Sunday September 1

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Sunday September 1

Postby Shirlv » Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:54 am

More All, another humid stormy day predicted. It’s ok, temps in 70’ next week and I am ready. I stayed up until midnight to say rabbits. It will be wonderful to sit on the porch again. I traveled to London by train yesterday. Glad Jeb Brooks was in charge or I would have been lost. lol. Last night waiting for midnight I watched Martin and Roman Kemp search their roots on Ancestry (YouTube) was entertaining and I shed a few tears. My kid brother will be 81 this month and will give him a couple dozen steamed hard crabs. Also bought him a Easyhone prime flip cell phone which I hope he can use. It required T-mobile as carrier. They had a $25 plan with unlimited text and call and no contract. Should be all he needs. That’s all my news. Be safe

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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby PeggyinCT » Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:05 am

Good morning Everybody from cloudy and possible rain Connecticut and there are men crawling all over my roof. Yup! Getting a new roof. There goes my play money…..That’s my itty-bitty news. Enjoy your day. Peggy
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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:37 am

I forgot to say rabbits but it hasn't brought me much luck in the past anyways.

I am still stuck in Gila Bend. I got up early and decided to walk over to the Shell station down the street to get some food and water since I hadn't eaten all day yesterday and was out of my Propel. Once I got there, I started feeling lightheaded, so I grabbed a few things and paid for them. By then, I knew I wasn't feeling good enough to walk back to the motel so I went and sat at a booth in back at the Subway place in back. Luckily, the mechanic called and said he needed the keys for the car. He picked me up at the Shell and gave me a ride back to the motel and I gave him the keys. He thinks they can get the car fixed today, which would be awesome! I will stay here tonight again and then leave in the morning for home.

So now, I can rest for the day. I have a protein drink, water, soup, and a turkey sandwich. So I am set for awhile now. I just want to be home tho.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:54 am

Good morning. I am running on slow this morning. But hey no hurry right??? Forgot Rabbits of course. Oh well nothing new. Getting ready to have some breakfast and my second cup of coffee. Then will mosey to the shower. Meeting Laura again today. We enjoy just hanging out chatting, dreaming etc We went out for lunch yesterday and Laura filled up with gas so she is all set now for her trek home tomorrow. We have no real plans for today, thought about a ride up the Umpqua to Diamond Lake or bop over to the coast but decided since it is a holiday weekend it will be crazy anywhere we go. Se we will probably just hang today. And that is part of the beauty of camping.

Barbie so sorry for your troubles. It sounds like it might be your alternator. I had that same problem when I had just gotten a few miles up the road from my house heading to a dog show. My RV just died. On the freeway with the trucks dang near blowing me over even tho I was well on the shoulder. Had to have the RV towed but luckily I was still in my home area and knew where I wanted it towed to. The guy had me disconnect my car and wait for him over at the truck stop. He wanted me safe. He had to disconnect my drive line, hook it up and then head a few miles to my shop. They knew me there thank goodness. Hope that is all that is wrong with your car. Hope you can get rid of this black cloud following you LOL

Weather here will be good today 86 so cooler than yesterday. Tomorrow 77 so Laura shouldnt get too hot when she is hooking up. She was pretty warm when I got there yesterday. She is only about 10 miles up the road at the cutest campground. They have a drive in movie theater screen and show movies on the weekends. Really nice campground.

well better start moving and get this show on the road

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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby Cudedog » Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:09 am

Barbie, I am so sorry to hear of your latest problems.

Thinking of you and wishing you well.

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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby Bethers » Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:45 pm

Shirl, I think I'll be taking a train ride with Jeb sometime this afternoon. Peggy I hope getting the roof won't stop you from Mexico this winter? Barbie, things have to turn around. It seems that car has been trouble for a long time. Karen, say hi to Laura for me. And don't ask me where it came from, but I actually have had some energy this morning. Did a lot more branch clipping, washed my beddings and a few other things, took most of the clippings to the truck bed where they'll eventually end up to the dump or wherever those go. Some kind of problem with Boost getting my phone set up so have my old Sim back in the phone. Real people answer their phone but last night while I finally thought we were getting somewhere, the man had to put me on hold and guess what? An automated voice came on and said, sorry, we are now off for the night and the phone disconnected. I don't believe he did it deliberately but I'm now waiting until Monday during the day. Time to take the last of today's clippings and then return the lopper. More I could cut but I think it'll happen next spring lolol
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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby Bethers » Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:23 pm

We had a nice breeze for a bit today and only hit 90. The rest of the week highs mid 90's to low 100's. I thought we left hitting the 100's behind us. Oh well. I have no idea what to take clothes wise for my trip to SD. Should be interesting. I'm going to be watching the weather at my location in Texas closely.
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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby JudyJB » Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:57 pm

I took a drive this morning to a lake in Waterton Lakes National Park, and updated my blog. Took a lot of photos of the drive. I left at about 10:30 am, just after checking out of the campground, but I have to do a better job of remembering and preparing for holidays. This was Labor Day weekend in both countries, so while the town and shops were relatively calm last week, starting on Saturday and today, it was a zoo. No parking places, roads covered with pedestrians, etc,. I took a 14 mile drive to Cameron Lake and the drive and the lake were spectacular. Then I tried to take the second drive that was recommended to me to Red Rock Canyon, but by 1:30 am, there was a big sign on the road that it was full, so no entrance. So, headed out of the park and am now in campground in Fort Macleod where there is a buffalo jump. Just updated my blog about the drive this morning, and am just doing nothing this evening.

