Wed Morn

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Wed Morn

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 04, 2024 11:43 am

I've been up since 6. Not normal for me. But a handyman was due to come between 7 and 8 to refix a soffit area. Of course he came at 8:15. And if course wasps have made a nest in one end. In my stupidly fearless way I tried to shoo them away with a broom. Wow, there were way more than the ones in view and yes, I riled them up. Yes, one stung me but just barely. I called the office and maintenance came out and sprayed. Used the rest of what he had. They are buying more today and bringing me a can to spray tonight when they should be sleeping. Meantime we must have mostly moved them away, if temporarily, so the handyman is back working. If smart he'll leave that end alone and come back.
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Re: Wed Morn

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:06 pm

Good morning Beth and the rest of you gals!

Beth, yeah, you never want to swat at a wasp hive! They don't much care for that! :shock:

Got the RV smogged yesterday morning and now it is at the mechanics shop. Went to the DMV to finish the title transfer and registration, so that's done. Had to move the coach inspection at the RV repair place to next Tuesday. I will just work inside the house until then, since it is gonna be stinkin' hot (around 120* :o ) for the next several days!

I was in a much better mood yesterday than I have been, altho I still wake up with a lot of anxiety that lasts several hours until my meds kick in.

Julie, my SIL, and I have been talking and working on finding a place for me to live for awhile out there. I have decided to sell this RV since it just has bad energy for me. I am now thinking of finding a long-term place in Tucson and buying a little travel trailer (like a Scamp or equivalent), and just do shorter trips with that. I am not sure at this point if I can really handle full-timing. :? So that is on the back burner for now.

Judy, I like Sue's idea of heading across to Vancouver and then down. I hear that Banff is beautiful!

Sue, I agree with what you wrote about the Native Americans. What the white people did to them was just horrible! I have always had a strong interest in Native American cultures, and admired their respect for the land and the wildlife. We could have learned a lot from them.

I have a haircut to do today later and then maybe some laundry. Need to start going thru rooms again.

Hope you all have a good day and stay cool!!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Wed Morn

Postby Irmi » Wed Sep 04, 2024 2:59 pm

Good afternoon Beth, Barbie and all!

Beth, we have lots of wasps ere, too. But the number of them seems to have diminished while we were gone. But I always have a can of wasp spray around. Barbie, I'm beginning to think that selling your motorhome is a great idea. Steve and I have paddled the Silver Springs River many times and have seen probably 20 - 30 alligators sleeping on the banks of the river. And these were large, probably 6 - 8 feet in length. We have never heard of any injuries from them.

We are back in central FL after a wonderful visit with friends in MD, and several crab feasts and lots of crab cakes. From there, we stopped in Atlantic Beach in NC to visit with my sister and bil. We arrived there this past Friday and left on Labor Day. We were concerned about the traffic on Labor Day, but the routes we took were fine! We were exhausted after we took everything out of the car and putting things back were tey belonged. We were both very tired last night. But it was fun getting away!

We met friends from church for lunch today at a restaurant tey ad never been to before and liked it a lot. I'm trying to get caught up on all the posts because we were too busy to get online much.

Enjoy the rest of your day!
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Re: Wed Morn

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:47 pm

Beth, going after wasps with a broom just makes them mad. I have cans of the wasp spray that sprays 20 feet scattered around outside.

I needed to bring my son some papers but decided to mow first since we had two days of rain coming. I got all the mowing done and was sweeping the carport to get the grass off so I could put the mower up when the rain started. It didn't just rain, it stormed. It rained 3 and a half inches. The ponds are full and there is water standing in the back yard. I'm sure glad I got the mowing done.

It stormed most of the way to Lafayette. I picked up a plate lunch of BBQ ribs at the deli.

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Re: Wed Morn

Postby JudyJB » Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:48 pm

I had a horrible night last night and did not get to sleep until 5 am. I've had my IBS pretty much under control and I did not eat anything unusual yesterday, but somehow I was up all night. Slept off and on until noon, so still didn't get enough sleep. Anyway, I am in a commercial campground for three days, so spent this afternoon doing laundry and making some calls to make sure I had all the funds from the U of Georgia and the storage place where we have the few family things we saved from my aunt and uncle's house. I will probably go there right after Thanksgiving to try to do a clean-out with the other niece/POA. The contents of the house was willed to the two of us, so at least we don't have to involve other relatives, thankfully.

