Old Barnes & Noble Nook

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Old Barnes & Noble Nook

Postby Pooker » Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:21 am

Does anyone else have an old Nook tablet and is having trouble downloading books all of a sudden? My tablet is very old, but I have been really enjoying it and I download books from BookBub. I only order the free ones, but it has been wonderful to choose those from the categories I like and not have to worry about room for actual books.

A few weeks ago, I tried to "purchase" a free book and my device never actually loaded it. I have had the same problem ever since, but I have about 200 books already saved, so I wasn't overly worried. I figured when I got the chance I'd visit Barnes & Noble and hope they still had their free instruction sessions every Saturday morning. Finally, over the weekend, I contacted B&N via email. Got the answer this morning. I have one of the old Nooks that are discontinued as of June, 2024! No warning, no notice, just suddenly not working to save books. They offer a discount (of course) to buy a new Nook. I can't afford that right now, so guess I'll at least be able to read those books I have already saved. I sure will miss my Nook, though, and feel it's like a lot of other things in life: Once you get old, the world goes on without you and you become obsolete. It's sad, but often when I'm using my walker, people stand by and watch me struggle to open heavy doors or worse, let the door slam in my face after they enter ahead of me.

Guess we now know how the dinosaurs felt!

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Re: Old Barnes & Noble Nook

Postby Bethers » Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:48 am

Evie, I actually read on my phone now. I have the Kindle and Nook apps and a generic app for books l download from BookBub and similar places.
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Re: Old Barnes & Noble Nook

Postby chalet05 » Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:14 pm

I hadn't thought of BookBub in years!

Evie, like Beth, I use my phone to read. I only download books from the library. I tried to start using my tablet again and realized I didn't like holding it!
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Re: Old Barnes & Noble Nook

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:13 pm

Evie, sorry you live where people are not helpful. Sometimes I think I must look very decrepit because sometimes people will hurry to open a door for me.

I can't remember the last book I read. I'm doing good to get thru a Readers Digest. I think sometimes I read the same one twice. I'm sure I spend way too much time on Facebook.

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Re: Old Barnes & Noble Nook

Postby snowball » Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:39 am

I still read books the actual paper bound books :lol:
I've looked at some of the books to buy and they cost almost as much as the books I buy at least with the actual book I have an object for what I buy for... that said I can understand not having to find a place for them
I think some people tend to be helpful and others not so much... it's always great when they do help... I use the electric cart when available yesterday at the store one of the employee's looked at me gave me a smile and asked if he could help me out to the car again the last time I was there he was there and helped me out so appreciate it they tend to over load the bags making it hard to lift up

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Re: Old Barnes & Noble Nook

Postby Redetotry » Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:19 pm

i read books every day on my phone. If you have a mobile phone you can download the Kindle App for free and on Amazon there is a list of 100 free books to choose from. They also have a list of 100 that cost but some are like $1.99 plus they have thousands of others available. You can also get free books online from libraries. I haven't read a book that you actually hold in your hands for years.. I always have a book with me because I carry my phone whenever I go out. I remember the Nooks but never had one. I hope you can find a replacement if you don't have a phone that you can access Kindle. This is a link to the 100 free books and the 100 books that have a charge. https://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/d ... =UTF8&tf=1.
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Re: Old Barnes & Noble Nook

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:10 pm

I have one of the old Nooks too but haven't used it in many years. I guess now I know I need to get rid of it if it won't download books anymore. I only had a few books on it anyways. I just used it when I went camping.

I love reading "real" books but the cost adds up quick to buy them, so I either download them on my Kindle app from Amazon, or I order the used ones for a few bucks. The used ones I have ordered are usually like brand new condition so it is worth it. A lot of times I will read a book on Kindle or from the library before I decide if I want the actual book. I have one now from the library about ADHD and have decided I want the book for myself so will order one from Amazon and see if I can get a used one a lot cheaper.

Sorry you aren't able to download on your Nook anymore. Seems everything becomes obsolete pretty quickly now days. And am also sorry to hear people are not more accommodating to help you when you need it. I open doors for everyone but especially when I see someone who needs a little help. I will always go out of my way for them. I am so used to doing that, that I was doing the same for my brother when he was here without even having to think about it. My SIL thanked me for being so aware of his limitations and helping him so much. Like the Golden Rule says: "Do for others as you would have them do for you". I know I will be there myself one day.
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