Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Thu May 23, 2024 7:47 am

Morning. I woke up at 3am and just could not go back to sleep. Got up at 4, going to be a long day I think. I am already on my second cup of coffee, watching the news and surfing the internet. Emma gets up when I get up LOL so we went outside and there was the biggest bright "flower" moon shining down on us. Fed her and she is back to sleep LOL There will be no nap for me of course. I will sleep well tonite. Temp is very chilly out there 37, this is the end of May, we are usually much warmer this time of year. Wacky weather this year for sure. Going to be 72 today so they say. Have a grocery pickup this morning then not sure what I will get into. Still have some housekeeping chores to do. I want to shampoo my carpet traffic areas but will wait until I am done fooling around outside AND the weather warms up.

Will be waiting for more updates from Anita, what a great trip she is on. Sharon hope Buddy outgrows the chewing but ya know some dogs never do. There is hope for him tho as he is still young. Sue congrats on your new soon of course.

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Postby chalet05 » Thu May 23, 2024 8:40 am

Good morning! Actually saw a sunrise this morning - just seeing the sun was nice after clouds and rain! Currently in Minnesota. Will arrive Chicago this afternoon and on to DC arriving tomorrow.

This has been pretty much as expected. Restrooms need some TLC. Not everyone sleeps in the middle of the night - including the guy behind me! I made myself comfortable using the footrest of the neighboring seat last night. Conductor woke me up to give someone the seat so back into my own seat. With 5 empty seats nearby, I guess he didn’t like my spreading out. :lol:

Sheila, glad you are having a getaway. Sue, yes, pictures please.
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Postby BarbaraRose » Thu May 23, 2024 10:36 am

Good morning gals!

Will be up getting ready shortly to go for my epidural shot in my back today. I have a neighbor driving me there and back. I actually have never met her but she responded to my community FB page asking for a ride a few weeks ago. She is a nurse and sounds very nice. I will be laying low for a day or so after this.

Found out this morning that Gloria's daughter has listed her house for sale rather than renting it out. She said she is hoping for a quick sale! :o Good luck with that, unless she lists it for about $60K. It is not in the best shape and needs work.

Sue, hope you love your new truck!

Anita, enjoy your train trip! I would have to have a real bed at night to sleep in. Am also not a fan of less than super-clean bathrooms.

I better start getting ready here. Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby JudyJB » Thu May 23, 2024 8:39 pm

Finally got the checking and savings accounts set up and some of the money transferred from other accounts for my aunt's estate. I gave them the probate document signed by the judge, my ID, and a copy of the death certificate--this was last Monday. Since they were transferring money from one account that I held for my aunt as a "responsible payee" for pensions and social security, and the old account and new accounts were with the same bank, it was supposed to be an easy thing to set up a new estate checking and savings account. But they had to send everything to their lawyers at another office. It took until this morning for the bank lawyers to approve it.

Then we tried to transfer the money. The small responsible payee account was easy, as was the savings account in another branch in CA that was owned by my aunt but managed as POA by the other POA. However, there was a larger account attached to that account where we had put money from some of her investments while we were meeting with a new investment broker, and that was also in the same bank. Nope, amount was too large, but just found out new rules this morning, so it is also going to lawyers!! That will take a week, but at least there was enough money in the responsible payee account and the savings account that we COULD transfer, so at least I can pay some bills, including the big chunk that SS overpaid and wants back and ditto for another pension. As a couple of you have said, this is not easy. At least we already sold her three homes!!! Plus, the other POA paid the cremation fee, some travel costs for December, and a couple of big law firm bills out of her own pocket, so she is going to get the first check out of the little starter check booklet they gave me!!! It will take at least another 90 days before any beneficiaries get money. There are several, and I know they are anxious to get a bit of money for whatever they need it for.

Never did this before, so it is a great learning experience. Lesson learned, as someone pointed out, is to set up a trust!! Aunt and uncle were going to do this, but dementia got them first. ANother lesson: bank manager said that if you have a large sum of money you want to hold for a brief period, as we did, you should put it in a savings account instead of a checking account. She said fraud is almost never attempted with a savings account, because account numbers are not given out like they are with checks!! It is checking accounts that are targeted.

Hope your back procedure goes well, Barbie. And as far as dogs chewing things, do any of you watch the veterinary shows on TV? Dogs will eat the strangest things that the vets have to remove from stomachs!! And sticks are bad because they have so many shards to them. (I've always thought cats are a little smarter, but even they occasionally eat wrong things.)
Last edited by JudyJB on Thu May 23, 2024 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BarbaraRose » Thu May 23, 2024 9:59 pm

Judy, Wow! My head is spinning with all the stuff you have had to take care of with your aunt!

