Monday, Monday

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday, Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:55 pm

Good afternoon gals!

Yesterday I didn't get up early to work on the deck because I was so tired from the day before's events. :roll: BJ, I would have had a panic attack in the car for sure if I wasn't on my ADHD meds. They keep me calm and able to not get upset about things much any more. The only thing I was concerned about was I only had a quarter tank of gas in my car and was worried I might run out while waiting :o . Also, my phone was only at 25% so I couldn't play on that while I was waiting either. :(

I had 2 haircuts to do yesterday (one that I didn't get to from the day before). I didn't do much else the rest of the day.

This morning I got up at 6:30 to work outside but realized while I was out there that the sun is hot even at that time of day! The sun shines on the front and side of the house in the mornings. I painted the 2 pieces of trim on the deck and the area behind the AC condenser and was super sweaty just from that. So I came in and relaxed for awhile until the deck was in the shade a couple hours later. Then went out and started caulking the space between the deck floor and the porch. I noticed that when I hose off the deck the water seeps in under the wall of the porch and the carpet gets wet in there. So I wanted to block that off. Also caulking the small gap between the deck and the side of the house so water doesn't get down in there to rot anything (and spiders don't come up thru there! :shock: ). I ran out of caulk about 2/3rds of the way around so I need to go to HD and get a couple more tubes. I need to also caulk a few places on the north side of the house where the old caulking is cracked or missing. So now I know not to work out there until about 9:30 when it is shady in those areas. With low humidity now, it is much more comfortable in the shade.

I have my mammogram in a couple hours and need to shower before I go. Will stop at HD on the way home. Also will tackle the locks later on the sliding doors. I tried working on one the other day and it is tricky to do for just one person. I gave up pretty quick because it was in the afternoon and very hot. Then tomorrow I will go out again and finish the caulking. Want to get that stuff done before closing on Friday.

Beth, I am not much for garlic (a little goes a long way!) but the festival sounded fun! I love the metal art that goes on the outside walls. A lot of people here in the park have some beautiful ones on the front of their park models. They are expensive tho! Glad you have someone to do that stuff with.

I think there are probably more families doing homeschooling now because of the dangers at the schools with bullying, shootings, etc.

Judy, if you had known you were gonna be part of a parade, you could have decorated your RV for it! :lol:

OK, time for a shower, lunch, and then head out. Have a good day and stay safe!

Edit: well if it isn't one thing, it's another!! :shock:
Was just taking a shower and was adjusting the temperature (one handle that goes right for cold, left for hot) and the handle broke!! :o So I couldn't turn off the water! I jumped out of the shower, got dressed quick and went outside to turn the water off. Went back inside and went to see if there was a shut off valve behind the shower wall (inside a kitchen cabinet). All I saw were pipes and no shut off valve. Darn! So now I need to find a plumber to fix it. I will pick up a new tub/shower handle when I am at HD after my Mammo and then call around for a plumber. I can get by without water for a little while since there is a bathroom and shower next to the laundry room and pool area.
Gee whiz!! :roll:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:08 pm

Good afternoon. I dont know where the time goes but it sure does go fast. Made a pot of spaghetti so had that for lunch with some garlic toast. It was Yummy.
Having a wonderful cooler morning today and temp will only be 85 so I closed my door and windows to keep it somewhat cool inside without the AC. That will work until later in the afternoon.

Barbie so sorry you had a shower mishap today. Too bad there is no shower shutoff valve that you could find. But at least you knew where to shut off the water. I think you should invest a few dollars and buy a car charging cord for your phone just in case ya know. They sure arent expensive. I just bought one for my car for the new phone. They are going to a universal USB C cord instead of the USB A. So I bought a C to A just to have for my car. I have several that plug into the sockets in my house but didnt have one for my car. Nothing else exciting going on here today. My eyes are doing fine I can read the fine print on my fertilizer bags so I am impressed. I had to take a picture of it before so I could enlarge it. I cannot wear my prescription sunglasses anymore so will head to good old Dollar Store and buy a pair of sunglasses until I get my optometrist appt on the 16th and can order what I need. Do any of you have the "Transitional Lenses" and if you do how do you like them??? I am thinking about getting a pair but we shall see.

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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:17 pm

... and we just had a decent earthquake centered in Barstow, CA. It was a 4.9 so I felt my bed rolling back and forth! :shock:

Karen, I had a 12V phone charger (A cord ) for my old phone but my new phone takes the C cord, so I will get one of those. I was thinking about that while I was sitting in my car! Luckily, I had my GPS with me and was able to tell the dispatcher exactly where I was with that. When there is desert for miles on either side of you, it is hard to know exactly where you are!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:50 pm

Karen, I have been wearing transition lenses for at least 30 years, and I love them. No need to carry sunglasses with you--they transition to dark and back to clear very fast. I have the basic grey-brown or whatever the color is that lets you see realistic color outside. Ask your optometrist. The brightly colored ones like the purple of green will change the color of stuff, and I did not like that.

