The floor was started, for example, and there was a panel missing on the back on the right. I am guessing the cabinets were already painted, and you just painted that back wall to make it match. And I like the blue curtains. When I want to hem something, I just get the stuff from JoAnn's that you use to iron a hem--just roll bottom up and stick stuff in it and hit it with iron. Very fast and easy.
One question: Does the smaller mattress mean you have a small space to walk alongside the mattress or is there a platform there? In any case, it looks as if it will be a lot easier to make the bed.
The floor was started, but badly. I removed what they started and discovered how much they destroyed the original floor, including plain all over from painting, thus the floor needing to be replaced in some fashion. That back wall, the right side they attempted to fix problems and again didn't do it correctly, but it was a start that could be worked with. You can't see on the original pictures but the left side was also damaged, they just tried to paint over it. I probably have more length than I want to do with the tape, but that's a possibility. I'm not in a hurry. In the new picture of the bed, you can see room in the front of the picture, about 6-8 inches of space. That's like a little lower shelf for me and makes it easier to make the bed because I can slide the mattress.
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
"He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"