Friday the 13th

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Friday the 13th

Postby Colliemom » Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:53 am

Good Morning all. Starting g to get light here at the 45th. Temp in low 50’s. Like a lot of other areas, the hot weather is here too. Temps are 10-15 degrees above normal. So far it’s been tolerable here as highs are in low 80’s. But we have been having high atmospheric wildfire smoke and it’s been keeping the sun from being hotter. Plus nights cool off into the 50’s. I’ve had no need for a fan as yet.

Martha, glad you don’t have any damage. I was checking TWC once in awhile to see where the storm was going. Hopefully this will be the only one to hit LA this year. . Irmi, I watched the video on FB that your sister posted of you practicing for tonight’s hymn sing. You play beautifully. I know everyone there tonight will enjoy it. Beth, are you tent camping? Barbie, sounds like things are falling into place and you will be on your way to new adventures. Anne, hope you are still actively pursuing moving.

I’ve been busy this week as well. Gave my neighbors power washer a good workout. Took everything that wasn’t impossible to move out of my garage and powerwashed the whole floor, then did the garage apron in front. Looks much better. The past three days I did the garage and shed exteriors, the back of the house and along the gutters, all of my sidewalks and the retaining wall blocks around one flowerbed. It was not an all day thing as I had a couple appts. Thrown in plus the a few errands and bit of shopping to do. Wednesday I went with 2 neighbors up to Mackinac Island for the day. We had a good time. Was nice listening to clip clop of horses hooves instead of vehicles all day. We browsed a lot of shops. I didn’t buy anything though. This is a good time to go there as the summer crowds are gone and things are more of a relaxed pace. So it’s been a good week. Feels good to have all the power washing done. It’s been a few years since I’ve done the walks and the first time for the garage floor. It’s been hosed out, but that’s all. It’s. Een a busy summer in the neighborhood as others are maki g property improvements as well.

So for now I can just putter around till the leaves start to fall. There’s a lot of little junk coming off the trees and clumps of green leaves and acorns from oaks as well. Seems like squirrels everywhere after those acorns. So this morning I’m going to go weed whip at tbe front entrance a bit and then blow off the walking path. Getting messy from dried leaves and acorns all over it. It’s used a lot, so want to keep it clear of that stuff. Acorns are hard to walk on, especially for dog feet. Think I will put out the fall decorations as well.

So I guess I should get my day moving along while it’s cool in the morning. House is in good shape, so nothing needs doing right now. Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Cudedog » Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:55 am

Colliemom wrote:Anne, hope you are still actively pursuing moving.

I’ve been busy this week as well. Gave my neighbors power washer a good workout. Took everything that wasn’t impossible to move out of my garage and powerwashed the whole floor, then did the garage apron in front. Looks much better. The past three days I did the garage and shed exteriors, the back of the house and along the gutters, all of my sidewalks and the retaining wall blocks around one flowerbed. It was not an all day thing as I had a couple appts. Thrown in plus the a few errands and bit of shopping to do. Wednesday I went with 2 neighbors up to Mackinac Island for the day. We had a good time. Was nice listening to clip clop of horses hooves instead of vehicles all day. We browsed a lot of shops. I didn’t buy anything though. This is a good time to go there as the summer crowds are gone and things are more of a relaxed pace. So it’s been a good week. Feels good to have all the power washing done. It’s been a few years since I’ve done the walks and the first time for the garage floor. It’s been hosed out, but that’s all. It’s. Een a busy summer in the neighborhood as others are maki g property improvements as well.

Well, Sue, yes I am. I'm thinking that maybe I might just make a BIG offer on that cute little house next door to you. As I'm beginning to fully realize all of the bonuses of living in your area, it occurs to me that I would be living right next door to a lovely, well-maintained home.

Also, I'm thinkin' that I might be able to finagle you into doing most of my yardwork/outside maintenance as well - Win-Win!!! If I make a high enough offer, the house next door is MINE!!! :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And. . . the travel opportunities!!! I am a fast-talker, I would probably be in your car for a ride-along before you knew what hit you!!

LOL. 8-)

Still looking at southern Oregon. I just can't imagine ever leaving my beloved volcanoes behind.

