Sunny Sunday

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Sunny Sunday

Postby Redetotry » Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:11 am

Good Morning, After a very cold day yesterday it is going to be near 50 today! We still have a little snow on the ground from Friday. Barbie I'm crossing my fingers for you! Beth congratulations on your perfect score. Ann I hope you and Bill are rested up from your trip. It's a good thing you reserved both of you a wheelchair. Karen I'm a little ahead of you my taxes are ready, now of course I have to take them to the tax man so not there yet. Sharon I hope you get a warm up soon.

Martha when I fix either Acorn or Butternut Squash I stick a knife in a few places and put it in the microwave for about 2 minutes so it is easy to cut in half. I scrape out the seeds and add brown sugar, butter, chopped pecans in the centers and sprinkle with cinnamon then bake till tender.

Pippa gets slower and slower about eating her breakfast and isn't very enthusiastic about her dinner. I have tried different brands of kibble and added various toppers but she just is mostly uninterested unless the topping is a very small amount of scrambled ground chuck. She must be getting enough though as she is a bit overweight. Her favorite treat is the tablespoon of goat milk she gets at noon.
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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby Othersharon » Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:42 am

Good morning! The sun is shining but it’s still in the 20’s and forecasted to get up to 35 today. So no snow removal today, at least not a lot. I cleared some of the snow off of the rv windshield so that should help with the melting. At least in my mind! Not sure how much it’ll help but nothing ventured nothing gained. So if the temps go up today we really need to go for a walk. BJ, I’ve been lucky with Buddy and his eating. So far he hasn’t been picky about his kibble and will eat just about anything. That includes sticks and whatever else he can get his mouth on! I’ve stuck my hand in his mouth so many times. If he ever needs a pill I don’t think I’ll have any problem getting it down his throat! I’ve been trying since he was little to be able to clip his nails but so far he still resists it so I manage to do a couple and then let it go and try later. It usually takes a few days to get the job done. He doesn’t seem to mind me touching his feet, just if he sees the clippers then it’s a no go. Nothing much happening today just the normal whatever I get into. Need to vacuum the kitchen and pick up the dog hair but that’s an ongoing thing. I sometimes wonder how he has any hair left with the amount he sheds! Since he seems to have the lab traits it is apparently a normal thing. Our black labradoodle shed bad too but not near like Buddy does. But that’s just the way of it so I’ll just do what needs to be done! Shelia, I admire your patience with your crocheting. It’s just never been something I wanted to do! I need to grab something out of the freezer for dinner. The squash sounds good so maybe I’ll get one next time I go shopping. Haven’t had any for quite awhile. I need to grab some lunch since I don’t usually do breakfast I’m getting hungry! Hope you all have a good day.
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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:02 pm

Good morning BJ and Sharon. Cloudy foggy day but no rain yet. 44/61 not real sure if it will reach 61 but we shall see. Just finished my coffee and breakfast so ready to start my day. Going to wash the kitchen and bathroom floors. Wash a couple loads of laundry and finish my dusting chore. Will have Henry vacuum the kitchen and bathrooms before I wash the floors. He does a great job with the dog hair. I am so glad I purchased this Roomba, I dont even have to empty it, it empties itself at the base, I feel so spoiled.
Going to open the box with my outdoor raised bed in it today. Take the parts outside so I can be ready to assemble as soon as the weather is better. I need to get it out of my dining room anyway. Then I can vacuum in there.
I finally managed to get my tv to switch from antenna to Roku and vice versa. It was quite the struggle but I far anyway.
Pondering what I will have for dinner tonight. I have some really nice lettuce so will have a salad for lunch. Dinner is still up in the air LOL but I have lots of options.
BJ my Emma is not a good eater. I give her kibble and then various toppings and what she eats one day just looks at the next. I gave up trying so many different things and decided she is a good weight so if she eats she eats. Breakfast is often a no go and then other days she eats it, go figure. Lately she is more enthusiastic about dinner but I am also feeding her less. I feed a higher quality kibble so even if she only eats a little she is getting adequate calories. She loves breakfast if she gets some of my scrambled egg and it is great for her coat.

