Now It’s Thursday

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Now It’s Thursday

Postby Colliemom » Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:25 am

Morning. Clear and 58° yesterday mornings 64 was as high as we got yesterday. But we are going back into normal 70’s. Judy, what you are experiencing isn’t completely unusual for late August especially in the mountains. We were in the low 40’s here awhile back and a couple areas reported upper 30’s. It’s getting to that time of year when frost is possible from here on out up here, but is becoming more rare as the climate changes. Seems it’s way into October, even November anymore. I’m sure the colder air will help the firefighters in Jasper area though.

Enjoying all the talk about TV watching. That’s a very low priority in my life. Not a big TV watcher. Since last fall, most of my evenings I’m either DPing or on my IPad playing FreeCell or doing word games to keep my brain busy. And evening dog walks too. We all have our routines. I like seafood lke shrimp, lobster and crab, but the rest I will leave to you gals :lol:

Heading back to town this morning as now have overnight company coming Saturday morning. So need some veggies for stew fixings. I don’t keep potatoes in the house cause I don’t eat them that often and they start sprouting. Want to get a refrigerated pie crust to make a blueberry pie too. ZPlus need a new showerhead in guest bathroom. It’s one of those out of sight out of mind things. Keep forgetting about it. Haven’t had company since I remodeled the bathroom a couple years ago. Was going to do that this winter. Friends were without power when they called yesterday from the storms that hit SE Michigan on Tuesday, so hopefully they are back in now. Thty are the new executors for me, so we can go over that stuff too while they are here and show them where things will be filed.

So off to the shower and get my day movibg. Hoping to mow grass this afternoon. Think it’s supposed to rain again tomorrow. Have a great day all.

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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby Redetotry » Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:18 am

Good Morning, This is supposed to be our last really hot day so I hope the forecast is right as I'm really going a bit stir crazy. Sue I don't watch much TV either and yet we pay $150. a month just for what few channels we do get. I know that is crazy but our TV's are old and learning to use the new ones seem daunting. My DH is not that good with using the one remote and would drive me nuts if there were two.

Sheila, My Granny made amazing cinnamon rolls from scratch. Her dough had potatoes in it and when she rolled it out she sprinkled a little cinnamon and sugar on top then rolled the dough and sliced it before placing in baking dish. After the rolls were baked and cooled a little she poured the brown sugar icing on top. I especially liked them while still warm.

Brown sugar Icing
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup sweet milk
boil until test soft in water add butter
pour on top of of rolls

When she made peach pie she topped with a white sauce. I can’t remember if she used a lattice crust on top or just used the sauce.

1/3 cup to 1/4 cup sugar depending on how sweet your peaches are
1 Tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
Cook until thick, add butter and vanilla to taste
Pour on top of baked pie as it starts to cool.
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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:53 am

Good morning from sunny and cool Roseburg. Mother nature is being very bi-polar right now. 46 outside and going to be 96-100 today Depending where you look for the forecast ha ha Good grief. Saturday another hot one then down to 89 and partly cloudy for Sunday.

BJ that sounds really good....but I am not much of a baker. That sounds a little labor intensive LOL I like to cook and like to try different "easy" cakes. My favorites to make are Apple Walnut Spice or Chocolate Cherry. I do use a cake mix tho and canned apple or cherry filling No more "from scratch" at this house. I guess that is why I like to make casseroles so often. Dump everything in, cook, add a salad or veggie and voila...dinner. I freeze portions of it so I can just grab and heat in the micro for lunch or light dinner. I also like soups with a piece of Texas type toast in the winter. Chili is only once in a while. Same with pizza.

Tonight I am going to my neighbors (my handyman Steve) for fish tacos. He went deep sea fishing and making them tonight. I play Bunco with his wife. Nice couple. I set him up with the Roku stick and he trimmed my tree out front....great barter system.

Beth I checked out In Plain Sight, found it on Freevee Looks like something I would like. I like these series because I can watch half of one episode while I have lunch or just a break. Can also multi task while it is on and if I miss something, just back er up ha ha I have to admit I watch more tv in the winter than the summer. I am way busier in the summer of course

Sheila streaming is really easy. People just think it is hard. And it doesnt matter if your tv is NOT a smart tv as long as it has an HDMI port. Then you buy a streaming stick either Roku or Amazon Firestick. I prefer Roku myself. I just couldnt afford Spectrum anymore for the price they wanted for basic tv. On Roku you use one remote and it is easy not many buttons!!!! AND you can use your voice instead of the buttons ha ha I am still using Spectrum internet because I dont have a choice. No 5G here so that is out. We have 2 internet companies here but living in a mobile home park only one choice. I am okay with that tho because it is still cheaper than cable. A person wouldnt even have to pay for any streaming channels to watch alot of tv. So many are totally free and have so much to choose from. The show Beth is watching now is totally free but you have to watch the ads. I am okay with that. Been watching ads all my life ha ha I learned how to stream by watching Youtube My favorite guy is he has taught me a whole bunch of tips and tricks along with the basics. So if you ever think you might want to change this would be a place to start.