I am planning a trip up there fairly soon - just waiting until the weather cools a bit. Yesterday's high temp was predicted to be 83*, it topped out here at my house at a toasty 98*. I don't like to drive long distance in hot weather when I have my dog along. My Sweet Joe is an "older" dog now, and if something so minor as a flat tire happened, that would cause me to have to stop by the side of the road for any length of time. . . could be very bad for my Joe in 100 degree temps.

Still pulling up Zillow and every day, waiting for the "right" property to come along. Sooner or later it will - I hope.

Thanks for asking, Sue!

My best wishes to you - and to everyone else here.

Good day!

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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Cudedog » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:35 am

snowball wrote:. . .a calendar that I have in my room has pictures of wildlife as well as scenery the one this month is of Burney falls...CA been going to ask where it is but kept forgetting so I asked google it's closed or the year guess it was too popular and the trail had to be redone.. but I still don't know where it is
you all have a great day

Good morning, Sheila.

Burney Falls is east of the city of Redding, Ca., and is about a three-hour drive north of me. I have driven through the small mountain town of Burney many times while off on one of my volcano adventures, although I have never visited the falls, which is a ways out of town on a winding road (I was always just "passing through" on the main road through town).

Burney is in one of the many volcanic areas of Northern California; it is almost equal distance from Mt. Shasta volcano (to the north-west of Burney), and Lassen Peak volcano (Lassen Volcanic National Park) to the south-east.

Both Mt. Shasta and Lassen Peak are considered to be "active" volcanoes, the town where I live (about 50 miles as the crow flies from Lassen) mentions Lassen as part of my town's "Emergency Preparedness" planning information, as it is possible, when Lassen erupts again (not "if", but rather "when") that my town could be impacted by volcanic ash.

The entire volcanic area of Northern California is rugged, and exquisitely beautiful.

Burney Falls

Mt. Shasta Volcano

Lassen Peak Volcano
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby SoCalGalcas » Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:26 pm

I never get tired of hearing the information on volcanoes. I loved the pictures too. I have been to Burney Falls.
It is very beautiful. The picture doesn’t do it justice. Of course I don’t remember the Lassen volcano.
With all the smaller earthquakes going on now it brings news of The San Andrés fault often. It’s an interesting subject.
Took Hazel to meet her new Vet yesterday. Although HAZEL wasn’t to thrilled, I liked the vet. Better to have a close vet in an alone practice rather than the vet I had which is part of a huge chain.

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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby BirdbyBird » Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:49 pm

Barbie, have you given up the idea of wandering around in a small RV/trailer entirely? Or just gave up on this particular RV? I know how excited you were to think that you might finally be free to follow a few of you dreams heading off down the highway. But I also know that given the possibility of paralyzing panic attacks under stress, would give anyone pause and a reason to reconsider choices.....and though many of us have had wonderful adventures on our trips which we make sound just marvelous.....the stressful adventures/illnesses are ones we only tell about much later, after we have lived through them.... while sitting around the campfires.....and by them most of us can laugh and/or cry but know....that we survived....... Hopefully the therapist you work with on the ADHD and those medications can also help provide you with additional assistance and strategies for dealing with the anxiety. There is so much that can be done over the internet with tele health issues these days. (BJ talks about her homeopathic doctor located in South America...) Journey on and follow whatever path/s you choose.
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Cudedog » Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:28 pm

SoCalGalcas wrote:I never get tired of hearing the information on volcanoes. I loved the pictures too. Lyn

Thank you, Lyn. The photos are not mine, just illustrative photos I found on Google Images.

You wrote: "I never get tired of hearing the information on volcanoes."

Well. . . old Chinese proverb: "Be careful what you wish for - you may get it".

:lol: :lol:

Lyn, I know that you (and others - Sheila immediately comes to mind) love to read. I would like to recommend (probably have done so in the past, but will now do it again) two of not only my favorite books, but also two of my all-time favorite books of any kind:

"Fire Mountains of the West: The Cascade and Mono Lake Volcanoes" THIRD EDITION, by Stephen L. Harris.

Available on Amazon:



"In The Path Of Destruction: Eyewitness Chronicles of Mt. St. Helens" by Richard Waitt (USGS Geologist, who was there during the eruption)

Available on Amazon:


Both excellent, Dr. Waitt's beautifully written compendium reads more like a rousing adventure novel, rather than the non-fiction, you-are-there, eye-witness-account that it actually is.

I have read both books more than once.

