Last Friday of August

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Last Friday of August

Postby Colliemom » Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:44 pm

Good Afternoon. What are you all into today since nobody’s posted? Probably like me, busy with chores or something. I just finished installing a new showerhead in the guest bathroom and hanging out some towels for them. I keep decorative towels in there when it’s not being used and then change out if company is coming. Cleaned my bathroom and kitchen this morning and ran the vac.i’ll make up the bed tomorrow, as well as throw the beef stew fixings in the slow cooker and make a blueberry pie. Have fresh blueberries in the freezer from farmers market.

Pretty humid here today, temps in mid 70’s. Been a dark day with few peaks of sun. Ran is south of us and it has been breezy. Anne, sorry you are having such hot temps. You keep saying you always like to move, me thinks it’s time that you quit saying and do it :lol: Before the climate changes more get so hot out there, you won’t be able to sell your house for nothing or the housing market bottoms out. Having to forgo walks, paying high electric bills and staying inside all the time is not healthy, physically or mentally. It wears one down as well as ones finances. Life is short, go where you can enjoy it.

Barbie, glad your brother is doing well after surgery. Karen, your weather and mi e are mimicking each other. We have a nice weekend coming up though with maybe s altered showers on Sunday.

Molly is bugging for a potty walk, so can’t remember what else I was going to say. So closing off and hitting the road.
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Humid Friday

Postby Othersharon » Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:55 pm

Good afternoon. The heat finally broke after the rain yesterday but this humidity is still high. We got some of the scattered storms but not far east of us they had flooding and lines and trees done. They closed a couple of the roads in those areas too. So I’m grateful for what we got and that it wasn’t flooding. Couple of the pictures I saw showed the high water running down the town’s Main Street. It’s still gray outside and we may have another round this afternoon. Buddy needs a walk but I think we’ll have to stick to the neighborhood instead of usual walk in the woods. As I think I’ve said before it’s a dirt road and imagine it’s still a mess. I need to get out and pull some weeds since the ground is wet. My least favorite thing to do in my yard. Maybe I can train Buddy to pull weeds instead of making holes in my yard. I think I discovered what he’s going after too. Crickets, he brought in a big one the other night and I got to fish it out of his mouth. I’ve stick my hand in his mouth so often that he just lets me do it without any trouble. Can’t say he’s happy about me taking his treasures away from him but he doesn’t fight me. But he’s got one powerful jaw! I sure hope those of you dealing with the super high heat get some relief soon. Karen, your garden really did take off. I wish I had just one tomato to make a BLT. I don’t think my neighbor planted any this year and they said I could help myself to them when they had them! Not that I would do it without asking but I thought it was nice they offered. Barbie, glad your brother’s surgery went well and you are relaxing some. Cheryl, how are things going with you? So not much else happening in my life right now. Just the normal everyday things that need done. Hope you all have a good rest of your day.
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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:51 pm

Good afternoon. Just sat down to have some lunch. Worked outside for a bit pruining my tomatoes and tearing down some of the beans. But got way too hot in the sun so had to quit. Had Henry vacuum the guest room and I washed the bedspread as Emma likes to sleep up there where she can see out of the window. It is the only place she can lie down and still see the goings on outside. I have a bed for her up there to contain the hair but that is a losing battle. I am going to see if I can find a twin sheet at the thrift store next week to cover that part of the bed. Dusted and fixed her steps up to the bed. Had to vacuum them (of course) and then glued part of the carpet that was coming up, put it in the sun and laid a couple of bricks on it until the glue set up. So all is well now. Then I dusted so got one room all tidy. Now on to the second room. Not expecting any company but I like to keep it tidy and I do forget to dust in there sometimes.

Barbie glad all is well with your brother. Anne your summer has been brutal for sure. We are 54/94 today then tomorrow 55/86 and Monday a glorious 53/78 I love it. Just got my electric bill today $98.80 that made me very happy. We cool down at night hear. When I lived in Redding my AC ran 24/7 because it never cooled down. Exactly the same weather you are having. I was very happy to move but lived there for 10 years....apparently I was a slow learner. Moved there to get out of the rain of Portland (34 years there) I knew it got hot there but that heat was ridiculous. I am really liking the weather here in Roseburg. It isnt as hot as Talent where I used to live and not as rainy as Eugene so it pretty ok in my book.

