Relief Wednesday

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Relief Wednesday

Postby Colliemom » Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:32 am

Good Morning. Last Wednesdsy of August and getting closer to the last day of the month and Meteorological summer for us. The hot spell broke late yesterday afternoon and I opened up my windows and doors to let the gradually cooling air in. Had a mess of storms to our south, but we didn’t get a drop. Lot of downed trees, power lines and outages. Currently it’s 66° and a bit humid, but it’s been raining, so things are wet. Temp is supposed to keep dropping as the day goes on.

My portable AC leaked again yesterday, but I really didn’t need it. Research on it looks like it might be a blocked or cracked evaporator pan. Plan is to set it out by drive and let somebody have it. Tbere’s lots of handy folks around. But curiosity has got me considering unscrewing the back cover and taking a look inside myself. Screws run down the whole length of the thing. Stay tuned…

Shelia, yes the DP is the one I had made. It’s a long process due to so many colors changing back and forth. Called “confetti” in the Diamond Painting terminology. And we all know what confetti is. I’m starting to get into the lower area where there are blocks of the same color and that goes faster. But I’ll get er done. Judy, enjoy your boat tour.

Heading to town this morning to credit union and Meijer. Don’t want to be up there after today with holiday weekend coming up. By tomorrow the campers, tourists, second home folks etc., will be starting to come up for the last big weekend of the season. Traffic will be horrendous especially Sunday and Monday, as folks start the homeward trek. Gaylord, despite its size, is one of three major traffic congestion areas in northern Michigan due it’s central location for those heading back to I-75. In another year the state will start major reconstruction of the M-32/I-75 bridge and ramps to relieve the congestion and traffic backups, which can stretch back a mile or more on Sundays, the majority coming from the W/NW side of the northern lower. A diverging g Diamond interchange is planned.

So, guess I shall get moving here. Want to change my bed and then head to town. Have a nice day everyone.
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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:40 am

Good morning. Nice a cool again this morning 52.....but we are heading into a hot spell of mid 90's for Friday and Saturday then down into the high 80's on Sunday. So a brief warm up.

Since my tomato plants have now decided to lose their minds and they are so thick and the tomatoes are so big they toppled one of my plants way over to the side. I cant get it back upright as it is too heavy. So just letting it do whatever. Picked a bunch of tomatoes off of it but still have lots of heavy green ones so that really didnt help. Picked a bunch of beets and stuck them in my Instant Pot for 30 minutes, took them out trimmed them up, peeled them (the skin just falls off in the Instant Pot) and had a nice little bowl of beets (which I love) for dinner. Butter and salt YUM. I will do some more in a few days. The onions will be picked today so they can dry out and if it doesnt get too hot will take the rest of the bean plants out. Also getting some strawberries every few days and they are so sweet. I hope to have a good crop next year as this is their first year so not real plentiful. I still have a bag of straw to cover them with for the winter. Also will cover my blueberry plants with the straw.

Martha you are right it was a soft shelled crab sandwich. All I could think of was YUCK
Sue sorry about your little AC unit but heck your so handy go ahead take a look you can probably fix it. I have central A/C and a couple of fans on stands that work well and cut down on cooling the whole house when I am just sitting. Sheila I do not have Advantage. I have Medicare (regular) and supplement Plan G. I was surprised when the gal told me Medicare would pay a chunk of my classes but it was only because I had cataract surgery.

Well I better get busy before it gets too warm out in the sun

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:25 am

Morning Sue and Karen. I have faith you'll find the problem with that ac Sue. I'd go with your first comment though and give it away. Lol I'm not handy like that. Karen, sounds like you've got a great bounty, especially for the first year. That's awesome.