My copy of Mr. Harris' book had become so dog-eared that I recently decided to get another copy - only to find that his book has recently gone out of print. With a bit of searching around, I was able to find a like-new copy to hold in reserve of my older copy. But this book will become more difficult to find, as time goes on.

Both make wonderful, engrossing, and totally fascinating reading.


Last edited by Cudedog on Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Sep 13, 2024 1:31 pm

BirdbyBird wrote:Barbie, have you given up the idea of wandering around in a small RV/trailer entirely? Or just gave up on this particular RV? I know how excited you were to think that you might finally be free to follow a few of you dreams heading off down the highway. But I also know that given the possibility of paralyzing panic attacks under stress, would give anyone pause and a reason to reconsider choices.....and though many of us have had wonderful adventures on our trips which we make sound just marvelous.....the stressful adventures/illnesses are ones we only tell about much later, after we have lived through them.... while sitting around the campfires.....and by them most of us can laugh and/or cry but know....that we survived.....

Tina, I still want to travel but at this time I am not sure it would be full-time. I am thinking of getting a small trailer to take shorter trips without the cats, and still have a home base in Tucson (and a good cat sitter). I also plan to find a good therapist out there to work on the anxiety and ADHD issues. I have heard that Cognitive Behavior Therapy works well for both.

I have been communicating with a lady out there who has a room and bath for rent. She is an animal lover and created her own dog magazine called "The Tucson Dog" promoting dog rescues and adoption events. She is also a massage therapist so I could get regular massages! :D Will see if that works out at least for awhile. It would be nice to have a place set to move into before I head out there. One less thing to worry about. Next week, I will get my car checked over and the window fixed so that will be ready to go.

I took a whole anxiety tablet last night instead of half and I didn't wake up this morning until 10:30! I really needed the extra sleep. But now it is getting hot out so I will have to work in the heat to clear out the porch. But that shouldn't take very long and then I can cool off in the house for a bit afterward. Slow and steady...

Have a good day
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:44 pm

I don't get tired of volcanoes either. Loved my trip through Lassen. I also enjoyed my stop at Capulin Volcano National Monument several years ago. It was cold and windy so I didn't stay as long as I wanted. I thought about turning off that way yesterday but somethings I have a deadline to get to so I was good. I need to plan to get back there.

OK, different tonight. TY and I are at a motel. It's an old mom and pop motel with newer owners. I hope they can make a go of it. Rooms are old but I can say they have the best water pressure I've EVER had in the shower. I have a bruise on top of my head (don't ask) and I felt every pelting from that shower head. I'm not complaining. I intend to drive through Custer State Park tomorrow. I so love that place. Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time in it another day. The next couple nights, as of right now, I'll either be tent or car camping, then two nights in a cabin followed by two motel nights. Those last two nights can be canceled if the weather cooperates. Sitting in the motel room tonight in trying to plan the drive back. It'll be fairly quick and I have the last stop reserved so only checking for maybe some different camping spots. But I wouldn't mind going back to where I stayed last night. If the weather was nice. That place was a pleasant surprise, except the annoying flies lol

This room is kind of cute. Queen bed, comfie chair (at least it looks comfortable) and a love seat that TY has claimed. I'm happy to claim the bed. I turned the TV on but I prefer my Roku to this cable. So turned it off again. I got an email that Hulu is raising my rate at renewal time so I already went in and canceled. Most of what I watch on it I can get free other places. Did you know that Fox owns Tubi? I don't know for how long, but all the shows that say tonight on Fox, tomorrow on hulu are most likely on Tubi the next night or shortly after also. Works for me.

Happy Friday the 13th!
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby JudyJB » Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:39 pm

First, I have really enjoyed seeing the Canadian Rockies for the first time. I think they are a lot bigger, "rockier", and overall more impressive than the American Rockies. Each one seems bigger and better than the previous, so I have taken a lot of photos of them. However, two things have NOT been impressive and have disappointed me a little about this area. One are the crowds that come in buses and push in front of you to take photos while you are trying to take photos or just enjoy the scenery. There are just too many of them.

The other thing is the cold. It is not just chilly here, it is really bone-chilling cold! The last three days I have come home from sightseeing extremely cold and stiff from walking around. It has also been windy and damp, even drizzly, so that it takes me a couple of hours in my warm RV to recover. I don't know if it is the cold, but I am also achy, so I started taking regular aspirin instead of Aleve, as I usually do. Been head-achy too, maybe from altitude??