The fish tacos were super good last night. Steve deep fried the fish with a batter on it. Shredded cabbage, tomatoes, pico de gallo, and top it with Mexican Crema. Had a nice jello
fruit salad and watermelon. I took an Apple pie so it was a very good meal. I make mine a little different. I use the Gortons beer batter frozen fish (cook it in the air fryer), warm the tortillas in the micro, put the fish in, add cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream and avocado (if I have it). I am going to buy some Crema tho as that was very tasty. I am all about easy LOL and it is too much work to deep fry it myself so this works real good.

Sharon that is exactly what I did, got the OTA antenna for local info and news and subscribe to a couple of streaming channels. My brother in law (at the time) was a bicyclist in the Tour de France for many years He rode for these teams. He is retired now of course but still very involved with cycling in Colorado. In 2004, Kiefel was inducted into the United States Bicycling Hall of Fame

1985 – 7 Eleven
1986 – 7 Eleven
1987 – 7 Eleven
1988 – 7 Eleven
1989 – 7 Eleven
1990 – 7 Eleven-Hoonved
1991 – Motorola
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Just thought since you are interested in the race you might find this interesting.

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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby Cudedog » Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:13 pm

Anne, sorry you are having such hot temps. You keep saying you always like to move, me thinks it’s time that you quit saying and do it Before the climate changes more get so hot out there, you won’t be able to sell your house for nothing or the housing market bottoms out. Having to forgo walks, paying high electric bills and staying inside all the time is not healthy, physically or mentally. It wears one down as well as ones finances. Life is short, go where you can enjoy it.

Oh. . . Sue. . . your statement above about took my breath away. I think I am going to copy and paste your words and save them in a Word document. Just TOO TRUE, on all your points.

And, yes, I especially agree with you about the housing market, the electric bills - my current electric bill is $500.00!!!

Just now as I am typing this (3:50 p.m.), the temp is 105* - and it may go higher, 5:00 is often the hottest part of the day.

I have lived here fourteen years, and this is the most unbearable summer I can remember. I used to go for my walks after dark with a flashlight - but this summer it's still often 95* or better at 10:00 p.m., a bit too late, and still too hot, to walk.

Just got my electric bill today $98.80 that made me very happy. We cool down at night hear. When I lived in Redding my AC ran 24/7 because it never cooled down. Exactly the same weather you are having. I was very happy to move but lived there for 10 years....apparently I was a slow learner. Moved there to get out of the rain of Portland (34 years there) I knew it got hot there but that heat was ridiculous.

I have lived here fourteen years, and each summer has been hotter than the next.

Well. . . this is totally nuts, and totally premature - but I just saw a house in southern Oregon that absolutely checks all of my boxes. I think I might actually go take a look next week - I would go now, but my van needs servicing. I'll get it in for service on Monday.

And. . . the electric rate for Oregon is .13 cents per kilowatt hour. The current rate where I live is .43 per kilowatt hour.

This house is on the high side of what I can afford, so it would be a stretch - but I might be able to save $300.00/mo on electricity - so it puts it in the ball park.

Probably over-sharing, and will jinx everything (and, Sue, I gotta tell you that your dang statement above pretty much hit me right between the freaking eyes - I had just seen this house online only about TEN MINUTES before I read your post) but. . . I can't help myself. . . here are some photos of the house. :? :? :?


Here is the view out of the back of the house of the backyard (it's a river):


I think I may be losing my mind. . . probably I will get over it by the end of the weekend, and look really foolish for even posting. . . but, dang, this one seems to have it all. I gotta dare to dream.

The area is 4-season, southern Cascades, autumn colors, a little snow in winter. Current temp here is 105*, current temp there is 91*. Definitely do-able!!

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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Aug 30, 2024 7:24 pm

Anne that house is adorable. Looks great. Hey a girl can dream but if you dont look you will never know. Oregon doesnt have sales tax either. If something is $5.00 that is what you pay. We do have state tax tho but of course your used to that. I like living here for sure. A trip to the beach is about 1 1/2hrs away. The Diamond Lake in the mountains is about 90 miles away so all is doable. We are hot today but temps going down Sunday. Our mornings are great right now. A little chill in the air but warms up when the sun comes out. It is always fun to look tho.

Got most of my housekeeping chores done, still want to swiffer the bathroom floors and Henry just finished vacuuming so now is a good time to do that before I (or Emma) track anything in. I already did the kitchen floor. Watered my indoor plants (only 3) 2 cacti and 1 Anthurium. Had some dinner and now done for today.

