Last Thursday in July!

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Last Thursday in July!

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:03 pm

Good morning gals! Actually it is noon here.

I have been busy already! :o I reserved a U-Haul trailer for Friday, Aug 23rd, cancelled my storage unit and will move my stuff out on Saturday, Aug 24th. Signed up for a storage unit in Tucson and will leave on Sunday, August 25th for Tucson, move stuff into the new storage unit (just a couple miles from my brother's house), then drop off the trailer. So that will be a busy weekend! :o My brother's surgery will be on Wednesday that week so I will have a couple days to relax there.

I have a 30 lb propane tank sitting in my driveway that has a leaky valve so I have been trying to find a place that will take it for recycling. Not an easy feat! I finally found a place this morning that is in Palm Springs so I need to drop it off there on Saturday morning since that is the only time they are open. I need to test it to make sure it isn't still leaking propane before I drive 20 miles with it in my enclosed car! :shock: I am pretty sure it is almost empty anyways but I ordered a propane tester on Amazon and a weight scale, just to be sure it is both safe and/or empty. Will get those tomorrow. I do have another propane tank that is hooked up to the house that is working fine and half full.

I also contacted my career coach about my unemployment and how to handle that. She gave me a number to call once I move to Tucson to get that transferred there. I will cancel my CalFresh SNAP benefits right after closing next week.

Now I will start on my bedroom...I do much better with motivation when I have deadlines looming! (it is an ADHD thing :roll: No looming deadline, no motivation).

Have a good day, and stay safe from whatever Mother Nature dishes out!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby Bethers » Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:13 pm

I don't know about having ADHD but I'm always more motivated with a deadline near. Good that you're getting everything going, Barbie. It'll be more real with closing.

Sheila, I know you mentioned you found out the type of bird with the app. Have you ever seen it?

Anita, please watch the wildfires for planning your return trip. Jasper is really devastated.
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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:29 pm

BJ, hope you are feeling better from the fall. If I didn’t have lights that come on all through the house I would trip over one of the cats. I have to watch Luna when I’m in the kitchen because she wants to lay behind me.

We didn’t get near the rain they predicted yesterday. I only got about 3/4 of an inch. It just started raining today. Hope I don’t lose power again. The radar show rain from here all the way to Houston. At least with all the rain, it hasn’t been so hot. I’m sorry so many people have fires when we have so much rain.

Part of my Amazon order came. I forgot to order something for Luna and she was so disappointed when I opened the package and there was nothing for her. I will have to sneak a treat into a package if there is nothing for her. I put Roomba back together and let him clean the living room. I could build a cat with all the fur. My little step stool in the kitchen fits over the Roomba so will have to get another stool for the kitchen. I have to have a step to clean the microwave. The cats can sit on the stool and not turn on Roomba.

Tomorrow I have brunch with some of my camping friends. Hope the weather is better. I don’t have any campouts planned until September. If the weather clears up and I can get caught up with my mowing I might go to the lake.

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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:38 pm

Good morning, had my cataract surgery this morning. I was the first case so was home by 9am Had a bagel and cup of coffee and I was OUT like a light. I am such a lightweight when it comes to drugs. Slept for 2 hours. Got up and had lunch, put my drops in my eyes and now I am feeling great, not so groggy. I wont be doing anything this afternoon except seeing what is on the tube. Something light for sure.

Anne I am keeping a good eye on the fires around here too, they are too far away to make me nervous but you just never know. Winds are predicted in the Cascades and they are worrying about that. Not going to be too hot today so that is a plus. We will be warming up this week but just into the low 90's.

Barbie I think most people work better under pressure or time limit I know I do. I try to pace myself before time is up but always end up scrambling a bit to get everything done. You sound like you are pretty much on track right now tho. BJ hope you arent too sore today. There is the initial soreness and then the next day or so you seem to feel it much more. Sharon hope you are feeling better too.

I will be a slug for about a week as there are restrictions on how much you can pick up, bending over etc. Using the drops. I will follow them tho as I dont want any failures. If I have to basically sit around I will do it, just not like it LOL

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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby JudyJB » Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:47 pm

The receiver to my satellite died yesterday, so I called around this morning, found one, and drove 20 miles to pick it up. Got it out of the package, got help from a neighbor to unfold my over-cab bunk, and found my ladder.Got up there and dusted everything. Actually wiped it down with wet cloth, really bad. So taking a break before I go back up there and unhook and rehook all the cords. Should be easy since the new receiver is the same as the old one. Also while at RV dealer, I found some plastic hatch latches. I replaced several that were badly rusted last summer with my OH son's help with supposed stainless steel ones. Only problem is latch part was stainless steel, but part that attached to motorhome is regular steel, so they are all rusted!!! Plastic might break more easily, but at least it won't rust!!!