Also, while Lake Louise and Lake Moraine are beautiful, I have driven past or stopped at several mountain lakes that are just as nice, and do not have the crowds, nor do you have to wait in the cold to take 2 or 3 shuttle buses to get to them. I am thinking that they have really over-hyped those two lakes at the expense of other places around here. Or maybe I just came at the wrong time, but any later would have been even colder. I drove to the Columbia Glacier field today, and the drive was spectacular, but the high there was a windy 47 degrees!!

Anyway, headed south tomorrow to Cranbrook, BC, for one night and to get some laundry done. High there will be 63, and then on to Waterton Lakes where it will be 57, and to area around Kalispell, MT, where it will be about 64. Never thought I'd think of 64 as warm!!
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby BirdbyBird » Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:17 pm

I am thinking of dome of the jacket decisions I made packing for Scotland for October..... I invested in GOOD water proof, windproof outer layer and always worn multiple layers underneath. Wool or Alpaca hats worked great under the shelter of the outer coat hood. I think I also worn warm tights under my pants a couple of those Scotland days. I do not tolerate cold well. On the positive side I found the jacket on sale in a TJ Maxx shop before I even had a chance to look in REI. Saved me a bunch of money. Scarves and gloves and waterproof hiking boots were also my friends..... I think you might need to go shopping when you get away from the touristy shop. I will add that the jacket by itself is not bulky or heavy and has been my go to "pack in the RV" when I question what weather I will find. The trick was it kept out all the damp and was big enough to accommodate any layer/s needed to keep me warm.... Tina
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby Colliemom » Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:09 pm

Sounds like you are on the right track Tina. Windproof and waterproof is my mantra. In cold weather I have a coat that has a -50 rating, waterproof and Windproof. Not that I would ever be out in that type of cold. It’s a coat of Armour against the coldest wind. I get so comfortable I don’t want to come in. But even in cooler weather, anything that is wind proof is a big plus. That combined with what you are wearing like you said, works perfectly. I am a wearer of fleece and flannel and those are usually my layers underneath. My walking and hiking shoes/boots are waterproof as well. In Winter I wear fleece pants from time colder weather sets in, till it warms up in spring. My regular pants spend the winter in the closet. One finds what works best n ins climate. Like the saying goes “there is no bad weather, just bad clothes. In other words you wear according to conditions.
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby JudyJB » Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:13 pm

Actually, Tina, it really depends where in Scotland you will be going, but in any case, you will need layers. Not so cold in Edinburgh, but out in the country, and if you go to any of the islands, especially the Orkneys, it will be really cold. Even the sheep were laying down and huddling together when I was in Orkney!

I would suggest putting a good raincoat over the jacket, not under it. Get one a size bigger and make sure it is windproof and rainproof. I once bought a light jacket that turned out to get wet and not even break the wind! The one I have now is much better, and I wear it over a heavy hoodie.

I am taking a break from driving in rain and drizzle the last 4.5 hours. (Right now overlooking the beginning of the Columbia River.) There have been a lot of big mountains around, but the fog and clouds make it impossible to see hardly anything. I will come back here again someday. Right now I have one more Canadian reservation, and am headed back into the U.S. I am not going to stop at Waterton Lakes because my vehicle has been missing for the last couple of days, and the check engine light is on and sometimes flashing, so I need to get it fixed. Still able to drive, but I do not want to cause any damage, so I have been driving a bit more slowly than usual. There is a Walmart 20 miles down the road, so I will get a couple quarts of oil. I know my vehicle needs a quart, but want to get an extra one. Will probably end up in Kalispell to get it looked at in a few days.

Oh, last night I cleaned out a shelf where I stick books and a lot of odds and ends to deal with later. Found an old chunk from a thick chocolate bar. It was about 2" by 2" and evenly chewed on all edges by someone with tiny sharp teeth! Should have taken a photo of it because someone really had a couple of good meals from it, but I tossed it. Could have been last week or six months ago! I am hoping for the latter! :lol:
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Re: Friday the 13th

Postby BirdbyBird » Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:08 pm

Didn't mean to confuse you Judy. I was just recounting my choices for unpredictable possible October Scottish weather that I made several years ago. And since I was going for over two weeks and making a large rambling circle (W,N,E,S) I knew that I would probably meet with many variables before I was finished....and I wanted to be prepared for as many conditions as I could.
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