Not so snowy Tuesday

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Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Othersharon » Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:50 pm

Good afternoon. After the weather forecast changed several times over the last day we ended up with only a couple of inches here but the sidewalk and driveway were pretty much clear when I got up this morning! Now the snow is melting fast on the grassy areas and sidewalk is almost dry. The forecasters have been saying that this was a hard one to pin down as to the track it would take so not surprised. But I’m not complaining! There’s still time for me to use the snowblower! I actually went out yesterday and filled the gas can to make sure I would have enough but it’ll last into lawn mowing season! I spent the afternoon cooking yesterday. I had some chicken left from one I got at Sam’s Club frozen so made chicken soup and some enchiladas. Have enough left over for a couple of meals plus froze the rest of the soup for later. I haven’t made enchiladas in forever so was guessing on what to do but they turned out pretty good. I finally decided to do something with my house plants and ended up deep cleaning the whole room. Funny how that happens! I need to tackle my office next. It’s a mess and it’s really starting to bug me! Beth, hope you either find another spot or maybe see in writing the “rules” these owners want. Barbie, hoping the new agent can accomplish what the other ones haven’t done. Still thinking the 9 month rule is holding buyers back from buying. And been thinking of the ones with health problems and sending good thoughts. I’ve been looking at treadmills for Buddy. They used one in his training so I’m sure he will go on one. Amazing the difference in prices between human ones and ones for dogs. Can’t quite figure that out. I just know I need one with a longer length for his stride. So still trying to decide which way to go. But definitely thinking one could be useful with his energy level even with his walks we take. So coffee break is over and I need get back to what I was doing! Hope you all have a great day.
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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:21 pm

Sitting in repair shop at truck stop in Ft Myers. Waiting for parts so they can replace right front wheel bearings. But at least waiting in my rig in my recliner with access to my own bathroom and kitchen! Should be out of here ina little over an hour.

Nita’s windy and smoky as yesterday so better driving and lungs feel clearer. One more day a doctor move to another campground. Weather has been good here. Mostly 70s with occasional 80. No snow, of course!!
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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:34 pm

Just got back from our "Chicks with Sticks" putting tournament. It was crazy but fun! Each hole had a different challenge. One was hitting a marshmallow instead of a golf ball. One was putting left handed instead of right handed. One was hitting backwards. One was hitting little water balloons (most popped tho). One was hitting small whiffle balls with a pool noodle. One was hitting the ball with a hockey stick! It was really challenging but lots of fun! I was a scorekeeper and I had a hard time keeping track of scores for my team players because of all the distractions! :shock: They had prizes for the winning teams and winning individual scores. Our team didn't win, but I got 3rd place (out of 60 ladies) for my individual score! Yay me! :D

I am tired now but have a haircut to do in half an hour. Later, I need to go to the bank to deposit my tip money. :) and then clean out my messy car, fill the tank and get it washed. I like a nice clean car for my day trips.

Beautiful day today with a high of 72*, slight breeze, and pretty birds singing.

I guess homes here are not selling much at all right now. So it is not just me. Too bad I had a couple of lazy-a$$ agents last year when homes here were selling left and right! I think I will be here for awhile so I need to really get busy looking for another job in order to save my back from further pain and damage.
Oh, and I saw the photos this morning that the photographer took of my house and they are beautiful! Will post some on here later. What a difference that makes! Need to have my agent change and add a couple things on the listing tho. He is supposed to be here sometime today to put up a new sign for me,

Later this afternoon, there is a Mardi-gras parade in the park. That should be fun to watch! I think there will be some alcohol involved (with them, not me! :lol: )

Today is my mom's birthday. She would have been 100 years old. I sure miss her a lot! So many times I still wish I could call her about things you can only talk to a mom about. :(

I am hoping that no news is good news for the "boys" with health issues.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Cudedog » Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:17 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Today is my mom's birthday. She would have been 100 years old. I sure miss her a lot! So many times I still wish I could call her about things you can only talk to a mom about. :(

I am hoping that no news is good news for the "boys" with health issues.

Have a good day!

Barbie, it sure sounds like you had a wonderful Mom. I sometimes wish I could call my mom, too. I am sure she would have a big smile on her face, knowing that you remember - and cherish - her on her birthday.

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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:33 pm

I still talk to my Mom. And I hear her answer. She's good for me especially when I listen.

Well, unless anyone has discovered this forum from the park I'm in, you're the only ones knowing what going on, except one couple here that I'm good friends with. Nothin on FB because I know that would travel fast. I visited the park I'm considering today and enjoyed meeting the managers and talking. They showed me a few sites I'd be able to have and I picked one. Yes, I said that!!! I'm feeling much better having made the decision. There are plusses and minuses to both sides, but I know if I went forward in the current park, drama would treat it's ugly head sooner. I hope. So plans are to move the tt over then end of the month and they say I can park the motorhome there a week or two or three while I get so spend up, etc. Maybe I can make it so I'll be able to really move right in come fall. I'm not saying anything here until the end of March. I need to stay here through my cataract surgeries, so better to not cause problems in the mean time. At least that's my thoughts now. I may have to say something a little earlier if my neighbors can move the tt for me. They have to check their hitch and the size of my ball. If they can do it, it would have to be done a week sooner as they are pulling out the day after my second surgery (staying to take me for both surgeries).