(Space bar on computer is stuck and driving me nuts, also.) Tried vacuuming it, blowing it clean, and wiping under key but still not working right. That is a tonight project, however.

By the way, I am supposed to be in Jasper in mid September. Hope things are betterthen.
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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby Cudedog » Thu Jul 25, 2024 4:06 pm

JudyJB wrote:

By the way, I am supposed to be in Jasper in mid September. Hope things are betterthen.

Judy, I monitor several fire information websites. What I am reading (not yet confirmed) is that Jasper has been almost completely burned over, much like the town of Paradise here in California was in 2018.

"Buildings in Jasper in ashes after 'monster' wildfire rips through mountain community"

"As much as half of Jasper, Alberta, which lies inside one of the country’s most-visited national parks, has been destroyed, officials said." ... -park.html

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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby Colliemom » Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:22 pm

Anne, thank you for posting that link. I knew there were wildfires in Canada, but did not knowJasper National Park was on fire. This is one article I saw a Lille while ago ... onal-park/. I’m heartbroken. I’ve been to Jasper twice, the last time in 2000 on my way to Alaska with friends. We stayed 2 nights at a really neat log cabin resort right on the Athabascag River. They were older cabins but very well Maintrained. We loved that place. It had a low ceiling, small kitchen, bathroom, 2 small bedrooms and small living room. Typical mountain type cabin. I don’t know how many of you have ever watched Marilyn Monroe, in the River of No Return, but some of the scenes in that movie were filmed at that resort and she and the film crew stayed there during filming, back in 1953. When I see that movie now, which is seldom anymore, I remember that spot in the film. Maybe those cabins aren’t even there anymore but I have a feeling that even if they were, they aren’t now. Even Maligne Lake area has been burned :cry: The view from top of Whistlers Mountain must be devastating.

Karen, glad your surgery was a success and you are doing fine. BJ, hope you are doing okay. Barbie, you are definitely on the move. I’m another one who like deadlines. It’s why I keeping moving on things around here. I set goals for the day some days.

Beth, I laughed at your comment about my being an Energizer Bunny yesterday. With a 9:30 Chiro appt. A trip back to south of town to pick up some paperwork from Financial Advisors office and an 11 a.m. appt. w attorney, I had to crank into high gear. Managed to squeeze a fast run to HD for spray paint as I got to Chiro 20 minutes early and got right in :)

Latest Jasper update: ... t-wildfire
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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby chalet05 » Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:26 pm

Question for Sue and Carol - would that dot painting be a good project on the road? Rainy days are boring me!
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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby Redetotry » Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:59 pm

I thought I posted earlier but don't see it, I probably forgot to hit submit... Thank you all I am feeling better today. I can walk without limping and you are correct Karen I do have soreness today that I didn't feel yesterday. I think using the ice pack right after I fell really made a difference. The odd thing is now I have a bruise that looks like I have a dark lipstick on part of my lips sort of like a Cupie Doll and it really looks funny. DH had a wisdom tooth out today so my attention has been on trying the see he follows all the many instructions they gave him. I finally gave up and handed him the list and will hope for the best. I am making sure he keeps the ice pack on as often as they said. That bag of frozen corn is really getting a work out!!

Karen I was really surprised too at the vets suggestion that Pippa should loose 6-8 pounds. I think 4 is a more reasonable number. Also good to hear your cataract surgery went well.

Catherine I’m happy you saw my post about the ‘transfer on death’ form!

Martha I missed the part in your first post that it was your Rumba! I bet that was a challenge to clean up. Barbie sounds as though you have plenty to keep you busy so the time will pass quickly.

Time to get that bag of frozen corn out so I better get back to nurse duties.
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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby JudyJB » Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:07 pm

Just checked the Jasper site. The town has been evacuated, and the whole park is closed until at least August 8, but damage seems to be mostly to the southwest half of town. The campground I am staying at, Whistlers, is a mile or so south of town, but it is surrounded by trees, so obviously not in a good place. It is at the end of my trip, so i make changes to my plans fairly easily.

