Judy, I have never heard of or seen a menu with no prices (unless it is a super pricey restaurant). What a PITA to have to ask the prices for everything! I would not like that at all.
Beth, I started watching Ghosts when it first came on but lost interest after awhile.
Sheila, Norwegian Forest cats are huge!
They are the largest domestic cats. Google photos of them and you will see how big they are.
A great cat that is a smaller version of those is the Maine Coon cat. They are still larger than the average cat but very laid back and smart. I had one once and he was the best cat ever!
Here is a photo of a Norwegian Forest cat...
Not much of an eclipse here. Didn't even get a little bit darker here. Was really windy all day tho.
I did go to Urgent Care before noon. Got an antibiotic to take for the UTI.
I ended up running out of primer before I finished so had to get another quart.
Note to self: always get more paint than you think you will need! Did get it all finished with the primer this evening. Will get up early tomorrow and roll the paint on it. I am ready to be done with this project!
Here are before (with carpet) and after pics...
The final color will be the same as the peachy/beige on the lower part of the wall (or "band-aide" color, as I like to call it!)
The cats aren't happy about not being able to go out on the porch but I have all my painting stuff out there and I don't want them to get into any of it.
Off to bed...