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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:25 pm

It only got up to 84 today because it has rained off and on lightly all day. I didn't hear it rain during the night but it rained an inch and a half. There is a 90% chance of rain for tomorrow so I didn't sign up for the brunch at Cracker Barrel.

I went to town and picked up some fried catfish. I think the catfish works good for tacos. I have been putting shredded lettuce on mine but I have seen recipes that called for cabbage.

Sharon, Buddy says you are no fun, taking his crickets away. Yesterday one of the cats had a big fat field rat on the carport. I let Luna out before I saw what the cat had and I was afraid she would try to take it but she didn't. Sugar would have tried to eat it.

I have an over the air antenna hooked up to my office Tv so I can switch to if the weather is so bad I can't get Direct. I have satellite internet so it goes out if the weather is bad.

Barbie, glad your brothers surgery went well.

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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby Bethers » Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:04 pm

Anne, That house is wonderful. If I was looking I'd beat you to it lol. And I'm sure gas prices would be lower also. Plus you don't have to offer what they're asking!

Barbie, I'm happy for your brother and for you.

Nothing exciting here today. Oh, I think most of you know I have two phones. All my years traveling solo using two carriers meant it was very rare that at least one phone would have service. Anyway, my visible line isn't my phone that everyone had the number to. But it's my streaming phone and in case of emergency. Well, tomorrow I'll be switching my other phone (the number I've had forever) to Boost Mobile where my first month will be $12.50 then I'll be locked in on this one at $25 per month forever. Hopefully it works out. Someday maybe I'll switch to just one phone. But I'll be paying the least I've paid for even when I had a single cell phone way back when.

I always prefer cabbage on tacos. It's another crunch.

Hard to believe we'll be in September day after tomorrow. Before long it'll be next year.
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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby snowball » Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:24 am

Anne... will the place you go for service be open on Monday it's labor day .... some places are open and some aren't ... it's a weird holiday :lol: and you really should look into that house...
Barbie glad that all went well with your brother... if you go home tomorrow drive safely I am pretty sure the kitties will be really glad to see you unless they put a token "I'm .... at you" attitude... I'm sure that you have a lot to do and when stressed it makes it seem like it's more... perhaps a daily list will help not overwhelm you... I know I do lists occasionally it helps to check off what you have done a visible pat on the back
Karen and Sue always make me feel more of a slug than I am... they get so much done in a day
I actually pulled stuff out of the freezer for supper and it was just enough how ever I don't think I will freeze left over spaghetti again I put it frozen into a pan of boiling water... and swooped it out quickly it heated well but to me tasted watery perhaps I should have microwaved it... you all gave me some good ideas with the fish taco's it may happen we will see I don't think mom has ever had them so wonder what she would think of them...
my cousin text me this morning saying how good her mom is doing... which makes me happy they are planning a 100th birthday for her asked if we could come... I just don't think even flying mom could handle that long of a trip if she could I'd take her to see her daughter in Vegas... ;) plus she doesn't sleep in a bed so making her sleep in a bed that length of time wouldn't be helpful to her (her back hurts to lay flat) that and I don't fly well not sure I would fit in one of the seats... and don't think I can afford two seats...
Beth my dd has been thinking of switching to a different carrier one that would be cheaper you will have to let us know what you think of it...
yikes a cricket... doesn't sound at all good
you all have a great day
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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby JudyJB » Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:09 am

It's almost midnight here, but I just finished the submarine sandwich i bought home today. Stomach was upset most of the day, so I waited until things settled down. Temp was 74 today, so I took a very long walk in the little town of Waterton and stopped to get some postage stamps and mail some postcards to grandkids. Had a fun conversation with the lady at the desk--it was not busy and I had some questions about the town. All of the mountains around here have nothing but burned trees on them, though the ground is green. They have had a lot of fires in the past year, but most of the damage was done in 2017. She said the new trees were about 3' tall, but of course I can't see that from the town--would have to hike up, which I cannot do. It is still an amazingly beautiful place surrounded by high mountains. Check out photos on my recent blog posting. Tomorrow, I take a long boat ride down the long lake shared by both countries, and we will stop at a ranger station at the end of the lake in Glacier National Park.