Forgot to mention that I will not be there until Sept 16, so hope things settle down by then.
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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby snowball » Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:45 am

Thursday's are always a busier day the aide comes then the nurse comes not that they are here a really long time it's just a break in the routine... I think instead of hitting snooze I stopped the alarm and woke up an hour later... not a good day to sleep in the nurse says don't worry about it what does it matter... just that she gets hungry and I need to get her brunch on and her thyroid pill half hour before but she also said that lots of people when they go into hospice don't continue taking the thyroid pill... not sure what to do as I really don't know what that pill does... mom didn't want to get her shower but did so that is good... she doesn't like to be told what to do :? which I get but truly if she isn't told to get a shower she doesn't if food isn't put in front of her she doesn't she might get a piece o watermelon or a piece of candy but to actively go and perhaps toast some bread nope not happening...
finally was able to watch the funeral guess I misunderstood knew that they were having a viewing at five but didn't realize it would last an hour.... saw a tape for several times wondering what was happening it finally came on and she got her wish lots of flowers... wonder what they will do with them all... it was a nice service... her husband wrote down some thoughts memories but had his daughter Jill read for him... it was very tender... between the two of them they had 5 when they got married then had one boy she was very accepting of all of his kids and I think that they were of her as well ... for the most part... I feel bad for my friend/sister having lost 4 children now... and being ill enough herself that they weren't able to be there...her husband just got out of the hospital a couple days ago... but I am glad for tech in this case I was able to attend even though I wasn't there...
my #3 dd is here to do the laundry so glad that she is able to help I asked what she did about her kitties... and she said I told them by be good and that is the food till I get back so don't eat it all tonight... she will go to the office and work until she can go home then will work late to make up for travel time... finally saw a picture of "Spook" fits his name totally black... and his from what I could see a cutie... sounds like the kitties have bonded with their new "mom" quite well sleep with her cuddle up in the chair with her ect.. I actually was surprised that she is letting them sleep in her bed...
my brother is thinking the problem is the tv not the cables or box guess we will see it wasn't as bad tonight as it was last night ...
it's awful to hear about the fires... pray that they can get them under control... and to be a town that was hit so badly to get it again that is just sad...
it sounds like you are on top of it all Barbie good luck in getting everything done in the time frame you have..
Karen glad the surgery did well... good luck in the forced slow down
Anita I think actually the diamond art would work when traveling can't you get a thing like you can for puzzles to roll them up in seems like it something to look into ...
Beth I've never seen the bird did see one that I don't know what it was small like a hummer but couldn't decide as I couldn't see it's beak that well... it still may have been a hummer need to look at the colors of them here see what kind we have have had a cheep cheep outside of my bedroom but by the time I got the phone up and ready it quit
BJ glad you don't feel a lot worse today
and Judy perhaps that far away the fires will be out and hopefully not in the areas you plan on staying at but then jello plans
Sue you are the energizer bunny in human form
you all have a great day
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Re: Last Thursday in July!

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:58 am

Just getting into bed. Am tired.
I started going thru my clothes this afternoon. I was making pretty good progress but it was getting hot in here so I took a little break. Both the living room and bedroom AC's weren't keeping up with where I had them set at. I was about to get back to work when I started getting hit with waves of abdominal cramps. Not sure what brought that on, but I just waited to see what would happen. Luckily, nothing, but haven't been feeling real great since then. Stomach is a little off as well. I did get back to going thru my clothes for awhile more. I ended up with one large bin of stuff to donate. I wish I would have gotten rid of more tho. Just couldn't part with favorite tops and t-shirts. Also got rid of two swim suits out of 4 :o. I rarely ever go swimming so am not sure why I have so many swim suits! When I was younger and back in MN living on the lake, I was out on the boat all the time so I needed several swim suits for variety, altho they were pretty skimpy back then! :shock: I like full coverage now, top and bottom. :lol: Also threw out lots of socks and undies, a few bras and some pajamas.

Still need to go thru the cabinets, and under the bed. Several bins of books and misc under there. Some of the cabinets are already empty from when I did this 2 years ago. So probably another full day to finish up this room. The bathroom, kitchen, and living room won't take quite so long I don't think.

The weekend will be mostly finishing up projects around the house, inside and out. Want that stuff done before closing. I will let out a big sigh of relief once those papers are signed and the money is in the bank!! I need to repeat the prayer for St Joseph (patron saint of selling houses) daily until then! The little statue of him is buried up-side down behind the house! :D

OK, I am off to la-la land!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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