The full-service campground at Waterton Townsite was terrific, with very large and clean sites of big gravel and grass. Cost is shocking when you see in Canadian $$ but was only $33.50 in U.S. which is very good. Overall, I am disappointed in private Canadian RV parks because of mostly seasonal campers, and sites nearly always just on grass or poor gravel, plus stuffed in too tight. Price is high, also, even with currency differences. Also, electric hookups almost never have on/off switches, so when you plug the plug in, it turns on electricity immediately. Basically, I really miss COE paved sites.

I cancelled three days at one place near Jasper since I don't see any reason for driving that far north. I have been trying to figure out what i want to do, but I think I am going to go back to Waterton for three nights and then across the border to the U.S. glacier ntl park, but I have to find a reservation there. Might cut a day or two off at some place after that so I can spend more than 3 days at Glacier. Then on to two other parks and LePage in Oregon on the Columbia River.

Karen, I have an oncology appt in Eugene on Oct 15, and then will head to Tillicum Campground near Yachats for two weeks on October 17.
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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:23 pm

It was warmer today because the sun was out. It got up to 93 but no rain. It had rained another half inch overnight.

Cheryl, sorry to hear about Punkin loosing his teeth. Years ago my son told one of his teachers we would take a cat she wanted to get rid of. She hadn't taken care of him very well and our vet had to pull all his teeth. He got along ok without any teeth.

Sheila, I did check the battery in my mouse. It is working fine now so it probably wasn't the mouse. Who knows what the problem was.

Barbie, sorry you are having more problems. It's a good thing you got a ride from the mechanic. Hopefully they can get your car fixed and bring it to you. I know you would like to be home.

The other day when I was at the grocery store I saw some sauce to make Indian food with. I bought a jar of Butter Masala. It was the only jar that said it was mild. It was still spicy but not too bad. I had a couple of pieces of chicken breast in the freezer so cut it in chunks and cooked it in the sauce. It was pretty good. The same company has frozen dinners so I think I'll just buy the frozen dinners. I probably have 3 more meals of what I cooked.

About 6:00 I went down to the pond to fish some and spray weeds. There's another small alligator in the big pond. The fish weren't bitting much but caught a few. I was surprised that the mosquitoes weren't very bad. I'm glad we have been getting rain for the pond. The water level was going down.

Don't know what I'll do this week. I have a cattle women meeting Tuesday night. One of my clubs has a campout at the campground with the lazy river next weekend. I haven't signed up and don't know that I will.

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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby snowball » Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:24 am

Beth maybe Karen shared her energy with you... :lol: it is a problem knowing what to take when your closet isn't with you...
Martha that is a favorite of mine did you serve it over rice? although I've not used the bottle version it's is one of the things I like to order and every once in awhile make... easy to do but bet it's much easier to open a bottle and put the chicken in it... :) and you went fishing with a gater in the pond ... more courage than I would have
Peggy enjoy your new roof it's always a source of comfort when you get a new one...
I bet that you and Laura have had a great time Karen
It's your bad luck about over Barbie??? we will hope so hopefully it will be so that you will be able to go home tomorrow bet the kitties are ready for you to come home as well
Cheryl I totally get what you are saying neither of my grandkids had a line and it was so hard to see them I know that granddaughter tried to circulate but not sure she got to our table ... where do you head for when you leave Illinois?
It's just been a typical Sunday made Taco soup for supper sure is a good recipe... always enjoy it... will need to get some sour cream before I reheat it though :lol: forgot to buy it even knowing that I would be making it I also need to see if I'm out of the shells it's something that is nice to have on hand so need to replenish what I used... forgot to put it out had cheese that we could have put on it... did try some creme fresh not sure how it's spelled had a small container of it in fridge so used it in place of the sour creme I understand that it's used in other places in place of sour creme... didn't have the sharpness if that is the term I want of sour creme mom doesn't like sour creme but she wouldn't try it...
you all have a great day
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Re: Sunday September 1

Postby JudyJB » Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:39 am

Do you remember me posting about Liz and Tina taking me kayaking with alligators? If you go to my blog onJanuary 7, 2015, you will see photos of us all, PLUS the couple of alligators we saw resting on the river bank!!! Luckily they were small, and one did not even open his eyes from his nap. The two I saw were about 3’ and 4’.
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