“Heat Wave” Thursday

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“Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby Colliemom » Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:53 am

Morning all. Sun is shining and we are supposed to be in low to mid 5’s today. Way above normal for this time of year. That will really melt down the remaining snow. Rain late this evening. Looks like colder air towards end of next week.

Thank you for all the thoughts of Molly and I yesterday. I’m happy to report that surgery wrnt well and she is up and around here at home. Was really weak and wobbly when I picked her up yesterday though. Effects from surgery still wearing off. Vet said everything looked good in the eye cavity, so now we wait for pathology report from Michigan State University. She zonked out when we got home, but later on, ate some food and drank some water. I had to put the cone on when I went to bed and of course she hated it. Couldn’t drink water or figure out how to maneuver. But she slept through the night till about 4 a.m., when natured called. Took off the cone and let her out. She beelined off the deck, down the sidewalk, found a spot, took care of business and beelined back in. So all systems are functioning and legs all going the same way :lol: so now the healing begins. She’s moving around normally, so is adjusting to life as a one eyed dog. Was hard for her yesterday, as she dealt with the loos of the eye. Cried a couple times on the way home, which got me teary eyed. Poor baby. Just need to keep up drops in her other eye as there is concern over a couple things there and give her pain meds in the morning. Will put a cold compress on the surgical site to help with swelling for a couple days. Was breaking up ice cubes but then thought, I have some nice compress material outside, in the form of a small snowpile. Will just put some in a plastic bag wrapped in a small towel. See the vet again in two weeks.

Was a stressful day yesterday, but I did go to town, gassed up truck and got it washed, looked for some storage drawers to keep my Diamond Art and supplies in, but didn’t find anything yet. Had lunch at Chinese buffet. I think Meijer has what I need. Had cleaned kitchen, washed floor and vacuumed before I left, so spent afternoon working on my Diamond Art. Stopped for a minute and got the fleece throw out of the dryer, was putting it in tbe loveseat, when my generator started up. Huh :?: I only had the lights on over my kitchen table but was out of the kitchen so didn’t realize we lost power. Not long later, cable went as well. That took my land line phone down. It’s just what I needed because the clinic was supposed to call me to let me know when I can go pick up Molly, so I called the clinic as I didn’t remember if I had given them my cell phone number or not. They have course we’re without power to because we are all on the same circuit. There wa a crew working on the lines when I went into town up the road about 6 miles or so. think they were an independent contractor working for our cable company. So they must’ve had to do some thing that required, turning the power off and disconnected the cable. Was back on in not quite an hour. So I just worked on the art while the generator hummed along.

peaking of cable. BJ, don’t refuse fiber optic. They are installing them all over now, and replacing the older cable lines. The fiber optics are capable of handling the higher speeds that we need for Internet and stuff nowadays. They have been doing that up here too over the past three years or so. Judy, you mentioned meter readers the other day when everybody was talking about utility bills. We no longer have them. Thty use “smart meters” that automatically send meter readings to the billing departments once a month via radio frequencies. So our bills are the actual amount. New meters have that technology built in, old meters have the devices installed on them. And while I’m in the subject of utility bills, I did some research on watts etc. to get an idea of what size generator I needed for my house. Your electric stove/oven and dishwasher are the biggest users of electricity in a home. The dishwasher because of the tine period it is running, usually and hour and a half on average, not to mention the volume of water they use. Martha, glad you got your internet fixed. Hope it stays that way.

Vet clinic just called to see how Molly is doing. Said to send up some picks of surgery area as I mentioned skin that was shaved is getting red. Probably bruising setting in. And I’ve been babbling long enough here, so Bext get moving and do something. Not much
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Feb 08, 2024 10:49 am

Sue glad to hear all went well. Hopefully she will adjust quickly due to already having limited or no vision in that eye. I know several dogs that have gone totally blind or blind in one eye, usually an injury to that one eye. They do really well tho so far. I know an injury to her eye isnt Molly's problem. Just hurts our heart so much when our animals are sick.

Going to grab breakfast and second cup of coffee will be back later.

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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:09 am

Thanks Sue for report on Molly. We had fiber optic cable put in a couple of years ago. The entire building was cabled.
With all the rain we are getting, we have reached our normal yearly amount in February! And, the construction sites are all nothing but huge mud holes.
I was surprised you didn’t mention refrigerators as one of the appliances that uses lots of electricity. Our SDG&E
Is going to a fixed amount every month according to your yearly income. They haven’t explained how they are going to gather our yearly income. Therefore, a home like mine will pay a certain amt each month and a home with 10 people living there and only one working will pay a much lower fee than me! It’s nothing but income redistribution. Plus why should anyone attempt to use less electricity?

