Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Sep 12, 2024 10:20 am

Good morning. We are having glorious rain for a few days. Not a ton of rain but definitely cooler temps and now the air smells so fresh. Heavier rain yesterday but today predicting showers and some sun. Glad I didnt wash my car like I had thought about doing. Fall is starting to sneak in thank goodness. Irmi I am sure you will do a fabulous job, and I am pretty sure you dont need much practice!!!!

I picked more beets yesterday so will pop them in the InstaPot for 20 minutes, then the skins just fall off. Picked the last of my onions and they are drying then will put them away to store. Still picking tomatoes and will give some to a couple of my neighbors today or tomorrow. Our park is having their annual Park wide garage sale Friday and Saturday. I dont really have anything to sell AND I hate garage sales. I dont mind going to them I just dont want to have one myself.

Martha hope you are doing okay. Waiting for a check in when you are able. Beth hope your weather gets a bit better for your trip. Judy sounds like you are in "touristville" ha ha
Sheila spending too much is the exact reason I place my order online then just drive up to the pickup area and they bring my order out and load it in the car for me. If I go in the store I always end up with way more than I even need. I swear things just jump in my cart. In fact I am going to look and see what they have on sale and see if I can buy enough so I dont have to pay a pick up fee. Not hard to get $30 or $35 worth of groceries for free pick up. I need to keep eating out of my freezer and quit buying things to put back in it LOL

Time for some breakfast, shower, and get busy around here.

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Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 12, 2024 4:54 pm

I'm in Ordway, CO. Just stopped for the day even though it's 97 degrees right now. Quite a breeze so sitting on the shady side of the car which unfortunately isn't the side overlooking the lake. Third night of this trip, all three on water. The first and this one free. I bit the bullet and have a reservation in a motel for tomorrow night. I could have stayed at the park in NM for a lot longer. Days in the 80's, got into the 40's last night. Almost paid for a second day but want to get to SD and hopefully their weather will do what the app says and be going to upper 70"s to mid 80's. Fingers crossed. I've been there with snow already. Obviously this year is hot most everywhere.

Karen i don't dare go in stores. Same reason as you. On the rare occasion I do it's for a specific item and I really try to keep blinders on.
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Postby Acadianmom » Thu Sep 12, 2024 8:50 pm

I went to Lafayette Wednesday morning and spent the day and half the night watching the weather on TV. I stay with my son in Lafayette. I came home this morning and my son helped me move the motorhome and truck back home. I got very little damage, just a few small tree limbs in the yard. It blew enough to turn over a heavy metal lawn chair on the carport. We sure lucked out on this storm. If it had come in about 40 miles West we would have had a lot of damage and maybe a storm surge. The sugar cane farmers are lucky. The cane is leaning but it's not flat on the ground. There will probably be a lot of cane lost where it flooded.

Two of the cats started fighting on the washing machine and one fell behind the dryer and tore the vent. It took me at least an hour to put a new vent on and get the dryer back in place. I was ready to choke a cat. I had an extra vent pipe because they didn't use the one that came with the new drying. It was a metal one and very hard to work with.

Lyn, the weather people are getting really good at predicting where the hurricanes are going to go. We can watch one come off of Africa and watch it all the way across the ocean for about two weeks. This storm popped up in the Gulf so we only had a few days to get ready.

It just dawned on me that today is Thursday and I didn't put the trash out. Their schedule might be off because of the storm but I better not take a chance on that.

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Postby Bethers » Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:53 pm

Thank you for the update, Martha. Great news. Here's hoping no more hurricanes this season.
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Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Sep 12, 2024 10:27 pm

Martha, glad to hear all is well at your home. You sound like you dodged a bullet. Thankfully

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Postby monik7 » Thu Sep 12, 2024 10:35 pm

Great news Martha. Glad you’re safe (and so is the cat, I hope -ha-ha).