I am off to get busy

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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:24 pm

Good morning gals!

I am just laying in bed yet, with both windows open getting a wonderful refreshing cross breeze!! It is pretty windy out today. The wind came up pretty strong just before I went to bed last night and is still going on. I might open up some more windows in the house to air it out in here. Need to do that before it gets too warm. Supposed to get to 80* today. The birds must be loving the breeze because they are all singing loudly out there!

Thought today would be an easy relaxing day but my list of things to do is getting longer! Need to make a run to WM, drop off the plexiglass to my neighbor to cut, finish putting up the handles, clip cat claws, make sloppy joes, and clean the mini-split filters. All little stuff, but needs to get done. Oh, and laundry! :roll: Then there is the last day of the golf tournament on TV...

I love butternut squash but I tried to make it once and I about cut my hand off trying to cut the thing in half. I even called my dad and told him I need to borrow his chainsaw! :o :lol: Didn't know about the microwave trick. My aunt use to make it for us a lot and I couldn't figure out how she was able to cut into it. I will have to try it again with the microwave trick. I have tried buying frozen squash but it gets too watery when I cooked it. If I can figure out how to make it like my aunt did, I will have it a lot.

The cats must be liking the cool breeze too,because they have been out on the porch all morning.

I better get my day started... have a good one!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby JudyJB » Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:58 pm

Long drive today in the rain, and I just got my rig washed two days ago! Funny, however, that a long drive used to be 250 miles, but now 168 miles really wears me out. Did not drive very fast because of the weather, but I did stop for gas and groceries. Actually, I had been planning to have a leisurely morning and leave around 10:30 am, but I woke up around 9:00 am and checked the weather. Rain was headed my way in about an hour, and I had full hookups at that site, so I knew I would have to dump tanks and put sewer hose away, as well as put a couple more things away, so after discussing the situation with myself, I decided to get up and do my outside things before the rain started--good thing because I did not arrive at campground until almost 5:00 pm, what with driving slowly in downpour. Had to go outside here in rain and hookup electric and water. My sweatshirt is completly wet, as are both pairs of shoes I keep out--one at driver's area and one at side door. Got first pair soaked at Walmart's and second pair soaked here, so have heater going and am hoping they dry tomorrow in whatever sun we get.

Also had a couple of bouts of vertigo in last couple of days, which I have not had in a couple of years. I was just telling my younger son how I had not even had a cold in the last couple of years!!! Plus, yesterday, I discovered three really big and swollen mosquito bites on the back of my left arm--did not notice it in time to get much effect from little mosquito bite heat gun. So, I took a benadryl this morning and two more just recently to try to help damp the bites down. One is already size of a nickel and growing--darn pesky insects!!!!

OK, no more complaining. My motorhome is back to riding smoothly and no check engine lights showing, so things are going well. I also finished most of the "basement" cleaning and reorganizing, and yesterday tackled the area under my bed. Even found my ring!!!

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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby MandysMom » Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:41 pm

Just letting you know, I'm still alive.
Son has been in rehab for over 2 weeks now. He had a set back when PT bully pushed too far, and he has had back spasm since Friday. Different PT Saturday discovered he has knotted, extremely tight hamstrings on left leg and began the slow stretching process to fix that. He had been sitting up, able to make 4 steps until the bully hurt him!
I'm ok, just tired. Between Hashimotos exhaustion and daily trips the 32 miles round trip (16 each way), and helping him for 3-4 hours almost every day, I'm just wore out. Haven't journaled or done much except handyman and I are cleaning up Chris's neglected room and going to completely renovate, plus catching up on the piles of clothes Chris had on floor.
That's it for me.
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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby Bethers » Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:08 pm

Velda, I've been watching for an update from you. Thanks for it and I'm sorry there was a glitch with one pt person but it sounds like things are moving along. Please don't forget to take care of yourself during all this, also.