Got thru my injection today. There was a backlog so I had to wait a while before my procedure. Tried to relax but was hard to get comfortable in those reclining chairs they put you in while getting you prepped. The warm blankets were a nice touch! I did talk the nurse into doing my IV line in my arm instead of the top of my hand, (which always makes me feel like passing out :o ).

Took a nap when I got home and still feeling tired tonight but no pain so far. I am sure the pain drugs haven't completely worn off yet. I need to take it easy for the next few days so it will be a long lazy weekend. (not unlike most weekends :roll: ). Nothing on TV to watch as it is between seasons for the shows I like to watch. New ones will start in the next week or so for summer. Will probably just catch up on my reading all weekend.

The neighbor who drove me there and back is very nice. She is a snowbird but isn't leaving until next week. So the timing was good for her to help me.

I need to find some dinner and then get ready for bed.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby Acadianmom » Thu May 23, 2024 10:48 pm

Yesterday I had to go to Lafayette to see about a CD. That always takes a big chunk out of my day. I went to Walmart when I got back to Abbeville. Our Walmart has a sign that they are having a "Grand Reopening". I didn't know they had been closed. All that means is they have rearranged half the store so you can't find anything. They put a half wall along the area where the registers are so you can only get to them at openings at the ends. There are a lot more self check out places but they all only have the short shelf. If you have a lot you don't have anywhere to put what you have scanned. The Lafayette Walmart has some checkouts with the long shelves.

Judy, it seems like you are never through with estate work. It has been 6 years for me and there are still things that come up. I have started putting all accounts POD(pay on death) to my son. I had to get a Medallion Signature on some papers to close a Prudential account. I had never heard of such a thing. It's a guarantee that you are who you say you are and the bank guarantees it. The two banks that I had done business with for over 50 years wouldn't do it. :evil: Thank goodness we had an account with a bank in Lafayette that would do it.

Barbie, hope your shot helps. Glad you found someone to bring you. It's hard when you are on your own to get rides. I still don't know what kind of doctor I should see about my foot. Most of the time it doesn't hurt but then it will hurt so much I almost can't walk.

Anita, are you having to sit in a seat on the train all the way? I had to ride a bus from North Carolina to where my parents lived in Louisiana. That was 44 hours on a bus. I have never felt so dirty. The last leg was in the middle of the night on a bus that stopped at every wide place on the road to unload stuff. I thought if that bus stopped one more time I was going to cry.

A few days ago I ordered some of the pill pusher things from Amazon to give Inky his pills. I had two dog toys in my cart so ordered them too. Luna was so excited when I brought the box in this afternoon. I think she has gotten packages before. I gave her the stuffed animal and she played with it all afternoon. The other toy is a ball that makes noise. I'll wait a few days before I giver her that one. I guess now all my orders will have to have a dog toy. lol

My son called today to see if I could bring him to the hospital June 3. He is having a hernia repaired and they are doing it as an outpatient so he has to have someone go with him. May is almost over. I have a hospice dinner on Sunday. Hope I don't forget this one, I forgot the one last month. We are going to one of my favorite restaurants in Abbeville.

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Postby snowball » Fri May 24, 2024 12:40 am

one of the things my dd did last night was go with her daughter's to a place with a bunch of other "damsels" where they order appetizers to share and desserts to share because most of the time when you have an entree the desserts may look good but you are so full can't do it sounds like a really good idea...
Barbi hopefully this injection will really help
Anita have a good time... do the seats recline at all or is that a no no??? hopefully you have pretty countryside when it's daylight... that would be my concern
I go to bed late some times later than other's and I realize that even more when Karen was probably getting up before I went to bed... that always happens with the east coast bunch but not the west coast folks :roll: :oops: :lol: do need to go to bed earlier...
got my "boxes" for my graduates... pretty much use scrape book embellishments and although there is football basketball ect there isn't anything to use for debate and speech and you can letter in I think both!!! don't know what I will end up with if I had good handwriting I would wood burn some thoughts into it as I told his mom when I think of either it's words that come to mind...something will come I hope still have a lot to do though sand then stain before I need to worry about the embellishments although I did find something the legs in wood working area was cheaper than in the Tim Holtz area!!! as well as the corners...
dd and I went to a new place for Indian Food was so good!!!! think I need to upgrade my spice level though
you all have a good night
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Postby JudyJB » Fri May 24, 2024 1:57 am

Sheila, sometimes I would take my mother to Red Lobster and she would order just a shrimp cocktail and dessert. She could never eat dessert with a full entre so it worked well for her.

And I learned about those medallions when we sold one of my aunt’s houses. Real pain!!!
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