Shakin' Monday

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Shakin' Monday

Postby Cudedog » Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:36 pm

Good morning, everyone.

Looks like there was a little "unrest" this morning down in Southern California, a bit south of where Barbie lives:

Looks like there was a bunch of these rollers - 17, and maybe still counting!!

Barbie, did you feel any of these shakers this morning?

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Re: Shakin' Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:21 pm

No shaking happening here. They were down by the border so fairly far from me to feel them, but then again, I was fast asleep so maybe I would have felt the first ones if I had still been up. I didn't feel the one in Malibu the other day either.

One last day of 4 of working! Then I have 6 days off! I like it better when my work days are spread out some. Less stress on my back.

I might drive to the gourd farm on Wednesday. They have all gourds at 50% off. They need to get rid of last years crop in order to get ready for harvesting the new crop. I am ready for a day trip! Wish I could afford to rent a motel for a night or two so I could get a "beach fix" but it isn't in the budget right now.

Still coughing, but mostly at work because I am talking more which triggers it.

Still having issues with my cable TV. It finally got stuck on a "diagnostic" screen and nothing I do will change it. I think I need a new modem. Will call them when I get home from work today. I saw some of the Phoenix Open golf tournament Saturday afternoon but missed that and the SuperBowl last night. The Phoenix Open was totally out of control! It is notorious for being loud with lots of young drinking fans but this year was over the top! By Saturday they had 200,000 very drunk obnoxious fans who were booing bad shots, heckling the golfers while they were trying to make their shots and by 2pm, the tournament officials decided to close the gates to any more fans coming in and to shut down any more liquor sales for the day. That just made the crowd mad. I sure hope they change things next year and that this doesn't set a bad precedent for other tournaments, for bad behavior from the fans. They are supposed to be calm, quiet, and respectful when the players are making their shots. It was very nerve
wracking and disappointing. Even the announcers started to boo the bad shots. Very unprofessional!

OK, done with my golf rant! :lol:

Tomorrow is our putters tournament after it was postponed last week due to the storms. Should be fun!

Need to get ready for work now. Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Shakin' Monday

Postby JudyJB » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:26 pm

It's shaky around here in southern Florida, but only because of the strong winds! I was going to drive about 45 miles to Fort Myers to get my wheels checked again today, but decided it was too windy to drive. It will be cooler and less windy tomorrow. Plus, it is really smoky today. It looks like someone is burning fields, which is common around here, but I have no idea what idiot would do that in such windy and hot conditions! I can barely see a quarter miles down the river, reminds me of when I got "smoked" about 4 years ago at a state park in Washington near the Columbia River. It touched off my old asthma that had not bothered me for years, and I had to get new inhalers. I am going to try to go out briefly to take a few photos over the dam. Mostly, I am staying indoors today, but I can still smell the smoke and it is slightly burning my eyes, even inside my RV.

Only earthquake I have ever experienced was in Dearborn, MI, in a Ford Motor Company office building. Three of us were in a conference room and started slowly swaying back and forth. Frankly, we flunked earthquake safety because we just sat there and tried to figure out why we were going back and forth! My son experienced the big Napa earthquake a few years ago. His outdoor fountain fell over and a lot of buildings were damaged. He said it was interesting that the oldest and the newest buildings had the least damage. One downtown shop almost lost a two-story wall, so they leaned up four buckets from front-end loaders against the wall, and left them there for several months until they could fix the wall.
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Re: Shakin' Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:58 pm

It's shaking here too because of the wind. The wind is blowing from the North so hard I can hear it in the house. I had to put the heat back on. That's Louisiana, air conditioning one day and heat the next. I need to go out and do something with the camera in the back yard. The wind sets it off and my phone gets a picture every time that I have to delete.

I didn't turn on the Super Bowl until the 3rd quarter so I missed the half time show. It started raining hard so the tv was off and on for a while. I got another 1/4 inch of rain. I think the most exciting part of the game was the 4th quarter and the overtime. It was exciting and I really wasn't for either team.

I need to go to the bank and I'm not moving very fast. I probably need to change clothes. I have shorts on that I was wearing yesterday. A little cool for shorts.

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Re: Shakin' Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:36 pm

Good morning. No wind here and a smattering of sunshine here and there, Basically cloudy and 54 so not too bad. Had a fun morning. I listen to my scanner quite a bit in the mornings and was recruited to join a scanner group. I said yes and now I am one of the many moderators LOL This morning had lots going on, body recovery at the coast, high speed driver over 104 mph, ended up being detained. Then a water rescue of folks stranded in the middle of the river. The scanner was hopping. Now I need to get busy, I think I am behind. Behind for what not sure.
Lunch is coming up pretty soon.
Sorry you all are being blown away. No wind here for a change or fog. Was wondering how Velda and her son are doing. Hopefully moving in the right direction. Beth is busy beautifying her trailer. I am sure it will be great when she finished.....well are we ever really finished??? NO

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Re: Shakin' Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:14 pm

Anne, I laughed out loud about your shopping yesterday. These big games definitely are good days to shop.

I called the other RV park today and will go sit down with someone from there tomorrow. Ask questions, look around, etc. Last night I also thought about staying here. The price will never be beat. So I'll remember everything. The husband manager came by my rig this afternoon to tell me we'll work everything out. Meantime not to worry, nothing will happen until fall. So I said, does that mean I'll be able to keep the blue? He said no. I replied that I'd told him and he said he's sorry, he doesn't remember, but everything will work out. Someone must have told them I'm upset. But only one couple knows I'm actually looking other places and I know they haven't said anything about that.

Enough about that. Hair cut this morning. Grocery pickup after that.
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Re: Shakin' Monday

Postby snowball » Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:20 am

I finally made the think they are called Fruckles I think... it's Frito's a syrup of yes karo syrup sugar and peanut butter and mixed then choc candy bars over top let melt a bit and spread I used chocolate chips I liked it dd wasn't sure but it makes a lot although I think it would be possible to cut down the was just weird enough that I wanted to try it... so dd took half and left half... made butternut risotto not bad and had salmon with it ... love this recipe keep telling myself that I ought to try another but don't some habits are hard to break...
I did a word search the other day... it's theme was mystery state... when I first looked at it thought there are a LOT of names from Alaska but really thought that there was other states towns mixed it after all Houston???? so looked up some of the ones that didn't scream Alaska including Houston and yes a town in Alaska :lol: after you loop the words the remaining letters will form the state name it's nickname flower and bird.... I guessed right it was Alaska :o a fun one to do...
I was standing a lot longer than I normally do and my knee's are screaming at me...
we may or we may not get snow tonight and tomorrow but don't think I need to go anywhere although I should by Weds... if the weather doesn't do much on Friday might go for a drive take mom up to see brother at work it's about 1.5 hours away maybe not that long ... stuffed but that commercial sure looked good...
hope all that are struggling with their health are doing better...
think I need to use my eye drops
I wonder what is wrong with the blue color???? I really like the colors you see in MX (what I've see in the pictures) wonder how Carol and Bill are doing
you all have a great day
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