911 Anniversary

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911 Anniversary

Postby Irmi » Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:04 pm

Good afternoon ladies!

It was 77 degrees when I got up and it's 85 now. It's sunny right now but we have a chance of showers this afternoon. We've had 8-1/2" of rain since we got back from our trip to MD, only one week ago. Speaking of weather, Martha is on my mind hoping things are okay in Lafayette, where she is staying with her son.

Beth, I'm looking forward to updates on your trip to South Dakota. I'm enjoying following Judy's trip, also. It's always good seeing Shirl post. Barbie, I think about you and the packing you're doing for the move. I hope I never have to do that again. Sheila, you are so talented, reading about your knitting and crocheting. Karen, enjoy the strawberries and tomatoes. Both are my favorites. BJ, did hubby make you a birthday card? Laura, it's good seeing a post from you! Carol, I hope Bill will have a better month. Sharon and Sue, it's fun reading your weather when others are still suffering from hot temperatures.

I've been spending way too much in my music room, trying to prepare myself for the program I'll be playing for Friday. We'll be leaving tomorrow about 11:00 to get there for a 2:00 meeting to get a practice in. The shindig is Friday at 6:00. We'll return hopefully around noontime Saturday, in time to practice for Sunday's service. People are slowly moving back in and lots will be here by the end of the month, but some don't come back until October. Others wait to return until after the holidays. Enjoy your day!
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Re: 911 Anniversary

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:41 pm

Hi Irmi. It looks like everyone continued posting on yesterday. I'll try to answer them all and you on today's.

Yes, I'm doing a combination of camping and motels. I did sleep in the car last night. I intended to set up my tiny inexpensive tent tonight but I drove in some rains, stopped early than intended because the rain was supposed to end here. I'm not changing it, so I'll squish into the car again. It's not the most comfortable but I'm figuring out what to do to help that. I put Ty's bed in the passenger seat but he always prefers sleeping with me. We manageda coyote times for a little bit then he finally decided he was better off in his bed. We both slept better. This is one reason, the biggest reason, that I would like a slightly bigger car. But i must say, I'm loving the 40+ mpg I'm getting. The difference in the gas cost makes it easy to pay for a cheap motel room here and there. Last night was free, tonight would have been free if I'd gone further into the rain. State park without utilities is $10. Not complaining. Both yesterday and today, nice water views. I don't want to quit traveling so I'm deciding if this is something that'll be doable for me. This falls trip to Texas is already planned in motels, but I believe in the future I'll take more time and explore more Texas and New Mexico state parks. And I'll have to start using the tent. It was quite cheap just to get my feet wet. Small also, but while I'd change quality, I'd probably keep the small size. I'll see if I can upload a couple pictures from last night.
This last was shortly after getting there I set up to watch the planes flying over from the air force base. No plans in any picture but wanted to share the view.
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Re: 911 Anniversary

Postby JudyJB » Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:07 pm

Most of my travels so far have been shorts or shorts and a light jacket weather, however, the last couple of days were cool, but I was fine with longer pants and a heavy sweatshirt. So, I went out today about 11 am, dressed in the latter to visit the actual Lake Louise and Lake Moraine wearing that. First, everything here is via shuttle. Need a shuttle from campground to park and ride lot, or town center, which is actually just a strip shopping mall. From the park and ride lot that most day tourists use, you take more shuttles to the two lakes.

It was OK until about 1 pm when it got colder and windier, like 53 degrees. Then had some drizzle to make us all damp, so at this point I started to get really cold. Not just chilly--cold to the bone sort of cold. Had already been to Lake Louise, so did not spend a lot of time at Moraine Lake, but I did stop off at the town center to get some snacks, then another shuttle home. And each shuttle required waiting outside in the drizzle and cold wind. RV was cold inside also, so I stripped off my damp sweatshirt and plugged in my two electric heaters and turn on my bedroom furnace. (Living room furnace is not working.) After an hour, I am finally warm.

I am disappointed with this Lake Louise area, not because of the beautiful sights, but of getting to them and the really dumb crowds. There are a lot of tour buses, and some of the people in the resulting crowds cut you off as you are walking or take what I call "glamour" poses, which take forever and block your views. Just too many people. Also, You cannot see much scenery from the campground, as you could from the Banff campground where the trees were not so thick. Also there were elk there to entertain you. At this campground, all we get are very noisy trains thundering past on a very close and extremely busy railroad line about every 15-20 minutes.
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Re: 911 Anniversary

Postby snowball » Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:04 am

air quality much better went to the store was only going to get a few things.... right!!!! I don't know how to get just a few things... was going to get a replacement head on my toothbrush but couldn't remember part of the name of it... just the color think I will take a picture of it...maybe that will help
I was working on the hat and thought I was going to have to rip the thing out but went a bit further and realized that the "stars" were lining up right at first it looked like they were going to be screwy hopefully when I get it done I can figure out a way of showing it on a picture so it can be seen... Irmi I really don't feel "talented" at all I look at the things that people make and a simple (beginner pattern) doesn't stack up ... and the dish clothes ect are really easy to do so again nothing there but a bit of time... but thank you ...
we had a bit of rain today hopefully it will help put the fire out
awhile back don't know how long ago I made a chicken pot pie using biscuits saw a reel last night using Red Lobster biscuits mix so think I am going to make it tomorrow picked up a chicken that was on sale will use part of it as I want to make chicken salad with part of it...
my dd is thinking of starting up a book club she is looking for a book a scary book in regards to Halloween any suggestions???
hope Martha is doing ok
Beth enjoy you trip
Barbie good luck with the packing I am not envying you at all
Judy that sounds go cold.... hopefully you will have better weather I am totally amazed at the forests when we go to Bremerton to see my youngest can see how people get so lost
So Anne we are waiting to hear more ... have you thought about looking up in WA or is the state more expensive than you would like? Montana might be a good state to look at
you all have a great day
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