Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:50 am

Good morning. It is a nice morning out so far. Yesterday was in the brutal category heatwise, especially for us.

Mercury reached 105 degrees at the Roseburg Regional Airport. The previous record high for September 5th was 104 degrees, set 80 years ago in 1944.

I live at the end of the runway but even so my house was 106 and 107.....UGH Today will be cooler out of the triple digits. Had a bad accident down by 7Feathers Casino in Canyonville last evening. A single car veered off the freeway into some trees, caught fire and caused a huge fire to erupt. Freeway was closed for a bit then opened the fast lane. A couple was involved and last I heard on the scanner they were doing CPR on the man with major head trauma. I dont know if he made it or not but I do not think so. Not sure about the other occupant. Grew to 100 acres over a short period of time. Burned into the previous burn scar up the hill they had a few years ago, evacuations for a couple of areas south as the wind was pushing it that way. So far, thanks to 5MikeMike (my favorite helicopter pilot) it seems forward progress stopped for now. Had a couple of tankers from Medford but we have 2 fires going on, the other is east of Canyonville called Devils Knob fire it is up to 800-1000 acres so our helicopters were thin.

Making a pan of lasagna this morning, took the garbage to the curb, and now going to get dressed and get this day started.

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Re: FRIDAY 9/6

Postby BirdbyBird » Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:23 am

The dogs and I are all loaded and heading off to visit friends in Michigan for the weekend at a English Cocker Specialty near Ann Arbor. I'll probably be staying at a nearby Cracker Barrel or maybe an even closer County Fairground. The show site is different this one year due to restoration work at the state park where it is usually held. So no staying overnight at the site. Because the Roadtrek is small I will be able to park in the lot during the day and yeah for temperature. It will be plenty cool enough for the dogs to stay in the rig when needed. Yes, Michigan in September is like that...... Jane's young boy Leo is showing in Sweeps and in regular classes. Audrey hasn't done a ride along in the rig for a long time but she promised to be ner usual good girl. It is only a weekend and I can such it up and walk three dogs daily for two days. What a wimp. I remember traveling with four dogs and not even blinking..... Those fenced back yards are just so easy......
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Re: FRIDAY 9/6

Postby Cudedog » Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:56 pm

OregonLuvr wrote:Good morning. It is a nice morning out so far. Yesterday was in the brutal category heatwise, especially for us.

Mercury reached 105 degrees at the Roseburg Regional Airport. The previous record high for September 5th was 104 degrees, set 80 years ago in 1944.

Hot here, too. Tuesday 108*, Wednesday 109*, yesterday 110*. This morning 80* at 9:30 a.m., was able to get a quick walk in with my sweet Joe. By the time we got back, at 10:10, it was already up to 86*.

Gonna be another hot one today, although supposed to cool a tiny bit over the next week.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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Re: FRIDAY 9/6

Postby JudyJB » Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:04 pm

I checked into my campground spot I had reserved several months ago about 2 pm. It was cool in Waterton and not too bad in Drumheller, northwest of Calgary, but today was HOT--at least 90. However, I did not realize until i checked in that my site had power but only 15 amps, and everything else was full. Got set up and inside was 92, put on bathroom fan, which did not do much. Did I mention i had chosen a sunny spot??? Finally tried AC on, but it blew site fuse, so had to walk down row of sites and reset it. I told the ladies in the check-in that I just could not handle the heat, so they did allow me to use my generator as a medical situation. Hate to do that in a non-generator section, but finally broke down and turned it on. Sun is just setting so it is cool inside. (I also filled my fresh water tank and sprayed down sides of motorhome to cool them off.) Dumb of me to not check things more carefully, but anyway, after checking every few minutes, I finally found a site closer to Banff that had 30 amps, plus full hookups for tomorrow,, so will head down there in morning. No refund, but it was my fault so I will eat the money. Campsite for Sunday through Friday has 30 amps and water, which is really all I need since I only dump tanks every 3 days. Mostly I;ll be taking the shuttle.