Sunshine here today which was nice to see. Temps will be going up better tomorrow. I have lists of things I want to accomplish but haven't been doing too good of a job. A little a day, though, and it'll all eventually get done.

Judy, I'm glad the MH is back running well and yikes on the new mosquito bites. They do seem to find you.
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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby snowball » Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:06 am

we had a bit of snow today don't think it was measurable to going to church it was snowing as well as later in the afternoon... won't complain I will the week of my granddaughter's wedding if it snows... I don't like driving the pass when the roads are clear let along covered with snow... it's either the pass or the canyon and since I'm taking mom to my sister in laws for the weekend the canyon is not going the right direction... :shock:
it's been a typical Sunday did the normal Sunday activities
made a smothered pork chop dish... was pretty good would have been better if the pork had been more tender... and the gravy wasn't as saucy as I would have liked and I did add more broth to it... possibly part of the issue was I didn't read the recipe first and thought I was suppose to just sear the meat and then it would cook in the gravy not so oh well perhaps another day I will do it right... did question the recipe when it said to caramelize the onion which should take about 10 minutes never have onions caramelize that fast :roll:
I have made oodles of afghans using the same pattern over the years I've been "trying" to branch out and do something different I really liked the hat's I made for the great grandkids this pattern for the shrug said one day we will laugh at that I will have the afghan done before I get that shrug finished but then there have been spells when I've not worked on it still I don't know how the lady finished it in one day!!!! but I have it down to not too many rows then a neck like piece that is like 7 stitches wide but 60 inches long that is going to take forever... :roll:
Velda take care of yourself... it's too bad that he got a "bully" of a PT it's hard I'm sure to push but not to push too far... I think my sister is in her condition because they didn't push her enough... but I may be wrong..
hoping for good news for you Barbie... oh curious have you "colored" one of the Sunday Mystery pages??
you all have a great day
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Re: Sunny Sunday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:05 am

Well, I conquered most of my list but not totally successfully. Went to WM and actually came out of there for just under $26 :shock:. But then the Girl Scouts were selling their cookies out front so I had to get a few boxes of those. :roll:

Dropped off the plexiglass with my neighbor to cut for me. I then attempted to cut the kitties claws. I put Romeow in the hammock and he was really fighting to get out of it. I managed to get all his claws trimmed but got a little too close on a couple of his back toes so he wasn't too happy about that! I told him if he just stayed still I could see what I am doing easier. Then I tried to do Sophie's claw. She isn't usually too cooperative but she was way worse today and I only ended up trimming 2 claws before she bit and scratched me. I guess I will have to find someplace to take her, to do it for me. :roll:

Then I decided to make sloppy joes. I cooked up the hamburger and added the sauce and once it was all hot, I thought I turned the stove off and went to watch golf. A while later, I smelled a not so pleasant smell and ran into the kitchen. The sloppy joe mix was all scorched and I saw that the burner was still on low, not off. :roll: So that went down the garbage disposal. :(

Took a shower and relaxed after that watching TV and doing color by number pictures on my phone. Didn't get to putting more handles on, but no big hurry on that.

Am in bed early tonight. Gotta get up for work in the morning. Then have 2 days off before I work 5 days in a row. :o

Velda, glad there is some progress with your son. Sorry he had some issues with the PT therapist.

Judy, do you have a rain coat, hat, and boots? If not, you might want to invest in those.

Sheila, I am doing the coloring on a different app called "Zen Color". It has soothing music and sounds while you work on the pictures. :) It has pretty Japanese pictures to work on.

Someone is smoking some weed...I can smell it coming thru the window. I know the guy 2 doors down, uses it. He must be smoking it outside if I can smell it over here.

Have a good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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