While walking TY this morning I stopped at our Ho House (landscaping) and signed out a lopper. Mornings are cooler now so time to do some work. I've taken lots off one tree so far, but quit being careful watching my step and a cactus attacked a foot. Lol Wasn't bad but good excuse for a break. Actually moving all the branches will be more work. I'll probably go back out in a bit but then I'm expecting it to be hotter than I want to work. I'll hang on to the lopper to do more tomorrow and however many mornings Z necessary. Monday I delivered electric bills (some on Tuesday so weren't home). Was happy with mine which is always a good thing. No idea what I'll be doing with the rest of the day. TV, read?
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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Redetotry » Wed Aug 28, 2024 2:09 pm

I heard thunder and saw a flash of lightening early this morning and thought I had dreamed it but when I got up I saw the driveway was wet! So far only low 90's. It was supposed to get to almost 100 today so on Monday I cancelled my massage appointment. Oh well, at least I cancelled early enough to not be charged. Karen strawberries this time of year!! Ours was very early here but I have some in the freezer along with some biscuits one of the nearby orchards make during the season. You really did put in a large garden. Hopefully next year will be easier.
We have new neighbors across the street and I'm sure they think I am very nosy as every time they step outside Pippa gives her little woofs meaning she hears someone. I have no idea how she can hear as both of our houses sit back a pretty far distance from the street. But then they all 'hear' the dog from up the street when he is walked by. Wiggy the little dog down the street that looks like a twin to Liz's little black dog will be 16 soon. He has really bad cataracts so they bought him a vest with a headlight! The owner said it seems to be helping.
I should be doing something productive but I think I hear my book and a nap calling.
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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Shirlv » Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:23 pm

Good afternoon all, awful humidity the last couple days but relief coming. Karen, I laughed at your reaction to a soft crab sandwich. #1 daughter was a teen waitress and served a soft crab sandwich to a customer. The woman became hysterical and caused quite a commotion. lol. Soft crabs are my yearly birthday gift from my son. Guess you have to grow up with them. One of my earliest memories is standing in the kitchen with a raw oyster in my mouth. My father laughing and telling me I could spit it out. Still do not like oysters. My son-in-law making fried chicken for dinner. Now I can eat some fried chicken. Lol Be safe.

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:58 pm

You can guess easily that I am inside all day today. Not going out for anything! Reason? More rain all day and high of 47, except it hasn't even met that yet. Below is screen shot taken of weather on cell phone today at noon. I am wearing a heavy sweatshirt and long pants, plus socks. I need to stop somewhere next week and pick up a pair of soft sweat pants!! I have two small electric heaters running and it made it up to 69 inside. My front furnace is not working--I think it needs a new igniter, but haven't had time to get it fixed yet. Rear furnace in my bedroom is working fine, so I was not cold last night. (Getting up and going into the bathroom was another story.)

Also, it snowed to day at Banff! Warming up here to 70s by Thursdays and in Banff to 60s by week after this. Are you sure it is still August?

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Redetotry » Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:07 pm

Judy I will happily sent you some of our heat, it is 95 here and it is 5:00 PM. Shirl you made me laugh out loud with your soft crab story. Fried chicken sounds good.
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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Cudedog » Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:16 pm

OregonLuvr wrote:Good morning. Nice a cool again this morning 52.....but we are heading into a hot spell of mid 90's for Friday and Saturday then down into the high 80's on Sunday. So a brief warm up.

107* here right now as I type this, predicted to be over 100* every day for the next week, at least.

I am so very tired of hot weather.

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:44 pm

OK, I admit to turning down softshell crabs a few years ago. So, Shirlv, please tell us how you are supposed to eat them? They still looked kind of crunchy and not very "soft." Plus they had all their legs. So, if you get them in a sandwich, are you supposed to pull off the legs and discard them? I assume someone has cleaned them, right?? And are you just supposed to eat all the crunchy parts???

