Monday, Feb. 26th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby Colliemom » Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:37 am

Good Morning from the chilly 45th. Ben having some beautiful Weather this past week and temps are warming up. But nights are clear and cold. Friday is the first day of Meteorlogical Spring and you sure can tell by the up and down temperature pattern here. Weekend was in mid 40’s, today will be pushing toward the 50’s mark, tomorrow 60, Wednesdsy only upper 20’s and then a slow rise back to 50’s and 60’s by next weekend again :roll: Been great dog walking weather. Like O’Sharon and Buddy, my two have been busy checking out the smells etc. We have our walking places and never the same two days in a row. Somedays we do 2 1 2 miles, other days it a short one just up the road and back.

So, another week has started. Nothing in my agenda for this week. Just the usual housekeeping chores, always a trip or more to town and of course continuing to work in my Diamond Art. Since Wednesdsy isn’t supposed to be a great day, , I’m going to do some picture rearranging etc. in my living room and give it a good cleaning while I am at it. Tine for some cosmetic changes around here.

Speaking of camping and fees etc., Judy, Otsego Lake State Park by me here is closing their north campground toward the end of August to install full hookups and upgrade the electrical. So next summer, there will be 99 new full hookup sites there. Little by little, , the State Parks are switching over. Will probably be next to impossible to get in there during peak season, unless one makes advanced reservation way ahead of tine, as it’s one of the most popular parks up here. I have to say, I don’t miss camping anymore. Like some of you said, the dsys of spur of the moment trips are pretty much gone. I never know when I want to take off 6 months ahead, unless it was for something with specific dates. If want to go somewhere for a few days or something. I will find a place to make some reservations at a resort or something. It used to be that you could go up to the UP and never have much problem getting a place to stay, but since Covid, it’s next to impossible. I just stay away from the peak season in the summer. But I have been pretty content just being here at home and if I get an urge to go someplace, I just take off and take a day drive somewhere.
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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:16 am

Morning Sue, I am up and at em but managed to sleep until 5 this morning. I have my eye doc appt this morning. It is early 8:15 as I like the early appts gives them less time to get behind. Will call the Imaging dept when I am done to find out if I really do have a CT scan this morning ha ha
Thank goodness I got my raised bed finished yesterday and in place because it is raining today, but we had a couple of fairly nice days so that helps. I have lots of housekeeping chores to do but usually when I get my eyes done I dont do much for a while. They are expecting up to 5ft of snow in the Cascades over the next week. Giving us an awesome snow pack this year which will help all the waterways and fire season. So I am not complaining about the rain too much.

I bought a couple of foam pipe insulation tubes yesterday and the cashier asked me if I was expecting a freeze LOL LOL I buy them to cut into pieces to put in the spaces on my carport awning support rail than runs across my carport. so the dang birds dont build a nest up there. They cant be pooping on my car or walkway.

This week when I finish my housekeeping chores I am going to get busy in my bathroom. I have all the supplies I think I need so will tape it off then will be ready for the primer. One step at a time.

Time for another cup of java then hop in the shower and be ready to start my day.

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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:03 pm

I do have a Cat scan scheduled for today..........glad I called. Home from the eye doc and luckily no dilation today, just my eye injections. No fluid behind my eyes, he was too.

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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby Bethers » Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:38 pm

Good thing you keep better track of your appts than they do, Karen. And yay on no dilation today and good report. I have an appt at a new to me doctor here in Texas tomorrow. I hope I like the person and can make this office my primary. We shall see. Most important, I need them to sign off on my getting my cataract surgery.

Sue, the weather sure is crazy. And seems every year more so. I'm still unsure what all I'll be doing this coming summer. I kind of want to not work, but I do have go to South Dakota to renew my driver's license, so I'm still thinking going to Iowa for two months, visiting friends and my sister in WI might be smart before going to SD. I need to decide because I'm sure the GM will be wanting an answer soon.
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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby Redetotry » Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:27 pm

It is 80 degrees here at 3 in the afternoon!!!!! Crazy as it is supposed to drop to 40 on Wednesday. Oh well it's lovely weather to go outside and pick daffodils. Karen good news for your eyes and for keeping track of your appointments. Beth I hope they approve your cataract surgery.

I finally started getting rid of things in my kitchen I never use. Whew I was just helping and I'm tired. Fortunately the woman who cleans for me had extra time so bottom cabinets are all clean and organized and expired canned goods tossed out. I kept my cast iron skillets and large pot that has a wire bale on the lid. It is too heavy for me to use and then clean so I'm giving it to a young friend. Most are over 100 years old and the one with the wire bale I think was used when my Grandmother lived on a farm where they cooked in a fire place. She was born in 1890. Now if my inspiration will last to get the upper cabinets contents sorted out.
I'm going out now for those daffodils.
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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby Bethers » Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:15 pm

BJ, if I'd known in advance they'd want a release from my personal physician, I would have waited until I returned to Arizona. That would have been much easier.

I'll always say Arizona had the best sunsets regularly, but we do get some here in South Texas.
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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:40 pm

BJ, I need to go thru my cabinets too but doubt I will any time soon. I use the same 4 pots and small skillet 99% of the time. Every time I get my big Lodge pot out I wonder how much longer I will be able to lift it. lol It's what I like to make gumbo and soup in. I also have a couple of Magnalite pots too. The large one fits over 2 burners and I doubt I will ever make that much of anything again.

