days are over ha ha. I cant sleep if I am cold, hot isnt good either but not as bad as cold.

So, I bought those 2 new firm pillows for my bed. They are firm but not board hard. They worked wonderful. They give you a couple packs of extra filling if you want it firmer. I found them to be just right the way they came. I left them out to expand for 2 days then slept on them now for 2 nights. I am a side sleeper and usually wake up with my shoulder hurting and my arm and hand numb. Well I didnt have any of that. I also slept for 8 hours, didnt get up until 7am, so yes I had a good sleep. Last night I slept 7 hours and woke up without any aches or pains so I am calling them a WIN for me.

Time for some lunch and a load of laundry.

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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby chalet05 » Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:41 pm

Good afternoon! Having a slow start and just talked with BFF. I'll get dressed eventually. :) Plan to go to daughter's soccer game this afternoon - hard to sit with parents/grandparents trying to out coach her so may need to sit with other team. :) Better pick up some groceries, too.

Daughter has just passed the 3-month healing period. She has an MRI scheduled October 9 to make sure infection is gone. She told me they were just talking about Thanksgiving dinner last night and she can have mashed potatoes, stuffing and rolls. Told her she could have pumpkin cheesecake and she thought that was a good idea. Maybe she'll have temporary dentures by then. Thanks for asking.

My spring decorated Christmas tree is a little behind so have ordered Halloween and Fall decorations.

Beth, I've thought about car camping, but couldn't talk myself into it. Glad you had a good visit in Keystone. Irmi, I would so enjoy that hymn sing and glad you got to play the organ! Karen, I was so glad to be back in my own bed last night after the aches of a different mattress and pillow! I've ordered a transmitter so the TV will come through my hearing aids. I only read on my phone - my tablet is rarely used anymore. Barbie, feels like you have been packing for ages! Glad it's nearly over.

To be 83 here today and I will definitely enjoy it! :)
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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby JudyJB » Mon Sep 16, 2024 4:12 pm

After tearing my RV apart, including searching through clothes, jackets, purses, and under chairs, etc. I finally found my credit union credit card. I always have to have two cards in case I lose one or one is stolen, and I put the second one in a hidden place, but that one is almost up to its limit, and I know where it is. My credit union one had lots of credit, and I have been using it. Anyway, checked my bank account to see if anyone had used it before calling credit union and canceling it. Saw last thing I used it for was gas. BINGO! Went back and checked long pants I was wearing that day and found it!! Yea! Ordering a new card is always very difficult when I am traveling because they would send it to my son in Ohio and he would have to resend it to me general delivery. Won't see CA son until just before Thanksgiving. As soon as I get the small amount of money from my aunt's estate in December, I will pay everything off.

Got my satellite dish set up now that I am in the U.S. so it did not think I was still in Traverse City MI. Left it that way in Canada so at least I could get main channels, but at 8 pm mountain time, my channels said it was 10 pm. Now at least all is aligned.

Am in a very quiet, full hookup commercial campground north of Coeur d'Alene, ID. A bit expensive compared to COE, but I have several COE weeks coming up, and this place is 3/4 empty, so very good place to relax. I am going to stay another two nights. Today I am doing very little, but tomorrow will call CoachNet for suggestions on where to take this thing to get it fixed. At least it is driveable. I want to get closer to Spokane because I need to go to a Best Buy or other office supply company for ink, and make a couple of other stops, like Kohls for long pants, etc. Haven't been in bigger city in a long time.
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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:10 pm

Got my laundry done already. Just need to make my bed and put the clothes away. Gonna remove the covers on the skylights today and go thru what is left in the living room.

Anita, the reason I have been packing for ever is because I can only do so much each day before getting tired or losing interest, plus there were a couple weeks of anxiety that kept me from doing anything, and the week in Tucson. I still think I will be done by Thursday this week and then will have a week to get other things taken care of and clean the house a bit.

I found a room for rent in northwest Tucson near Sabino Canyon (for those of you who might be familiar with that area) right against the mountains. I talked with the gal a couple days ago and it went well. Then David and Julie went over there today to check it out for me (I have had bad experiences before when renting a place sight unseen! :o ). They all got along really well and Julie liked the house and the woman who owns it. So I will be moving in there right after getting to Tucson. It is just for a few months until I can find a less expensive and more permanent place for me and the cats. But this will be a good place to relax and figure things out for awhile. The cats will have the bedroom, bathroom, another room (the massage room!) and the hallway to roam around in. She has an old quiet dog, so we will put up a baby gate in the hall to keep them separate for awhile until it looks like they will get along OK. Her name is Heather. She started a magazine to promote animal shelters and adoptions, call the Tucson Dog. Here is a link for it...