Also, a warning. One year when I was working, I decided to get an extra pair that were very dark for really bright sun. I almost never wore them because they were too dark and took too long to become clear indoors, plus they were really never completely clear indoors and made reading and TV hard. They also made it hard to see things outdoors on semi-sunny or cloudy days that were still bright. So stick to the normal Generation 8 lenses--they are cheaper anyway. Having two pairs defeated purpose of not having to carry sunglasses anyway.

Ran out for groceries and moved to a new site when I got back. Not as good a view of the lake, but had no choice because I made reservation late. Got groceries put away and damp mopped floor. Napa son is coming on Wednesday and will spend night with me, so got his bed ready also.
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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:17 pm

I LOVE garlic! Gil Roy is supposed to be the garlic capitol of the world. Loved the smell of that town. Too far north for me to visit now.
I have been fortunate to have heard the organ in Temple Square. What an amazing sound. I find concerts from there on uzTube quite frequently, usually a with the choir.
Our SD organ is the largest outdoor organ in the world! A gift from the Spreckles brothers in 1914. (sugar)
The fires are horrendous! Such sad news.

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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:07 pm

Sheila, I use garlic spread for lots of things but bought it originally and use it most on mini pizzas I'll make myself. I make them differently all the time, but usually it's some type of bread/tortilla/etc topped with a thin layer of the garlic spread, then thin layer of pizza sauce, then any toppings and cheese. Heated in the air fryer. I've always preferred thin crust but purchased Texas toast bread for something and have used it and liked it, too. Oh, I've added it on grilled cheese sandwiched, too. Yes, I love garlic.

Karen, I didn't like transitions. They didn't change fast enough for me coming inside. But lots, like Judy, love them. And Karen, I have chargers everywhere lol. In the car, by my bed, by where I sit in the casita, in the dash of the motorhome, in a couple places in the tt. Lol

I tried to deliver all the electric bills in my rows this afternoon. Too many not home and I got way too hot. I'll try to get those tomorrow morning and any I can't get then I'll turn in to the office.

I talked to someone on the client services team at Boomer Benefits today. I'm trying, fingers crossed I'll be successful, to pass underwriting (for the 3rd time) to switch plans to another carrier with lower rates. I'm so glad BB does all the work and that my health has, so far, always been good enough to pass.
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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:45 pm

Beth and Judy thanks for the info. Beth I switched from United Healthcare Plan F as they priced me right out of the market. I am now with Aflac/Aetna and I went to plan G The only difference is I pay the medicare Part B deductible each year. I am saving over $1000 a year so I am happy to pay the deductible next year. I was lucky no underwriting I live in one of the states that you can change on your birthday and dont have to pass the underwriting.

It is called The Birthday Rule

There are eight states that have a Medigap birthday rule, including California, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Oregon. Before 2022, only two states provided Medigap beneficiaries with a birthday rule. Oregon and California were the first. Now, six additional states are implementing birthday rules for Medicare Supplement policies.

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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:57 pm

Karen, my residency is SD. I could easily change to Arizona or Texas, but wouldn't be less expensive in either state for many reasons. And no birthday rule in any of them. I actually changed from G to N last change and lowered my rate considerably. I could have some little copays, but so far none of my visits in Texas or Arizona have charged them. So I'm only paying the same deductible as I had with G. I'll keep changing carriers when I get increases as long as I pass underwriting and can get a lower price elsewhere.
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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:05 am

Yea, two days with no rain but we have a heat advisory for tomorrow. We are either drowning or roasting. I managed to walk to the first curve in the road so my foot is doing better. There is a mud hole in front of the gate going into the barn so I decided to take a bucket of gravel out there. I filled up a cat litter bucket with gravel and couldn't put it on the golf cart. Had to pour half out and fill it on the cart. Luna got her first ride on the golf cart but she is afraid of the noise it makes when I back up. When I got to the gate going to the barn the cows were up. I put Luna in the motorhome because I was afraid the cows might go after her. She is suppose to be a working dog but I don't think she ever saw a cow until she got here. I need to put more gravel but it's too hard to get in and out of the gate with the cows close.

My brother and sister-in-law called and we talked for a long time. I think we covered all the problems in Canada and the US. His wife if one of those people that you know you are going to love when you meet her. Glad they found each other.

Beth, I love garlic too. I found the garlic spread at the grocery store that you are suppose to use to make garlic bread. I use it for mote than that. I was looking for something to eat and found some mini tortillas in the refrigerator. I usually have a bag of cooked breakfast sausage so made a pizza using those. I have some kind of mexican shredded cheese that I like so used that too.