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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby Cudedog » Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:47 am

BJ, like Karen says - streaming is easy, people just think it is hard. I haven't had cable in about fourteen years, and I am never at a loss for something - FREE - to watch on tv.

As Karen said, if your "older" tv has a HDMI input slot, streaming is pretty much "plug and play" - plug in the HDMI cable from the streaming device into the back of your tv, and you are streaming.

I think you have to set your tv to a specific channel in order to stream, but I forget.


Just checked on Amazon, and current price for an entry-level Roku is $29.00.

I just checked on, and new a 30" tv starts at around $98.00.

The one thing a person definitely needs (in addition to some kind of streaming device, like Roku, and a TV with a HDMI slot) is fast internet. And even not that terribly fast at that.

I love my Roku!

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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:15 pm

Sue, for a few years, or possibly more, I didn't even have a TV in my RV. Lots of times now it's on just for background noise. Other times I'm watching for hours lol. I used to always have music on, back before losing my hearing. Now music on the background doesn't work for me. Sheila, In Plain Sight is about a US Marshall with the federal witness relocation program. Fictional. Her family is crazy. The job is crazy. And I enjoy it. I don't think it was on a major network, but could be wrong. I agree that Roku is easy to use and there's lots of free channels.

I planned to cut more tree limbs this morning but made a pickup order for Walmart earlier and now the day is heating up. It was actually 65 in my rv when I woke up.
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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:25 pm

Barbie, just wanted to let you know that you and your brother are in my thoughts. I hope his surgery went well yesterday and that you're getting some very needed time to relax over everything happening in your life.
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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby cnq50b » Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:59 pm

I switched to a Roku when I realized Spectrum was charging an additional fee along with the charge for TV services. I enjoyed it but didn’t want to pay that much. In addition to the Roku I also added an antenna to get local channels for the news in the morning. There are plenty of things to watch between Netflix, Amazon Prime & all the free channels. I did pay for Peacock for 1 month to watch the Tour de France & the start of the Olympics - as long as you remember to cancel before the month is over, you can pretty much watch anything you want to. I use Quicken daily to track my finances so I just put an entry in it as a reminder to cancel.

Weather today has been really nice! Low 80's - windows are open & the A/C never kicked on. It's going to get hotter over the next few days & next week it’ll be back to the 90's. The nice thing is as days get shorter, it starts to cool down earlier. I love having the windows open overnight. Anne, I’m not sure how you handle that heat.

I've got 2 friends coming in a couple of weeks. I need to figure out what they might want to see/visit while they are here. They're only staying with me a few days then going to Yosemite so if anyone has ideas on ‘must see’ sites/places in the LA area, let me know.

Barbie, I hope your brother is doing well & that you’re getting some much needed rest.
Take care,
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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:05 pm

It warmed up to a bit over 60 today, and most importantly, the sun was shining brightly in a clear sky. It was still chilly so I put on long pants and wore a hoodie to go out walking to get a ticket for the boat ride I am taking on Saturday. Then wandered around the little town and did some Christmas shopping. Saw some little over the shoulder purses that are about 6" wide by 9" long and have multiple strap hookups so you can wear it a lot of different ways. They were a nice, lined nylon, had multiple pockets and looked pretty sturdy, but lightweight. Got one for me and one for each of my DILs.

Also picked up some postcards to send to grandkids tomorrow. Need to write on each one and pick up some postage stamps for mail back to US. Also updated my blog, and am happy to finally be up to date.
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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:55 pm

This morning I decided to go to Penny's in the mall to look for some jeans that aren't faded and torn already. It wasn't raining when I left but half way to Lafayette the bottom fell out. It stormed the whole time I was in Lafayette. I found some Lee jeans and a couple of pair of jean capris that were on sale. My purse came from Penny's and I would have bought a new one but they only had it in gray and black. Picked up some of the sliders and waffle fries I liked and came home.

This afternoon I laid down on the sofa for a little while. When I tried to get up my leg got a cramp and I couldn't get up. I would sure like to know what makes that happen. It hurts so much.

I only watched my son's Roku TV one time and I got tired of looking for things. There's probably a better way to do it than I was doing.