Then walked over to the visitor center and asked about some local drives. There are two and I will do one on Sunday morning as I leave here. It will only take me a couple of hours at most, and my next campground is only an hour-and-a-half away, so lots of time for a side trip or two. Town is Fort Macleoud, but there is a World Heritage site there called "Face Smashed In." it is a buffalo jump, which is one trick Native Americans used to harvest buffalo. Basically, several tribes or groups joined together and some of the men found a large herd of buffalo and chased them towards a cliff, yelling and waving blankets. The tribes had previously built stone cairns that many of the other tribes people hid behind, and when the herd of buffalo came by, they jumped up and waved blankets and branches to keep them moving in the right direction. When they got to the cliff, the buffalo had no choice to jump, and of course, got their faces smashed in!! I'll be there for two days then moving on to another town with a famous dinosaur museum. There are many buffalo jumps in Canada and the U.S. and many of them have 50-60' of bones at the bottom, showing centuries of cutting up and drying meat from hundreds of animals every year.

Slowly working my way to Banff and Lake Louise, but the bad news is that my 5 days at Jasper got cancelled today, so I have to find another place to stay for that time.
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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby BirdbyBird » Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:53 am

Judy, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your blog posts of your travels. I don't read them everyday time but on a slow morning like today I will read backwards to catch up. Enjoy Waterton. I think all of us did when we visited on our way to Alaska...except Stuart and a few of the other dogs. Stuart was sure that the overly self confident (and protected) ground squirrels that were everywhere in the campground would jump out of their holes and a yell obscenities about his mother....just to tease him.
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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:23 am

Good Morning, our low was 67* and our high is going to be 75* today. Although I like our temperatures, it would be nice to experience a little change. Like you mentioned in your house looking Annie.
Getting my refrigerator fixed is becoming a PITA! My next appointment with a repairman is scheduled for Tuesday. That will be two weeks since the problem began!
I enjoy all of your posts. Thank you!

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Re: Last Friday of August

Postby Cudedog » Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:02 pm

Good morning, everyone!

Good Morning, our low was 67* and our high is going to be 75* today. Although I like our temperatures, it would be nice to experience a little change. Like you mentioned in your house looking Annie.
Getting my refrigerator fixed is becoming a PITA! My next appointment with a repairman is scheduled for Tuesday. That will be two weeks since the problem began!
I enjoy all of your posts. Thank you!

Thank you, Lyn. I enjoy all of your posts as well - very much!! -, and am hoping for an exciting update on your move! Hope it goes smoothly, and happens soon!

Lyn, you didn't say what kind of fridge that you have, but there is a nationwide, class-action lawsuit against Kenmore and LG refrigerators:

"Fridge failures: Federal lawsuit cites LG refrigerator issue"

What you describe in your post sounds suspiciously like what this lawsuit is all about - a known defect in the refrigerators that LG has known about for years, and delay-delay-delay the repair process.

If your fridge is an LG or a Kenmore (many Kenmore fridges have the LG compressor) maybe you could get some relief by joining the lawsuit?

snowball wrote:Anne... will the place you go for service be open on Monday it's labor day .... some places are open and some aren't ... it's a weird holiday :lol: and you really should look into that house...

Sheila, you are correct - many things are closed on the Labor Day holiday (most holidays are just another day for me) but I'll phone them Monday morning - most businesses like mechanics and such in my area likely will be open.

And. . . about "The House". . . LOL. . . Who knew? 8-) :lol: I won't be rushing up to Oregon to look at real estate anytime soon! Read on:

Well. . . things - particularly real estate listings - online often aren't as good as they look in the photos! Did a bit more researching about "The House" last night (isn't what a person can find out on the internet grand? LOL!) and found out that right next door to this house (and, apparently, in full view of the house, although the photos don't show it!) is a 47-year-old double-wide mobile home (built in 1977) that looks to be completely and thoroughly trashed, both inside and out.

From the photos (and due to the age of the unit) it does not look repairable, but would probably need to be demolished or removed. From the looks of it, and the general condition of the property and outbuildings surrounding it (including tall weeds, dry grass, etc.), I'm guessing that "squatters" probably recently lived there.

I'm looking at the photos and thinking rodents and insects, and just Ew.

Photos of the next-door "trash pile" are here, on Sue's newest thread (scroll down the page a bit): This property is also for sale - and has been for nearly a year, with no takers. Wonder why? :roll: I also found out last night during my researches that "The House" has also been for sale for about six months, with no takers - wonder why? :roll: LOL: not!

So. . . I'm not going to be rushing up to Oregon anytime soon. I'll keep looking, though. If there is one thing I have learned about real estate, it's that there is always "another one" coming along!!

Maybe it will happen next time!


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