I don't remember if I got the transition lens when I first started wearing glasses but I have been wearing them a long time. I wouldn't have anything else. I think I probably do take my glasses off sometimes if I walk in the house because they haven't changed yet but if I'm going out I'm looking for my glasses if I'm not wearing them.

Barbie, hope you found a plumber. I think they cut every corner they can when building mobil homes. The first time I had a toilet problem there was no cut off for the water going to the toilet. I have since had them put a cut off for each toilet.

I had Physician's Mutual plan F and they went up a lot so I changed to Aflac/Aetna plan G too. I'm saving over $1,000 too. It's rediclous what we have to pay for insurance.

Sheila, I make 7 cats come in at dark. They all want out first thing in the morning except Annie. I usually have one or two cats sleeping with me. They will sleep in one place for a few days and then change to somewhere else.

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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby snowball » Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:13 am

I have a charger in the car as well as a long one in the bedroom there are times though that I wished I had one here in the living room... it would come in handy ... I normally let it charge all night but depending upon how much I colored it might get used up earlier in the evening... last night it got down to 7% before I went to the bedroom
your pizza's sound good Beth ... there is a garlic spread I used to get in SLC that it was yummy for garlic bread of course but also for grilled cheese sandwiches so yummy .... I am sure that there are other uses for it but I get into a rut and don't try other things ...
I think it was Sat mom saw a good sized mouse (ugh) later I saw it I think it was a field mouse that came inside haven't seen it again but had the kid downstairs pick up some traps and hopefully it will be caught problem is if it was a field mouse it probably got inside via the not so tight doors.... so afraid to open the door so the cooler air can come in ...No A/C the last day it's been cool enough that I haven't needed the door open...but that won't last it's just close to the end of July...
I don't have the transitional glasses but Larry tried them once he felt the same way that Beth does... perhaps it has to do with different brands...
Barbie that is too bad about the faucet breaking couldn't your parks handyman help you .... plumbers are so expensive...
Judy are you in the states or in Canada now?
Lyn I was wondering if by chance you know the name of a book about a woman settler being kidnapped by Indians and getting away and her journey home I think with another woman it was suppose to be based on a "true" story .... a very long journey along a river or close to it?

you all have a great day
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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby Bethers » Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:48 am

Sheila I've been wracking my brain since you mentioned that story the first time. I've read it or about her, also. I finally asked Google the right questions. The book is "Follow the River" and the womans name is Mary Ingles.

Or there's another book about her
"Shawnee Captive
The story of Mary Draper Ingles
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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby snowball » Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:12 am

Thank you so much Beth... I think I had come up with part of the name... now to remember it and tell the nurse or perhaps I will just text her...
have a great night now neither of us will have to keep thinking about it :lol:
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Re: Monday, Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:28 am

After the shower issue, I had to get ready for my mammogram, and then to HD for the caulk tubes and shower handle kit, Kohls to return the defective garden hose I bought at Amazon, stopped to eat a late lunch, then to WM for a few things. By the time I got home it was too late to call a plumber, but I think I will call the guy who does a lot of work around here for us. He installed my new dishwasher so I am sure he can install the new shower handle I bought today.

When I came out of WM today, I saw a long dark cloud coming over the mountains and then I realized it was smoke! A lot of smoke! The smoke covered the sun and made it look blood red! I took quite a few photos of it (everyone else was too!) because it looked so cool, yet eerie looking! Found out later that there is a wildfire burning in a valley between 2 mountains to the west. They almost had it contained until the winds shifted and then it got out of control again. So we have an air quality alert now for the smoke that is settling in the valley here. Luckily, the fire isn't moving this direction and is in a fairly unpopulated area.



I will try going out in the morning to finish up the caulking but will see how smokey it is out there. I have a telehealth call with my ADHD dr at 9am and will check outside after that. Would like to get that done tomorrow. Also got a text from my agent saying I need to pay for that HOA document after all :( . Ouch $$$! :shock:

I found a 4WD Jeep in L.A. that is in good condition and even comes with a base plate and a new tow bar system as well as new tires, and in my price range. I might check it out this weekend. I had a neighbor tell me today that my left brake light on my car is not working. Geeze! The AC isn't getting very cold anymore in there either. I don't want to sink any money into it tho.

There is another water spigot next to the one I am hooked up to so I used that to fill up a small bucket to use to flush the toilet and also filled my water filter pitcher for the cats water dish. I keep going to wash my hands and use the hand soap before I remember I don't have the water on. Then I have to dunk my hands in the bucket to rinse off the soap. :roll: I ordered another garden hose from Amazon and should get that tomorrow so I can hook that up to the other spigot so it will be easier to get water that way. Hopefully, tho, I can get the handle installed tomorrow and won't have to deal with that much longer.

OK, off to sleep now...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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