Afternoon. Bit on the cool damp side here today. Rain started in yesterday afternoon, but was light and scattered. Kept up all night and still lingering around yet, but gradually moving out. Current temp is 65° If the sun comes out, it will warm up a bit more. Was only 70 yesterday due to clouds. Looking at upper 80’s by weekend again.
Had meeting with attorney this morning. Talked over my situation, decided to use my downstate friends as executors for now. Lawyers don’t want to do it. So will go that route and if somebody pops up, can just make a name change. Will use neighbors for medical and Power of Attorney will include Living Will within it. Don’t need a Lady Bird deed. Need to make couple changes on Investment Transfer on Death and Beneficiary distributions within the Charity that is my Beneficiary. Stop at credit union to make sure we are in the same page. So the ball is rolling. Will have paperwork in 2 weeks. So now I can just make sure all the other details are in order so executors can close out accounts, get house sold etc.if I’m still living in it.
So after running around this morning and going to Chiropractor besides, I’m done for the day. Time to take dogs for alk. Barbie, I use Fruit of the Loom briefs. They are excellent for using liners with. Good idea to take a break from sorting photos. I dumped all but a few I kept for me. What family I have weren’t interested. I hear that a lot from people who have been saving stuff for the kids. The kids don’t want it Martha, glad no serious foot issues. Shoes can make a big impact too. Too loose, too high or low arches etc. Our feet change as we get older. I get shoes from this company and they have helped a lot.
They make shoes for all the kinds of issues like sciatic etc.