Peyton & Eli are my 2 new fosters. I don't know much about their history except they were kept in small crowded pens & used for breeding. They don't know how to play with toys, chew their chewy sticks, walk on a leash, etc... When they came here they were covered in fleas & filthy. I don't think either of them had ever had a bath, much less groomed.
We like football here so we named them Peyton & Eli, after the Manning bros Qbacks! These are just their names while they are with us. For what they've been through they are suprisingly healthy & loving. They both have been de-flea'ed, groomed, vetted & neutered. They are recuperating now from their neuter surgery.
These are some pics of when we picked them up. Eli is the Chinese Crested, & Peyton is the poodle.
Sweet babies in this condition break my hearts! But my favorite part is the "after's!" They still have a ways to go, but already they are clean & happy. Soon they'll be healthy again too. This is Peyton & Eli Tuesday night!
They are starting to look like happy boys! We are going camping with weekend & hopefully they can go on their first camping trip with the family!