And that's my update.
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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:35 pm

I also miss not being able to call my mother and tell her about things I am doing. Ditto for my aunts and older cousins I was close to, but all are gone.

Spent over five hours in Boss Truck Service place, but they discovered that my problem was that the right front wheel also needed new bearings. (Did not know about these service centers, but they are behind Pilot truck stops in a few states.) Had front left wheel done three weeks ago, but at the time, the mechanic thought right one was OK. It took a long time because the parts place sent wrong parts and manager had to personally go to get right ones. Expensive, but everything is expensive with these things. Anyway, I was able to stay inside my rig and spend the time in my recliner, working on online things and making some phone calls. I am REALLY glad I did not go yesterday as originally planned because it would have been about 10 degrees hotter, and i could not run engine or generator while they were working. Day was boring, but I was comfortable.

I am getting really irritated with an increasing number of spam calls, and in the past had not been able to turn them off because of the possibility of getting a medical call about my aunt while I was legally responsible for her. As soon as we get things settled, I am going to restrict calls coming in. For years I could not do this because I was teaching and students needed my phone number, and then it was my mother in assisted living. It will be freeing to get rid of these jerks. The other day, I tried chatting with a couple of them, and turning the tables, by asking THEM questions--like what was the name of the company they were calling from, what was the address and phone number of that company, what was their full name and contact info, etc. Since they were calling about my Medicare coverage, did they have information on my current coverage, could they confirm the name of my doctor and her contact info, etc??? It got them really, really confused, and I figured it was fun taking up their time and explaining why I needed all this information before I could talk to them about a new plan. Believe me, they were not used to being asked so many questions!!! :lol:
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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:51 pm

Congratulations Beth, you made a decision, YAY you. I agree if you stay it could be ugly down the road and better to move it now while you have the opportunity. Where will you put your Motorhome after 2-3 weeks or are you taking off somewhere LOL Judy happy you got your vehicle fixed and will be back on the road tomorrow.
It was a nice day here today so I worked a bit in my yard after lunch and the fog lifted. Put down some weed barrier and moved the bags of mulch over there and will spread it later on. Will move my big pots over there and find something that will grow in partial to full sun. It doesnt get any sun right now but it will as soon as summer gets here and the sun changes direction. So something that likes shade with some sun would be great. Need to check that out on some garden youtubes. The next nice day we have I will put my large raised bed together, get it out in the garden where I want it and make sure before I start filling it with my logs and debris and soil that it is exactly where I want it. Once it is in it is there to stay.!!!
Just had a salad for dinner, wasn't real hungry but my salad got bigger as I kept adding to it LOL but was mostly lettuce and I ate it all. I am happy that my shows I like to watch started back up last night. Just no time to watch them yet but I will catch up later this week. Might watch one this evening.

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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Redetotry » Tue Feb 13, 2024 9:22 pm

It was sunny and in the mid 50's today but I sat down after breakfast with a book and feel asleep :o I had an acupuncture appointment at noon which was so relaxing I was ready for another nap when I got home but resisted. I had a strange experience on Amazon today, I placed an order and the the total was wrong by almost $40.00! I deleted one item, added it back and the total corrected. I've never noticed that happening before but now that I know it is a possibility I'll check when I buy multiple items. Something is also not working right on my Kindle, I ordered a book that included free audible and I got a message saying I needed to download the audible separately.
A friend baked a cheese cake for me this afternoon to take to a party tomorrow but it didn't come out of the pan in one piece. She was so upset as she has baked so many she couldn't figure out what happened. I tried to tell her it was ok I could get something else to take but she insisted she would bake another one this evening. She lives about 20 minutes away down a one lane country road which is going to be closed all day tomorrow to replace a very old wooden bridge. There is a sort of road that tractors use through the apple orchard across the road from her and her son showed her the way to get to the highway through it. The new cheese cake will make it in time for the party. Can you believe a highway department can close a road completely!? Oh and the notice was handwritten.

I just read your post Beth I'm sure you feel better for having made the decision. I know you will miss your wonderful neighbors who have been so helpful though.
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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 13, 2024 10:57 pm

Karen, I'll be heading to Arizona, the question is just when. :)
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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:17 pm

Oh I forgot about your "other house" LOL

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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Cudedog » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:46 pm

JudyJB wrote:I am getting really irritated with an increasing number of spam calls, and in the past had not been able to turn them off because of the possibility of getting a medical call about my aunt while I was legally responsible for her. As soon as we get things settled, I am going to restrict calls coming in. For years I could not do this because I was teaching and students needed my phone number, and then it was my mother in assisted living. It will be freeing to get rid of these jerks.

Judy, if you answer your phone and/or engage with a spam caller, this puts your number on a "list" as a person who answers their phone, telling spammers that you are available for future calls, and are thus a potential "mark" - which leads to ever more spam calls.

It is a vicious circle. Small wonder that your spam telephone calls are increasing.