I do like crab and lobster, but prefer the meat out of the shell, but I might try the softshell ones someday if I had some advice.
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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Shirlv » Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:18 pm

Judy, I can understand why anyone would be turned off at the sight of a soft crab sandwich. As crabs out grow their shells they stuff them off and their new shell is very soft and will harden with time. If you get them wheen they are very soft they are cleaned and and fried. I prefer mine coated with flour Old Bay and pepper and eaten on bread. You eat it all fins, claws and shell. If probably prepared crab is crispy .
Last edited by Shirlv on Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:20 pm

Oh Anne so sorry you are sweltering We had another great day today 78...but like I said the heat is coming for a couple of days supposedly. And Judy is freezing WOW weird weather for sure this year. Judy I like pretty much anything that comes from the sea but I just couldn't do those crabs. I had to laugh at Shirl, getting them for her birthday. I like your description Shirl but sure doesnt spark my appetite LOL
I am a Dungeness or King crab, snow crab in a pinch. Lobster, shrimp, clams, mussels, oysters and even octopus (which I had in Mexico). I do not like my oysters raw...yuck but grilled or BBQ'd are the best. I dont like Atlantic salmon at all, too fishy. I think it is from their warm water. Our water is so cold here so the salmon do well and definitely not fishy if they are fresh of course.

Just scored a deal on Paramount Plus (CBS shows) for the upcoming shows that I like to watch. Most of them are on CBS. The over the air antenna I have works good but I dont like to watch them when they are on live , past my bedtime and I cant pause them or fast forward or go back ha ha Streaming shows they are offered the next day and you can go back and start at season 1 if you want I like that. Especially when I didnt watch a series and then decided I would like to try it. I used to be able to do that when I had Directv or Cable. Now I pay for a couple of streaming channels but when I have watched the shows I like then I just cancel and pick it up next fall when the new shows come on and the deals start again. I had HULU for a year for $0.99 a month such a deal. Hope they have another one of those this year.

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:48 pm

Judy, fried soft shell crabs are crunchy and you eat the legs. I would like some cooler weather but don't think I want to go from 95 to 37.

Shirl, I like oysters fried. The restaurants here that serve raw oysters are also serving them broiled with different toppings. I haven't tried any yet.

I decided to go to Walmart and the feed store and it decided to storm while I was at Walmart. I had my umbrella so didn't get wet but my shoes were soaked. There was only one register open with a lady that was checking out 2 baskets of stuff. I wan't waiting on her so had to use the self checkout. Grrrrr I saw some tree damage when I headed home and a lot of traffic lights were out. I avoided the main intersections and came home.

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:31 pm

I don't like any salmon except fresh Alaskan. Karen, maybe the Pacific coast would be as good as Alaskan, but too expensive to chance it. I was eating oysters Rockefeller since a little girl and that's still my favorite way with oysters. You don't find them fixed that way much anymore. Someone told me that was 80's lol. I said how about 50's and 60's etc. I used to make them quite frequently. I've never tried the soft shell crab.

Karen, I have a deal on paramount plus and they just gave me showtime for 6 months free. It's on my calendar so I don't forget to cancel it in time.

Anne, I hope you get some great relief soon. Today stayed in the 80's here, but looks like mid 90's for the next few days. But I'll take that as long as they're right about us getting into the 60's overnight each night.
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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:03 pm

Beth YES I got the same Paramount + deal with Showtime for a year.....score. I wont live long enough to watch everything I have on all my watch lists, and then I have to remember where to find it. Pluto and Tubi I like alot also the Roku channel. I am NOT joining anymore right now. I also have Amazon Video but I get it free because I have Prime but I never watch it much. Such problems ha ha

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Re: Relief Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:21 pm

Oh,Karen, same. I can't tell you how often I forget where something is. Lolol Then I have a day like today where my TV had Blue Bloods on all day. In other words, it was mainly just background noise. But tonight I put on In Plain Sight. I like that show. Never heard of it until earlier this year. Right now it's on every night at 8 pm. Sometimes one I've seen, sometimes new to me. Obviously I'm not watching every night or there would never be a new to me one. And Shirl had me hooked on watching a travel show by the guy she mentioned here and there now.
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