Another Hot Day

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Another Hot Day

Postby Colliemom » Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:07 am

Sun is finally out from under the clouds. Had rain last night. First round of storms split around us, most went south. Second round due in late todsy into tonight, then starting a cool down. Was 90 yesterday, about same for today, but mid 70’s tomorrow. At least the flowers got watered, so won’t have to do that today. No outside chores for this gal today. Just finished dusting the house, so done with that. Ran vac yesterday, cleaned kitchen and bathroom end of last week, so done with house for now, except the every other day vacuming. Karen, is Henry on vacation :lol: Haven’t heard you saying anything about him for awhile.

Got up this morning and found my portable AC leaked water on the carpet :evil: so absorbed it up much as necessary and have fan blowing on it. Took the machine e outside and drained it out good. Lots of moisture in the lower part. It drains through a tube that I remove from its holder and then let it drain into a bowl till it quits. Bit of a pain, but being an older model, doesn’t have a pan or something you can just take out and empty. Came with the house. It’s in great shape, but probably hasn’t been used excessively overvthe years. Only 2nd time this year so far. Maybe 5 days total. It’s running again now, so far so good. Put a sheet of foil and two towels under it, to see if it does it again.

So those are my adventures for the morning. Going out to get the mail and then will make lunch in a bit. DPing on the afternoon agenda. Been having small flocks of grackles in the yard lately. Definitely a sign fall is coming. The birds are gathering to fly south.
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Re: Another Hot Day

Postby Redetotry » Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:12 pm

We really need rain so will take any extra! I was thinking the same Sue we haven't heard a Henry report lately, maybe he ran away. Barbie it was good to read you made it to Tucson! That was a long drive especially after being sick. Judy the Upper Waterton Lake boat trip sounds like a lot of fun. Martha I'm happy your neighbor stopped and helped you with the tree limb! You amaze me at all the chores you tackle.
We have 2 more days of temps near 100 and I will be totally stir crazy by then!! I should be doing some of the organizing I need to do but...I have a few good books and they will probably take priority. I am going to try and get some of the costume jewelry I collected over the years ready to sell. A friend of mine sells at antique shows and said if I will get a glass topped tray filled and priced she will take them to the next show which is coming up fairly soon. So I am hoping to get at least that accomplished. The only problem is as I look up values especially on eBay I get the urge to buy.
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Re: Another Hot Day

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:28 pm

Good afternoon. A nice cooler day here, right now 74 with a light breeze. Had a couple of errands to run this morning. Got my new glasses from the optical dept at the surgeons office. The progressive and then just distance driving sunglasses. I also ordered a couple of pair from Zenni to keep in the house. I like to keep the good ones in my purse and the cheap ones by my computer and bed. They will be here tomorrow. Then I am all set. The sunglasses from Zenni are the progressive transitional ones waaayyyyyyyy cheaper than what the optical wanted. I didnt know if I would like them so didnt want to pay big bucks from the optician. Zenni is so reasonable compared to the optical depts. I love buying my glasses from them. I only bought them at the optical where my surgeon is because Medicare paid a chunk for the first glasses after surgery and I could use my own frames I already had. So not too much damage in the $$$ dept.
Awww you all missed Henry LOL He is on a schedule and vacuums every other day. I took him apart the other day so I could give him a good cleaning. The contacts often get dirty and have to clean them on him and the base. Also changed the bag in the base as it was pretty full. No alerts but while I was cleaning might as well put a new bag in too.

Time to get some lunch

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Re: Another Hot Day

Postby JudyJB » Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:25 pm

Nope. Not hot here!! I got dressed in my usual shorts and t-shirt this morning because it has been in upper 70s and 80s lately, but today I drove from 2,000' to 4,500' in elevation to Waterton Lakes, which is the national park in Canada that is the upper part of Glacier National Park. The two national parks share a long, skinny lake that is surrounded by high mountains. Anyway, just when I got here, it was pouring rain and blowing very strongly, with heavy clouds over the mountains. Opened the window to check in and decided to wait the storm out to hook up electric and water. Temp was 58, and it is supposed to go down to 37 tonight and rain tomorrow with a high of 47. Brrrrrr!

Put on heavy sweatshirt with hood to hook up when the rain mostly stopped. Filled my water tank halfway full, and will fill it more tomorrow, but half a tank is all I need tonight. Laid out long pants, a shirt, and a heavy sweatshirt for tomorrow. Thursday will be warmer and Friday will hit 72. It is quite a shock to have such cold weather after the mostly warm weather Canada has had along TransCanada Hwy. As I drove in the three miles past the entrance booth, I passed three people riding bikes in the heavy rain and wind.

Really glad I have a nice warm motorhome!!!
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Re: Another Hot Day

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:33 pm

Didn't do much but stay in the air conditioning until it cooled off. The cats are spending more time in the house sleeping while it's hot so I'm the door man for the cats. They will go lay on the carport for a while and then want back in. We are suppose to have a lot of rain coming the rest of the week so I mowed. Today in 2020 Hurricane Laura hit. I'm glad we haven't had anything this year yet. I haven't done a very good job of getting the food in the freezer down.

If anyone has a dog that likes to fetch a ball I recommend one called Hol-ee Roller. They are light and good to play in the house with. I got Luna the large one because that's what TJ Maxx had but I see on-line there are smaller ones.

Sue, I can't imagine living where you only need an air conditioner a few days a year. Mine runs almost constantly during the day.

Judy, don't freeze tonight.

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Re: Another Hot Day

Postby snowball » Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:18 am

the floor's did get vacuumed :lol: I did do all that I intended to.. other than go to the store... I knew that it was going to be a choice decided that the floors needed taken care of more than I needed to spend money.. ;) as we all know that when we go to the store it means spending money... sometimes more than others
made hamburgers for supper I thought that they tasted good... I ate all of mine mom only about a quarter of it...
had hopes that my #3 dd would be able to come over sometime this week but she has stuff going on
still need to find a pattern for the next hat... want to make one that I can put a flower on.. not sure the one I just finished would like a rose on it if I was smart would make one up and see before I give it to the aide on Thurs. might have to do that my phone is almost dead and the charger is in the bedroom... I couldn't figure out where one of my hooks went thought the bed ate it up :lol: found it in one of my drawers now how it got there is a mystery probably grabbed it up when putting clothes away... at least that is my best and only explanation
you popped in while I was typing my post last night Barbie so didn't know you were on till I posted glad that you made it to Tuscan ok hoping everything goes well with your brother's surgery and at the same time you have the chance to rest and recover...
That boat ride does sound good Judy hope you have fun...
Sue is the DP you are working on the one that you had made up?
Martha have you ever thought o a cat door or would that create problems with your pup? my granddaughter has one in their house as their cat is a inside/outside cat... their dog will get too big to be able to use it
Karen do you have advantage health .... you said that you had part of your glasses covered
you all have a great day
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Re: Another Hot Day

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:29 am

Sheila, I have glass storm doors so couldn't put dog/cat doors. I would be afraid of what would come in besides cats and dog. Years ago one of the dogs was barking at the front door so I opened it and a Muskrat ran in. The dog caught it and killed it. I'm lucky it wasn't a skunk.

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