Most people don't realize that alligators can be extremely lazy. If they have eaten adequately, they mostly are content to just lay around in the sun. Now, if I saw a really big one, like over 10' or so, I would scurry out of the way.

Also, Beth, the best thing about wasp spray is that the spray goes so far that you can stand a LONG way back, give them a good spray, and then have time for a quick getaway before they go after you. And actually, when I sprayed some once, they just mostly dropped to the ground. You do NOT want angry wasps, as you discovered. Wasp spray is an excellent investment!!

And by the way, the little inside insect traps I have been using are really doing a terrific job, especially with those tiny insects that just like to flit around your face and drive you nuts. They also occasionally catch a fly or large moth. I replaced the sticky pads last night, and within an hour, each one had a couple of tiny bugs on it. I use this one: ... 748&sr=8-1

But it only comes with two sticky pads, so I order this refill pack with 40 pads: ... hdGY&psc=1

I change them once a week, or whenever they get filled with dead bodies!
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Re: Wed Morn

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:02 pm

I knew better than doing what I did but heck, I did it anyway. Just finished doing the spraying of where I think the entrance is. Actually it might be more to the side but that's hard to get to without being too close so will check tomorrow.
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Re: Wed Morn

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:11 pm

Good evening. Had a fun day today with my Bunco group. Always enjoy those ladies. It was pretty warm this afternoon but going to be way hotter tomorrow and the next couple of days.
So wont be working outside tomorrow but think I will finish shampooing the carpet tomorrow afternoon. Going to a couple of thrift shops in the morning before it warms up as I have a couple things I am looking for. Picked up a few groceries this morning before Bunco. Just needed a few things. Tomorrow I might make a Costco run also. That is always scary. I spend too much money there usually so maybe I will go or maybe I wont ha ha

I occasionally find a small wasp nest around my eaves so I check periodically and have a couple cans of wasp spray handy. Works well. Irmi welcome back, you were missed.
Anne hopefully you will have a cool down soon. My mantra "C'mon Fall" I am ready!!!!!

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Re: Wed Morn

Postby JudyJB » Wed Sep 04, 2024 11:34 pm

Beth, I know what you mean. When I had my moth infestation last year, hundreds of moths in my motorhome, I ended up using outdoor flying insect spray in my bathroom. Later, I had to wash down the walls, cabinets, toilet, shower, and floor because it is poisonous, but at least it killed at least 60 moths! Had to vacuum up the bodies also. Yuck.
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Re: Wed Morn

Postby Cudedog » Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:12 am

OregonLuvr wrote:I occasionally find a small wasp nest around my eaves so I check periodically and have a couple cans of wasp spray handy. Works well. Irmi welcome back, you were missed.
Anne hopefully you will have a cool down soon. My mantra "C'mon Fall" I am ready!!!!!

Welcome back, Irmi!!

Well, thanks for the suggestion, Karen. I am just about ready to try anything. It topped out today at a "slightly warm-ish" 110* degrees. I just now tried your mantra, I think I'll try it every day from now on. It can't hurt, right?

Speaking about wasps. . . I lived in the Sierra Foothills for nearly thirty years (loved it there - had a view of lovely mountains out my living room window). Wasps were a fact of life in the area where I lived. We also had scorpions - but I'll leave that story for another time.

Anyway, one day when I was vacuuming up spiders (LOL - house spiders, of the daddy-long-lets variety were a fact of life up there, too. I had "spider day" about once a week. I liked to count them as I sucked them up the vacuum hose - my all-time, one-day "personal best" was eighty spiders. They were small. . .), when I came across a big blister in the paint on my kitchen ceiling, just above my back door.

It was really strange looking, I didn't remember seeing it there before (certainly not since the previous week's spider extravaganza), so I just stood there looking up at it for a bit, puzzled. This blister was about the size of a dinner plate.

Finally, I reached up to touch it, and my finger poked right through the middle of the blister, it was kind of the thinnest of very brittle paper.