Tomorrow is fried fish day at the deli. I really did like the fish taco's I made with the fried fish. I might have to go get some if it's not flooding again tomorrow.

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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby snowball » Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:34 am

it's been so long since I've had a fish taco... remind me what all is in it? I bought some fish fillets think they are breaded but wonder if they would work in fish taco... much smaller than I expected.. we had taco's tonight lots of taco meat left over so either need to figure out what to do with it or shove it in the freezer ... another option is to make some taco soup ... saw a reel the other day where she did a taco spaghetti ... put spaghetti in the bottom of a 9x13 think she said she used a box of pasta...then meat cooked a can of tomato sauce and rotelle tomatoes... I watch so many of hers that not sure what else oh yes taco seasoning pkg I thought I saved the reel but didn't in time guess all I got was the ending where she tastes the dish and slams the counter exclaiming how good it is oh yes cheese cheddar grated.. probably onions as I remember thinking I would have cooked them with the hamburger... admit that it sounds good just so much for us even with the kid downstairs eating with us ... he comes home at 2ish and eats his lunch then I fix supper around 5:30-6:00 so guess he isn't that hungry...
BJ I used to make cinnamon rolls have a really good recipe but it makes a lot even if I was to cut it down it makes more that we have space for... saw this recipe for what they called old fashioned butter rolls... like I mentioned it looks like you basic biscuit dough recipe will have to report back i I do make them the hack I've seen and even tried for cinnamon rolls I'm toying with making... to take with me when I go over to see my kids... but then maybe I will just get lazy and not take anything with me... :lol: they aren't expecting me at all so
guess we have had snow in the mountains which I've even seen it snow in July so not overly surprised... but it does make you feel like fall is closer than one is expecting ...
gave the aide the hat she really liked it says it will for sure fit other than maybe a bit long but it can be folded up I'm sure... with the aide being here as well as the nurse I didn't do anything other than scriptures and trying to make a rose it's still in the think I need to go back to the tutorial and see what I'm not doing right... but the pot holder is getting bigger...
Barbie hoping that all is well with your brother and that you are getting some rest.
you all make streaming sound easy it is probably what I will do when I get back into the trailer although not sure how fast the MIFI is...
you all have a great day
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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:43 am

Just to let you know that my brother's surgery went very well. The surgeon removed the tumor and the adrenal gland it was attached to. They will get it tested. He actually looked better right after surgery than he did before! He spent one night and came home this morning. The hospital he was at was very nice and efficient. He is doing good tonight altho a bit tired but glad to be home.

I am having less anxiety in the mornings now, but still not much energy. I am eating better now tho. I sleep good too.

I will probably head home on Saturday. I have a lot to do in the next 4 weeks, and I miss my cats.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby Cudedog » Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:08 am

cnq50b wrote:Weather today has been really nice! Low 80's - windows are open & the A/C never kicked on. It's going to get hotter over the next few days & next week it’ll be back to the 90's. The nice thing is as days get shorter, it starts to cool down earlier. I love having the windows open overnight. Anne, I’m not sure how you handle that heat.

Hi Catherine! :D

Thanks for thinking of me. Handling the heat here has become. . . difficult, to say the least. Today it topped out at 104*. I love to take long walks, but I just can't do it without feeling ill when temps are much over 85*. So I haven't been walking so much this summer - which is not good for my health.

In fact, the temps this summer are the hottest I can remember.

And it not just the heat - it's the fact that I need to run the ac 24/7. My electric bill was $500.00 for July (haven't got the bill yet for August) and PG&E (the electrical utility) is asking for a rate increase!!

I'm getting the urge to maybe move again, somewhere cooler, hopefully with 4 seasons. But still likely here on the west coast - although Sue's stories make me envious!!

LOL. We'll see how that goes. . . I know all you ladies have heard me gripe-gripe-gripe before.

Thanks again!

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Re: Now It’s Thursday

Postby Cudedog » Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:13 am

BarbaraRose wrote:Just to let you know that my brother's surgery went very well. The surgeon removed the tumor and the adrenal gland it was attached to. They will get it tested. He actually looked better right after surgery than he did before! He spent one night and came home this morning. The hospital he was at was very nice and efficient. He is doing good tonight altho a bit tired but glad to be home.

I am having less anxiety in the mornings now, but still not much energy. I am eating better now tho. I sleep good too.

I will probably head home on Saturday. I have a lot to do in the next 4 weeks, and I miss my cats.

Barbie, glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you are de-stressing a bit. I'm sure kitties will be glad to see you, too.

Have a safe trip home.

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