I didn't do much today except wash my sheets and blanket.

It got up to 77 and was very windy. I wanted to burn my trash and had to wait until almost dark for the wind to die down. I think we are suppose to have a couple of days of cooler weather and then rain again.

Karen, it's unusual for them to forget to bug you about your appointments. I feel like telling my dentist enough already. They start about a week out with texts and emails.

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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby JudyJB » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:42 pm

Karen, in my old condo, I had a private entrance with a slightly slopped down roof over it. There were other parts of the main roof on either side, and a mourning dove spent several years trying to raise a family on a corner of that entrance roof. Unfortunately, she absolutely flunked nest building and every year it would fall down several times. One year she did get it to stay long enough to lay eggs, but then the whole thing fell down. I was constantly picking up sticks and nest parts from my little cement porch! She was certainly a determined bird!

Had lunch today with a fellow CLL patient who lives in this area. She not only has exactly the same version of the disease I do, unmutated and no genetic deletions, but also took exactly the same combination of targeted drugs as I did. Drugs other than chemo have only been available for this disease since 2015, and we were lucky to take the drug that was developed second. (The first drug worked, but it had to be taken for life and could cause arrhythmia, so I turned it down when my oncologist gave me a choice. There are at least four drugs available now, plus one that is nearby always given before the other ones to clean out the dead, mutant B cells from your body before regular treatment.) Since the disease is now mostly controllable, but not curable, doctors have been using combinations of various drugs to see which should be given first, and in what combination, and what to follow them with after remission ends.

Luckily, we took the ones (and took them before we took other combinations) that have recently been shown to be most effective, meaning the longest remissions. (The goal is to outwit the disease so you die very old of something else!) Keeping our fingers crossed about how long our remissions last, but it was interesting to get together and talk about this disease. It is amazing how many patients have had five or six various treatments over periods as long as 15-20 years. Most of these treatments were the early ones, so this is a disease it is best if you got it recently! And, sadly, one lady who we both have followed for several years recently died from CLL, after 18 years of various ineffective and partially effective treatment.

Weird to have a disease that you know you will need treatment over and over, but since it is a few infusions of a monoclonal antibody and then pills for a year, with few bad reactions, it is not a huge concern. They are working on such drugs for other cancers, which is good to know.
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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:51 am

Whew! Just getting caught up with the past 4 days of posts!

Finally got done with my 5 day run at work! Have been so tired when I get home that I lay on my bed for an hour or two on my heating pad and go to bed early. The first 3 days were really busy but luckily yesterday and today were not as busy so I had a chance to sit in between every other haircut and give my back a rest. I reminded my manager to say something to my coworker about her noisy phone. I hope she gets to it this week. I told her that I did't feel comfortable confronting her about it myself (other than asking her to turn it down) because I didn't want to start an argument that probably wouldn't end well, and I didn't want to deal with that.

I got a nice little Lazy Boy chair for $25 at the thrift store the other day. It was actually posted for free from someone here in my park but because I was working every day, by the time I inquired about it, they had already dropped it off at the thrift store. Still got a good deal on it. It is very comfortable for sitting for a couple hours at a time.

I found out after work today that there is a showing at 3pm tomorrow. Luckily I haven't had a chance to make much of a mess in here this week so it only took me an hour to get the whole place picked up. Still need to vacuum tomorrow since I can't see the carpet in the porch very well at night. It is being shown by another agent here in the park for one of her clients.

I have putters in the morning and an appointment at 1:30 with my ADHD doctor. Hoping I can get on a better med this time. There are a lot of options for meds for ADHD. I am hoping to get a stimulant which I can take as needed (ie: not on work days if the side effects are not working-friendly).

I picked up some more hamburger yesterday so I can try the sloppy joes again. :roll: I just finished up the pizza I picked up on the way home from work yesterday. I have the rest of the week off. Have a few things to get caught up on including laundry. I have almost nothing clean left to wear! So will do that on Wednesday.

Weather has been great this past week! I have not needed to turn on the heat at night. Have had my windows open every night. Was very windy earlier this evening but has calmed down now. Cats are spending most of their time in the porch.

Good night...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Monday, Feb. 26th

Postby snowball » Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:27 am

I thought of a few things I ought to do today but remembered that I had clothes to fold and put away... the clothes won.... I really need to clean out the ashes in the pellet stove perhaps tomorrow
we got snow today not sure how much not a lot 1 inch or more but a really wet snow had a rough time getting the trash can down to the street ...
I had a time consuming word search that I worked on today... there was a blank where the vowels are and you have to fill in the vowels can get tricky especially when it was like this
-ll-g-l- if I spelled it correctly spell check can't help good thing there is a word list to work from I also now have 23 inches on my 60 inch strip I actually think it will need to be longer than 60 inches but 23 inches is a good start
I need to organize my week so will be ready to go on Thurs... it's hard getting two of s ready :lol:
I shared on FB a video that someone made up showing the mating birds to a song that I can't remember now but it was a hoot... some birds got quite the "moves" :lol:
I had a wake up call from the PA mamo was ok and the echo shows enlargement in an area think similar to what they saw last year but he indicated that they might use a halter test to see if there is any indication of AFIB but never have noticed the palpitations ect that one hears about
I wonder Barbie if they started advertising your house as a "tiny" home if it would sell quicker? they are in the vogue :lol: good luck with your showing tomorrow
best of luck Beth in decided about your summer plans
you all have a great day
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