Monday, June 24th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday, June 24th

Postby Colliemom » Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:16 am

Morning. Into the last week of June we go. Summer will be over in a blink of an eye. Sun is the word today and yesterday was beautiful as well, after a bit of Misty rain in the morning. Humidity is gone, temps are back to normal 70’s. 3.5 inches of rain in Saturday after all was said and done. Will return my potted planted back to their locations today. Shirl, thanks for the laugh in dancing in the rain :lol:

Barbie, glad you got out and had some fun with family. Shelia, hope you get over your cold.

So, I will be outside today, now that the weather is nice. Got grass mowing and trimming to do, both in my yard and the sub entrance. Will put the Darlings, the two people, as I call them, back out in the entrance flowerbed. Gave them a bit of a facelift and costume change over the weekend. Want to take recycles to the bins and hopefully get new solar lights installed on deck and new front step. So busy day ahead.
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Re: Monday, June 24th

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:11 pm

It's already 95 and some of the cats have decided to come inside to sleep. Usually they want out in the morning and spend the day sleeping on the porch or carport. I finally called about getting the dirt work done so now I'm trying to keep up with my phone waiting for someone to call. I had a list of things to get at Walmart yesterday but didn't feel like stopping. Don't feel like going today either.

I am trying to think of something to make for the 4th lunch at the lake. The campground cooks hamburgers and hot dogs and asks everyone to bring sides. The grocery stores all have decorated cakes and cookies. I might just pick up something like that.

I was afraid I was coming down with a cold. Last night my nose was running a lot but seems ok this morning. My son had a bad bug last week and it looked like he had lost 20 pounds. We were worried it was something to do with his hernia surgery but he is good now.

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Re: Monday, June 24th

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:48 pm

Got up this morning and packed up the few things I hadn't packed last night. Then went to dump my tanks. Had full hookup in state park, so had left hose hooked up. Noticed few tiny holes in it last week, and was planning to replace it soon, but as soon as I moved it to unplug my electric cable, the whole sewer hose broke apart!! Luckily, I have a short 5' piece I occasionally use as an extension, so I moved my rig over very close to the dump hole and managed to at least dump my grey water by holding end over hole. So, obviously, my first stop this morning was a Walmart to get a new sewer hose. Luckily, they had a good selection!!

Drove about 120 miles to day to Sarnia, Ontario, just across the border from Port Huron, MI. Going to visit the cemetery tomorrow and take some photos of great-grandparent graves. Also going to pick up some peameal bacon, aka "real Canadian bacon." Some of you know I love the stuff but have to make it myself or get it in Ontario.

Wednesday, will head back to Michigan and on to upper Michigan for a graduation party. It will be a quick stop, but the graduate is my brother's granddaughter, and he passed away several years ago, so I am about all of the family on his side, other than my kids.

Achievement this evening was getting out the bin where I store cords for cell phones, cameras, gPS's and other such things. Went through them and tried to figure out what went to what and then put them in labeled small zip lock bags. Getting tired of having all these cords I do not know what they go to.
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Re: Monday, June 24th

Postby snowball » Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:15 am

I actually went to the dr's office an urgent care place... and still don't know what ails me... other than I don't have COVID or flu as they tested for both and didn't come and say hey you have the bad boy... took lung x-rays but whoever officially reads them wasn't there however the dr didn't see anything if they find out other wise will call me tomorrow gave me a breathing treatment which seemed to help... I guess actually haven't coughed to much till just now... and prescribed a inhaler but I'm not sure when I am suppose to use it... will have to look at the papers and see what it says... and a cough suppressant will do that before bed it's a pill was thinking it was like a cough syrup I actually feel better... I think that is until I start coughing... my back even hurts from coughing ...
did plant one plant :roll: was going to change the hummingbird food so took the plant that was going over there and planted it... I'd like to find a brush that would fit in it so I could really clean it out... any suggestions I will gladly try them
while get RX's I picked up some food from deli for supper was thinking I'd frozen some rice so got some orange chicken and lo Mein the rice turned out to be spaghetti :roll: just didn't have time to make rice as it was almost 6 when I got home... and here I was hoping to get a nap when I got home... part of what ever I have
the nurse will be here tomorrow she normally comes on Monday but couldn't today so while mom is getting her shower I think I will really quickly change the cover for the chair... hopefully get plants planted I wasn't thinking when I was at the nursery and would you believe picked up too many plants will need to find some container for some plants and hope I have enough potting soil...
I like your name for your cutouts Sue.... what outfits do they wear for this time of the year...
sometimes easy works Martha especially when it's hot ... we have been having a bit of hot weather the past few days.... be glad when it ends... if it does :?
you all have a great day
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