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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:56 pm

I'm glad for the update, Sue. It's what I hoped for and expected, but there aren't any givens. Molly is lucky to have you as her Mom.
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:49 pm

Good morning gals!

Glad Molly had a successful surgery and is on the mend. I had a ferret who went blind in both eyes on her first birthday! She could see fine before that. She was very depressed for a week or so until she started to figure out where things were and then was just fine after that (as long as I didn't rearrange the furniture! :o ).

Southern Minnesota has virtually no snow on the ground. The ice on the lakes has been so weak all winter that there were no ice houses put out this year. Some fishermen have gone out without them to fish. With no snow on the ice tho, the Ice surfers are having a hayday! They are like wind surfers but with skis on. They can move really fast across the smooth ice! They usually only have a short window of time to do that right after the lake freezes and before the snow covers it. They have had most of the winter to play out there this year.

I went to bed at 10:30 because I was falling asleep in the chair. Slept really good all night. Got up at 9:30 and feel so groggy yet! I have the whole house to clean today and am just dragging myself around the house. These meds are not gonna work for me, especially if they make me this sleepy for almost 24 hours! No way I can go to work after taking these. I am now drinking an energy drink to see if that will wake me up some so I can get stuff done around here today. I already have the music cranked in here!

Got a little rain overnight but it is sunny now and breezy so I have all the windows open to get some fresh air in here.

I work tomorrow afternoon/evening and all weekend, plus Monday :shock: so I will be worn out after all that. Have 4 days off after that to recuperate. :roll: My back won't be too happy with working 4 days in a row. :( I would like to drive up to the gourd farm next week because they are selling their last years crop half off, to get ready for this years crop that is ready to harvest. Gourds are expensive so if I can pick up some small ones for half price, that will be good. I don't have too many left. The small ones are easier to work on and store in an RV (if I ever get one! :roll: ).

My cough seems to be getting better again. Ribs are still sore but not painful now.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Feb 08, 2024 4:06 pm

Sue don’t underestimate the ability of dogs to adjust…. I have never in 35 years had a dog not figure out how to drink out of their water bowl or walk around the house or yard. I will admit that I have had to use duck tape on the cones of some of my Golden’s in the past…. Around the edges where they would crack the cone edges against the door frames. Audrey just came off two weeks of wearing hers…. I know too many folks that have had to return to the vet to have stitches or damage repaired…. At there expense….
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby chalet05 » Thu Feb 08, 2024 4:59 pm

Sue, I'm glad the surgery went well and now on to healing. My daughter's dog has been blind in one eye for 11 years and has done just fine. Funniest was when he 'hid' next to the kitchen island because he didn't want to go in his crate. Our theory was he had his good eye on the island side and the blind eye toward us so if he couldn't see us, we couldn't see him.

Judy and Velda, I hope your sons are doing well.

We had a beautiful 52-degree day yesterday. I had an audiology appointment and stopped at Walmart. I continue to monitor my BP after being taken off the med.
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby Redetotry » Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:06 pm

Sue I'm so glad to hear the surgery went well but sorry about the cone. Would one of the soft ones work? They shave them with a surgical blade and she probably has razor burn. I guess I have been lucky none of mine have ever had to wear a cone and only one time did they send one home with me after a surgery.

Anita I thought of you today When I was coming home from picking up my car up at the shop today someone zoomed by me in a Stingray! It was in the 50's but he was probably enjoying his ride too much to care. I was still in a bit of shock at my bill, but it was a 50,000 mile check up and my tires needed rotating...on the other hand I'm happy that I don't have a car payment. I love my 2015 Toyota van and much prefer driving it than DH's new Toyota Rav.

Barbie if the medication continues to make you sick have you looked into alternative methods? I am allergic to most medicine so I always research alternative treatments. Several big medical centers now list and some offer alternative types of treatments. Also did your doctor do a complete blood workup particularly for iron, zinc and sugar levels and tell you the importance of not eating a typical western diet of high fat and refined sugars? Also did the person who diagnosed you ask to see copies of your blood work? There are really good books by Michael Pollan one called Food Rules that is short but very good on eating well. Anxiety is also a cause for which you could do yoga, meditation or didn't you take a course in reiki? Constitutional Homeopathy has been working for me and the person I work with in Brazil is also a medical doctor. I hope you can find something that helps!
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:45 pm

Barbie, do you have to take the meds in the morning? When I was taking CLL drugs, they were prescribed for a bunch of us in the study to take in the morning, but we discussed how we were falling asleep after lunch. Found out it really did not matter when we took them, so switching to around dinner really helped because being tired in the evening just helped us sleep better. It does not hurt to check with your doctor.

Son is doing OK, but still having some nausea, so is sticking to very small sips of clear liquids a couple of times per day. I was worried about his missing so much work, but his wife told me that after teaching at his job for 26 years, he has five months of sick leave banked, so he can miss an entire semester if he has to.
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:57 pm

It got up to 74 today and would probably been warmer if it hadn't been raining off and on.