I had about ten seconds or so to think on that, when suddenly the entire blister burst open - and I found myself standing directly below a shower of very startled wasps falling out of this amazing new hole in my ceiling. I immediately turned around to the kitchen cupboard and grabbed a paper plate and some masking tape, jumped on a kitchen chair, and covered the hole with the paper plate, and taped it firmly in place just as the entire wasp nest geared up and began to "sing".

And that was definitely a song I did not want to listen to!

I don't remember getting stung - I think this sudden discovery was as much a surprise to the wasps as it was for me. They had pretty much fallen from the hole to the floor before thinking much about flying, and I was able to dispatch them by stepping on them and swatting them with a fly swatter. I could tell that their friends still in the ceiling had other ideas, but they were now blocked off.

After getting rid of the colony - it was a big one created between the studs in my ceiling, they had been coming in to the space between the studs via a tiny crack in the siding above my back door - I realized that they had probably been there for a while - at least long enough to chew through the sheetrock until the only layer left was a paper-like thin layer of paint!!

I have never cared too much for wasps. This little adventure did not improve my opinion of them.

At all.

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Re: Wed Morn

Postby snowball » Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:40 am

oh my Beth not a fun thing to do but I think we all have had a moment of doing something that we know as we do it that it wasn't what we should have done...
before I forget Karen I watched a "reel" the other day saved it and as I read about you going to Bunco thought this would be a fun thing to do for something of that nature or actually for anything where you take a dish... consisted of thawed cool whip or something of that nature... 1 small box o jello (she used orange) 1 tsp vanilla 1 8oz pkg cream cheese and 1 jar of marshmallow creme (she called it marshmallow fluff but it was creme she used there is a difference :lol: ) she mixed the cool whip vanilla and jello together then added in the cream cheese and marshmallow creme... I think I would have done it differently would have mixed all but the cool whip together until incorporated then folded in the cool whip but then I find myself wondering why they did it that way???? :roll:
Barbie a thought and I'm sure that you get tired of all of us telling you what to do but here goes remember both Lyn and Anita drove a truck with a camper on it (can't at the moment think of the proper term of it) but you wouldn't have to hook it up back it up ect... but then not as much room for the kitties although not much room for them in a scamper either... just a thought... you don't have to get as big of a truck as I have I don't think guess it would depend upon the sized of camper .... it does sound like a good idea to find a place like Ava and Cheryl have found .... good luck in your search you probably want to sell the rv quickly and I don't know how far you want to go to sell it but Q season will be starting up so... they start getting to BLM land on the 15th although I don't know if people are looking for rigs when they go down of if that is a later thing for some.... I've not been looking :lol:
Irmi so glad to see you back and that you had a fun uneventful trip...
Judy so sorry that you had a wretched night hopefully you are doing better... I've seen something called Zevo on sale that sounds like the same type of insect remover... thought about it for mom's house but for the life of me can't figure out where to put it although actually this summer we have not had a big problem with bugs... although when we do mom expects me to get rid of them... but they are much faster than I am so I just ignore them...
woke up smelling smoke though oh my people must have thought it was cold and started up their wood burning stoves... then I looked at the weather app we have an air alert out till tomorrow smoke from the fire north of us... then later in the day I was texting my brother and sister in law about going on a vaca dd#3 and I are going to go up to Washington and see dd#4 and was trying to get a date set that they can take care of mom the only issue is that they have to take niece down to SLC on the 22 and I wasn't planning on being here till Tues.. guess somehow I will have to be unless the kid downstairs gets his schedule changed again and will be here I'd still come in but wouldn't worry if it was later perhaps my nephew can come over and check on her a couple of times...guess we will figure it out dd wants to be home on Sunday night relax on Monday and to work on Tuesday ... it will work out looking forward to going up would like to into Vancouver and go to high tea but we will see the kids will be in school so will be hard to go to far and the weekends will be for traveling...
the saga of the infant hat continues... it uses a reverse slip stitch... I should have rewatched the the tutorial on it... I didn't like the back so have been concerned that I was doing something wrong... will take it out and redo it have done it enough that I don't have to refer to the pattern :lol: :roll: one more row and the what I call a trivet will be through... it's just the finishing row
you all have a good day
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