Judy, I never answer my phone any more unless I recognize the number. In my recording, I say to leave a message - and explain that if they don't leave a message, I WILL block their number. If a caller leaves a message, I can call back immediately - and thus don't have to deal with spammers.

Anyone can leave me a voice mail message who wishes to - medical callers, students, relatives, friends: anyone who wishes to, can leave me a voice mail message.

No message? And I don't recognize the number?

Their problem, not mine: I block the number - and so also don't have to deal with spammers.


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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Cudedog » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:58 pm

Bethers wrote: I visited the park I'm considering today and enjoyed meeting the managers and talking. They showed me a few sites I'd be able to have and I picked one. Yes, I said that!!! I'm feeling much better having made the decision. There are plusses and minuses to both sides, but I know if I went forward in the current park, drama would treat it's ugly head sooner.

Beth, congrats on making a decision! I am sure it is the correct one. It seems to me (from what you have written) that the "drama" has already begun at your current park - and once drama starts, it never stops: it will always be something, one thing after another.

Hope you can get the tt moved without difficulty.

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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:36 am

Harold's daughter that lives in New Orleans was at her sister's house for a couple of days so I headed out to Lafayette to see her. It hadn't registered with me that today is Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday until I got to town and the banks and most stores were closed. I knew that there were barricades up for the parades in Lafayette but this year the parades were coming farther South and I didn't know that. I was almost in the parade. lol The intersection I wanted to turn right at was where I met the parade that was turning the other way. There was one lane for traffic to turn right but I had to wait for the people to get out of the street. Beth, I was thinking about our adventures last year.

BJ, around here the highway department can close bridges and make people go way out of their was to get around. Right before Hurricane Rita flooded this whole area they had cut the main road to town to replace a bridge. We were having to go 40 miles to get back and forth to town and everyone was mad. They got their rear in gear and put a big culvert so they could open the road. Guess what, they have never replaced the bridge it's still a big culvert. Then the state wanted to buy some of Harolds land to put a bridge at the highway intersection up the road. He argued with them that they didn't need a bridge, they could just put culverts. The area was not a stream, it's just part of the swamp that always has water. You can't argue with the state, they probably spent over a million dollars building a bridge. Nice bridge but not needed.

Judy, glad you got your repairs done. Hopefully you can go a while without more repairs. Glad you had time to mess with the spam callers. The companies that sell the Advantage medicare policies must make a lot of money out of them considering the amount of advertising they do. Way more than the companies that sell the other kind of policies.

Barbie, your tournament sounds like fun. Jimmy Kimmel just showed video of the golf tournament where people got so drunk. They might rethink selling beer.

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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby snowball » Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:48 am

sounds like a good decision Beth is this one of the parks that some o the others are also considering? it will be nice if they do and you will have a built in community... hopefully it will all work out for your friends moving the tt will you be living in it once you move it or in the motor home where ever it is parked at?
I did a coloring page that really reminded me of a thing I used to do years upon years ago they were paints in a tube with a ball point type tip and you could do them on all sort of material fabrics mostly sure wish I could remember what they were called...
we are suppose to get snow (light) off and on for the next couple of days think I will (if the weather app is correct) go to the store earlier than I normally do... the weather app says that the % chance of snow will be lower at that time...will run out of milk if I don't and have to figure out some thing for supper for Thurs night tomorrow night will be the leftover salmon since mom didn't even try the risotto I might nuke her a potato there is lots of risotto left but she might eat the potato better...
Karen are you looking for plants or something more durable? there are lots and lots of plants that will fit the part shade to sun condition I'm hoping that when I start spending time with my dd that we can plant oh shoot can't come up with the name of the plant they are really tall like full sun not glads but .... oh phooy it will come to me some time...
Judy glad that you have your motor home good to go
Barbie that sounds like it was a blast and I don't even golf... hopefully this realtor will have better success... good luck in finding a different job have you ever considered working on line??
Sharon have you used your snow blower this winter?? read about how NYC has the most snow fall going on than they have had for a couple of years...
you all have a great day
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Re: Not so snowy Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:51 am

Anne, I have never been able to block callers in the past because, first with my mother and then with my uncle and then aunt, it could be an ambulance driver, or an emergency room nurse, or something similar where I needed to give immediate permission to give treatment or even whether to call an ambulance or not. I had multiple calls like that with my aunt from emergency rooms when she had fallen or was having serious problems, and I was legally the only person able to make medical decisions, even small ones. I never wanted to not be available. We tried to get my fellow POA on the list, but my aunt and uncle had their documents written for it to be me and my aunt's brother, except he passed away.

Also, until two years ago, part of my responsibility as a college instructor was to be available to students at certain hours of the day, so blocking calls and having them leave a message was not doable. It was not practical to add the names and numbers of 50 students to my phone each semester. But back then, frankly, I was not getting many spam calls. It has mostly been in the last 3-4 months that it has really been more than one or two each week.

I will soon start setting things up so I am not answering calls from unknown people, but am putting it off until I finish some of the initial legal stuff with being the executor of her will. First thing I need to work on this week is to update my phone contacts and clean out all the ones that I no longer need, a lot of which are old medical and caregiver contacts for my aunt.
Last edited by JudyJB on Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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