Arggh! @##$$!!

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Arggh! @##$$!!

Postby Cudedog » Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:04 pm

Since I think it is impolite to use swear words on here. . . so I won't.

But. . . %%!!##!!&&!!!

Today, or tonight rather, is fricking June 17th, for crying out loud. And neighbors not too far away - I don't know who - have already started in with the freaking FIRE WORKS.

My poor Joe is beside himself with alarm, he is freaking out.

If this continues, I think I might just call the police. There is an ordinance here that forbids them until "the day". I have just about HAD IT with fireworks and the jerks that set them off. Bad enough on "the day" - but for weeks before???


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Re: Arggh! @##$$!!

Postby snowball » Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:33 pm

I am so sorry that you have to endure this hopefully they will run out... I doubt that calling the police will help but perhaps do it if enough people do so they will have to go chat with the firework shooters... here they can't even sell them till a certain time before the holiday oh perhaps that was in Utah
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Re: Arggh! @##$$!!

Postby IrishIroamed » Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:01 am

I agree Anne! All the poor dogs that get spooked and possibly take off running. Bad all around. They should have never allowed them to be sold to the general public.
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Re: Arggh! @##$$!!

Postby Redetotry » Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:51 am

I also think they should never have allowed them to be sold to the general public. Especially annoying are the ones that make the loud booms I don't think they really do anything other than make a loud noise. What a waste of money. Since Toby or Emma wasn't afraid of the noise of fireworks or thunder I always acted excited as though it was something special and gave special thunder treats when Pippa was little. So she now also ignores loud noises. Unfortunately if you get an older dog this would be difficult or impossible to have it work.

Have you tried CBD Anne? It is not only wonderful for mobility issues it helps with the noise reaction. I buy NuLeaf Natural brand, they have one for dogs but I called the company and the one I use is also ok for dogs. And they told me the number of drops to give for his weight. Also you can usually find a coupon for it.
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Re: Arggh! @##$$!!

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:57 pm

Thanks for the info, BJ. I'll need to check it out.

Joe came home to me when he was nearly three years old, so behaviors were pretty well established and ingrained. I have tried several things to de-sensitive him to the booms (I think my neighbors must by the "deluxe" fireworks, because when they go off my whole house shakes) but nothing has worked. Unfortunately, each time the 4th rolls around more and more neighbors seem to join the boom party, and Joe reacts more forcefully to the booms each year.

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Re: Arggh! @##$$!!

Postby snowball » Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:34 pm

have you tried a thunder shirt? I don't know a lot about them so can't say from experience
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Re: Arggh! @##$$!!

Postby dpf » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:05 pm

If you remember, I used to have my friend's Boxer whenever she was out of town. I used to tell Missy that I thought she checked for thunder storms and would then leave Roxie with me. Roxie was petrified of thunder storms and fireworks. She would pace, howl and drool. Missy bought her a thunder shirt. I can't say that it did a lot of good. Once is was on she didn't pace....just howl and drool.
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