Karen, I have a love/hate relationship with pillows! I can never find one that I like that stays nice for more than a few weeks! I will buy one that I absolutely love and think "this one is it!", but a month later it is either lumpy, flat or just not poofy like it was when I first got it. Then I need to go find another one that I think will be the "one". So frustrating! Hope your new ones work out long-term for you.

I just ate lunch but better get back to work...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby Bethers » Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:50 pm

I got to SD Saturday and my first thing to do was drive through Custer State Park. I didn't even mind it was super busy. It's one of my absolute favorite places and didn't disappoint. I drove past a NFS cg I like and was surprised to see it open. It always used to close immediately after Labor Day. So I pulled in and got a site for 2 nights. Then rushed out to have time with 3 friends in Keystone. It was great to see them. They (a couple and a single lady) once worked at the store for me. They are now teamed up managing the store. I went by the store the next morning and it looks super. I hung out with the single lady and kept her from her work lol Then I drove the scenic route from Keystone to Hill City before heading back to the cg. TodayI took another scenic drive, finally ending at the cabin I have rented for two nights. I'm pleasantly surprised with my cute cabin. Tomorrow errands including renewing my drivers license and going to the county to make sure I can vote either early as I've done before here, which is my choice. We shall see. I've been reading conflicting info on their website.

Hopefully I'll get to bed early tonight. I feel like I could fall asleep right now. But this is too early.
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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby Cudedog » Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:02 pm

Barbie, I checked the link to the doggie magazine that your new roomie publishes.

I think I wanna move in there, too!

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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby JudyJB » Mon Sep 16, 2024 11:48 pm

I got another 10 hours of sleep last night. Did not go to bed until late but slept until very late, with hardly waking up. I have just not felt energetic for the last 2-3 months, but my CLL blood numbers in July were very good. I am having more problems going up stairs and like Barbie, get tired from small tasks. I have an appt with my oncologist in Eugene, OR, on Oct 15. I am going to ask them if there is anything not showing up in the blood work my GP has done that would explain my tiredness. Then I am going to make an appt with a new doctor in Napa. I had a good internist in Ohio with Cleveland Clinic but then she left two years ago, and they assigned me to a family practitioner. I want someone who specializes in old people, not toddlers!!!

Right now I am in a reasonably priced campground northeast of Coeur d'Alene, and have been looking for something closer to Spokane, but RV parks there are either ridiculously priced "resorts" or old and junky places. (Ridiculously priced is $80 to over $100 per night!!) This one is $45 a night, but they have a weekly rate, and I am not in the mood to deal with either of the above, and the state parks near Spokane are wooded and dusty, without many available electric sites, so I would not be able to get satellite TV, so I am going to sign up for the weekly rate here tomorrow. After driving almost 3,000 miles across Canada, I feel like just sitting, sleeping, and watching TV for a while. Getting old, I guess.

In the meantime, i am going to try to find an RV technician who can fix the things that help lift my bed up, since at least one of mine is broken so I can hardly get anything under there. Also, my front furnace is not lighting, so needs something outside. (If I were ambitious, I might be able to replace that, but just do not feel like it.) And finally, I only have 2 out of 3 working burners on my stove. And I think I have located a Ford dealer that services big vehicles not too far from here, so am going to try them tomorrow.
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Re: Cool, breezy Monday!

Postby snowball » Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:34 am

I saw the pictures of your cabin on FB Beth it does look cosy.. I wouldn't mind staying in it... it sounds like you have had a great trip ... mail has been sent hopefully it will have in it the paper work to get the absentee ballet ...
Barbie that sounds like it will be a nice temp place for you... will give you space to figure out your next step... have you taken the motor home to the consignment place? hopefully it will sell quickly and not keep money tied up... good luck with the packing don't envy you
Karen I am too a side sleeper what kind of pillows did you get? that is the recipe that I used today only it called for 3 eggs didn't call for almond but I put it in anyway... l like almond extract with the cherries... it's to take to a potluck tomorrow will either frost it tomorrow or whip up some whipped cream... which means I will need to get out of bed a bit earlier... :lol:
Judy sounds like you need some R&R hopefully the place you found will be able to take care of your rig... and the mobile tech can take care of some of the stuff you need done...
will be visiting my youngest in Bremerton WA early Oct... we are leaving here on the 4th and be back I think on the 13 ... hopefully as mom will be returned on the 14th... hopefully brother will hang out here until I get into town... I wanted her returned on either Tues or Weds. just so one I could be here for sure and maybe to rest up before having to go back to fixing meals ect and it might give me a few hours that I can do some things without mom wondering what I'm doing... I want to take one of the 'junk drawers' and turn it into a spice drawer ... I hate moving spices around trying to find the one that I want...
Hoping to see you Anita when we go through that area... glad you dd is doing better..
it sounds like both Irmi and Anne are enjoying a few days of lower temps... it's been lower here as well
you all have a great day
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