I very seldomly have anything exciting to mention, but I did have Covid about 2 weeks ago. Very mild and no problems. I went today to get both the Flu and Covid vaccinations. Glad that’s done and hope they work.
Bindi (Maltipoo) and Abby (Shih Tzu/Poodle)

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Postby snowball » Fri Sep 13, 2024 12:25 am

Sandi good to hear from you we miss you ... wondering if you are still doing your paintings.... they were so good...
Karen if you have an over abundance of produce you could always put a table out with produce on it and the sign free ... I'd love to have some of it... glad that you are getting rain
we got some off and on today cooler than it's been enough so I had 'the kid downstairs' close the window in mom's room might regret that but it's suppose to be cooler for the next week or so.. you may wonder why did she have to have him close it??? cause I can't reach it when it is so wide open :lol: he commented that he wondered where the cool breeze was coming from
so house is pretty much closed up today think it's suppose to be warmer tomorrow though ...hmm just looked doesn't look like it just barely into the 60's... Saturday though into the 70's which will be good it's the high 80's or higher that is hard to cope with... but then what we consider hot you all think is cool...
didn't do a lot went around the hat once ended up with an extra stitch so think I will take that round out see if I can find it.. but did finish the dish cloth only two more to go oh and did start one of them... just barely though my sister in law does them much quicker than I do
Irmi I'm with Karen I doubt that you have to practice ...
Martha so glad that you had little damage from the storm.. it's good that you can get enough notice to prepare for it... I remember how it used to be that weathermen were known for not getting it right... now they seem to do a lot better I looked at the weather app and it said rain to stop at 5:15 that was being pretty precise although I do think it quit earlier than that...
have fun on your trip Beth... to bad you were on the wrong side of the car to see the lake...
a calendar that I have in my room has pictures of wildlife as well as scenery the one this month is of Burney falls...CA been going to ask where it is but kept forgetting so I asked google it's closed or the year guess it was too popular and the trail had to be redone.. but I still don't know where it is
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Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:07 am

Getting late tonight. I need to get to bed soon!

Made some phone calls this morning, then drove to the U-Haul dealer to get my hitch inspected to make sure it would be able to tow the trailer I reserved. I knew it would, but got a message from U-Haul that I should get it inspected. Everything is good there.

My drivers side window doesn't work. When I go to put it down, it sounds like rocks grinding inside the door. That started a couple weeks ago, so I stopped at the Jeep repair shop and they said they can fix it for just over $300. It has to be done because I need to be able to put that window up and down. Also need to go to my mechanic to get my brakes and alignment checked before my move. Don't need any issues on the way to Tucson with the trailer and cats in tow! I am going to go to Yuma and spend the night there, since it is almost half way, and then go to Tucson early the next day. I will leave two weeks from tomorrow. Will most likely stay at David & Julie's, until I can find a place to rent for awhile. I have some places in mind to check on. There is a website called "Furnished Finders" that is for mid-term rentals (like 3 or 4 months), mostly for traveling nurses, but for anyone needing a furnished room for a little while. That will give me time to get my drivers license changed, and get health insurance set up and find a doctor. Then I can decide what I want to do after that.

Julie called me around 4pm today and we talked for 3 hours! :o I finally had to cut her off since I was getting hungry for dinner! We have so much in common and never run out of things to talk about. I think she is really lonely too. She is very excited to have me out there so we can go do things together. She wants me to get an apartment so she can help me furnish and decorate it! :D She loves doing that kind of thing. When we were saying "good-bye", she actually said "love you!" which she has never said before. I am very happy that we have become such good friends. :D

I need to get up early in the morning before it gets hot, and clear out all the excess cardboard boxes and misc stuff in the porch that needs to go to the dumpster. I moved most of the bins from the living room out to the porch but need more space as I go thru stuff in the living room. Also have several boxes of stuff that need to get taken to the thrift store, so will put that in my car.

I bought a small screened-in pen for the cats so I can put them in there in the motel room if needed, altho I plan to stay at a Motel 6, and they have bed platforms that go to the floor all the way around and attach to the wall, so animals can't get under there. I used to have to put a harness and leash on Lola when I stayed in motels, so when she hid under the bed, I could just grab the end of the leash and drag her out. I might use the pen at David & Julie's house for a while in the bedroom so they can get used to being in a new place. They will feel safer in that. I have regular cat carriers for them to ride in the car.

Martha, glad that things were pretty good at your house and cats are all accounted for.

OK, I need to get to sleep. My sleepy pill should take affect soon!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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