Had an awful headache from heat and not eating much today so instead of cooking a real meal I had some fried potatoes and two scrambled eggs. Put some extra salt on potatoes as I suspect I need it. Also finished my second bottle of ice water, which helped I think. Going to turn off AC soon and plug back into 15 amps. Supposed to go down to 52 tonight and is 72 right now. As I get older, I just do not do well in hot weather, as is probably true for most of you.

And Sheila, the hospice people should be helping you determine what to do with your mother's pain. Let them know so they can help. At least one of them should be a nurse, not just an aide, and they can get heavier stuff for her. Maybe something that will keep her from wandering at night. That wandering will cause falling one day.
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Re: FRIDAY 9/6

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 06, 2024 10:19 pm

Karen, I planned my SD trip for mid September because of the high temps. Last week it looked like I made a good choice. My temps here went down a little and so did they in Rapid City. Ha, they are going up again next week. I'm still going to try to do a little camping but I've made an extra motel reservation just in case. I made sure I can cancel up to the day before.

And one reason I'm thinking new on a car is probably it would be my last car, too. I've never dissected cars like I am lol. And I don't think I'll buy before next spring or summer, or even later. But maybe by then I'll narrow things down more.
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Re: FRIDAY 9/6

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:48 pm

It only got up to 84 but it rained off and on all day. I think we will have a few days of little rain and then more rain next week. I think I'm mildewing.

Cars are getting too smart. The last time I came home at night my lights were going dim and bright automatically and I couldn't figure out how to stop it. When I got home I got the manual and there is a switch that I had accidentally hit. My car is a 2022 and it has a manual. They told me that newer cars won't have a manual, it will be online. That will be a lot of help if you have trouble on the road.

Beth, a lot of times I won't exactly follow a recipe. If it turns out good, the next time I want to make it I can't remember what I did. I had a blueberry muffin mix that I needed to use. I didn't feel like messing with a muffin tin so put it in a pan. I should have used a smaller pan because now I have something that is more like blueberry cookies.

Tina, have fun at the dog show. I would like to go somewhere but first it was too hot and now it's too wet.

For some reason today feels like a Saturday instead of Friday. I was trying to think of something to cook for Sunday but tomorrow isn't Sunday.

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Re: FRIDAY 9/6

Postby snowball » Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:26 am

I went to the store today well two stores had to pick up RX's so got some supplements that I use from there looked for buttermilk but sure didn't see it... oh and they had cinnamon rolls on sale so got the two why I don't know but did... then went to Smith's and got the rest of my groceries they had the plastic jars of grapefruit segment's they have been out so I bought 3 guess I'm hoarding them... they are really good... some how I planned to decent meals back to back ugh not sure if it will be chicken tomorrow or meat loaf... we've had soup this week or might have been hamburger soup... oh well been wanting meat loaf or quite awhile... and have three ears of corn so that will probably happen tomorrow
Judy I did consult with the nurse... and we decided to try what I've given her last night and today ... she still hurts and most of the wandering is to the bathroom or to the fridge perhaps to check doors old habits die hard... think that is why it feels chilly the slider is open...
don't know what the temps got too just know that it was hot... and suppose to be 8 degree's higher tomorrow.... at least it cools off probably ought to go close the door and the window..
that is done and gave mom a pain pill the one that is an RX one
I thought that I would go to the pattern and see if any comments so I could ask about the problem I have but no comments however she does have a FB page for people to ask questions on her patterns... so hopefully signed up to be on that one...
I realized when I got home that I sorta wasn't thinking got the cinnamon rolls but have avocado's that will be just right for avocado toast which I got the bread for that so need to figure out what and when what can wait and what can't as there is also nectarines ripening... with luck they will ALL ripen at the same time...
Glad you found a better campground Judy
you all have a great day
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