You all are probably glad to hear my internet is working great. lol But I get one thing fixed and something else starts up. The lights in my refrigerator are flickering when I open the door. Considering how much that thing cost it shouldn't be breaking in 7 years.

Yesterday when I went to Walmart I bought a package of thick cut pork chops that was marked down. For lunch I browned them in my cast-iron skillet that has a lid and baked them in the oven for an hour. Since I had the oven on I baked some of the Red Lobster frozen biscuits and some frozen cookies.

I need to find something to do tomorrow so I don't stay home and cook.

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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:35 pm

I'm just being terrible about following my plans. No Mexico today. First, this morning was gorgeous and Ty and I met up with another dog with owner and had a great walk. After returning home I'm not sure what side tracked me, but then I decided Mexico could wait. This afternoon Ty and I did another great walk with a couple and their dog. Ty likes the walks better when we have company, human and dog or just one of them. And since we have been walking, but not good walks, both of us are happy. I made an appt to get my hair cut locally next Monday, so Mexico will wait, probably until the week before I leave. Since I made an appt for this coming haircut, that'll happen. And I'll place a grocery order for that day, too. I'm trying to be careful there because I want to get through more of my freezer foods, though. I do need to get something to make for next week's fish fry, though. I might just get some sweets since it's going to be on Valentine's Day. Usually I make some kind of salad or veggie on fish fry days.

It's hard for me to believe we're already coming up on the middle of February.
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby snowball » Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:25 am

you are right Beth it's hard to believe that it's really close to the middle of Feb... Valentine's day will be the middle of the month... my dad's birthday would be the 15th I always remember his birthday :lol:
son in law text me last night that he had a pedantry appointment here tomorrow (today) and he will stop by and see us... so delayed what would be done misjudged how long his appointment would probably be.. his appointment was at 11:30 it was probably close to 1:30 when he got here visited a bit he fixed the toilet seat (no more squiggles ) after he left I gave mom her shower and fixed her hair then back to scriptures... also ran the dish washer today
nieces b'day was today so we went out to supper... I am glad that I didn't have to pay it pretty expensive place... shrimp scampi for mom was 30 min was cheaper it was chicken parm think 29 something :lol: huge serving so didn't finish it which is not normal for me now we need to find a day to fit it in... we might get tired of pasta this week :roll:
Glad that things went as expected for Molly hopefully she will fully recover quickly that snow probably would work better than ice form to the area better as would frozen corn or peas but good thinking on the snow...
got a call from the hospital I now have an appointment for a mamo echo and lab work in that order starting at 2:00 they were right on top of it ... I do need to re-figure out how to call the clinic I actually think I called the hospital now that I think about it and they transferred me will try that he had me get some nose spray can't think of the name of it... but it says that if you have cataracts to contact the dr I don't know if that means if you have had them removed or what... so need to make sure if it's ok for me to use... would think it would be but just in case...
worked on the shrug and found an error so took out the last two rows some errors I can ignore and some I can't
you all have a great day
oh Barbie is it possible that the strength is too strong perhaps you can talk to them and see it you can start with a smaller amount and build up good luck with the picture taking
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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby Cudedog » Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:34 am

Acadianmom wrote:Yesterday when I went to Walmart I bought a package of thick cut pork chops that was marked down. For lunch I browned them in my cast-iron skillet that has a lid and baked them in the oven for an hour. Since I had the oven on I baked some of the Red Lobster frozen biscuits and some frozen cookies.

I need to find something to do tomorrow so I don't stay home and cook.


Martha, I need to find something to do tomorrow too. I bought a devils-food cake mix at the store today, I'm likely to make it tomorrow if I don't think of a different project.

I don't think I have made a devil's food cake since my kids flew the nest. For some reason, chocolate cake suddenly sounded very good to me. I wanted to make cupcakes instead of the usual cake-in-a-pan (easier to freeze individual cupcakes) so I also got the cupcake papers. I started to buy a cupcake pan (which I don't have) but the store wanted a fast $12.00 for a pan that only makes six cupcakes. (!)

I think I might try putting the cupcake papers in a small pan side-by-side and filling the papers with batter that way. That should work, right? :?

LOL. Only one way to find out. I'll either be making cupcakes, or making a very big mess.

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Re: “Heat Wave” Thursday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Feb 09, 2024 3:00 pm

There are lots of other similar med, including stimulants that I can try until I get one that works for me.

These are supposed to be taken in the morning but I took this at 2pm. I was tired and groggy for 24 hours! Taking it at night would probably not help. I will check with the dr on Monday and see what he says.

BJ, I think you meant "Slingshot" not "Stingray". Both cool vehicles tho!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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