before I forget Beth I picked up a heater (after the fireplace quit working) That works on propane you can hook it up to small bottles of propane... which I used for awhile I think at that time they were 5 a piece but it's been a long time cause that seems expensive then I got a different attachment so it could be attached to a larger bottle so then used it that way but a thought of how to handle the coolness of the TT right now I can't think of the name of them oh perhaps Buddy they were designed to work inside even has the tip over protection
that sounds like it was a good program I too had to look up the breed although I just looked at the picture cute little guy I would have never taken Shadow to a place like that though I didn't take him very often to the campfire if others were there...
so sorry Judy to hear about your son's set back hopefully he will recover quickly and hopefully your dil will get some rest and be able to find other accommodations quickly Sounds like you had a busy day
Made it to the store and post office... went after a different time than normal I normally read scriptures then go to the store and get home in time to fix supper after I've put away the groceries this time I went after I got breakfast over with dishes in dishwasher clothes folded and put away so close to 2 when I left back by 3;30 or so put stuff away and read scriptures then fixed supper made chicken noodle soup actually tasted pretty didn't eat much hasn't eaten a lot today I put some protein drink in her chocolate milk so not sure if that fills her up too quickly or not but.... I'd also picked up the mail so she was distracted with wanting to look at the mail I will have to not put the mail out until after supper...
I was really surprised when I went to the store... the gas prices have really dropped in the pass few days... regular is under 3.00 (2.96 but it is under 3) diesel is 3.86 haven't seen it under 4 for years now if it will just stay that way....
my dd and her husband are coming over tomorrow for supper... got out a roast so will have roast think it will have carrots with it and I want mashed potatoes normally want to roast them with the roast but mashed just sounds good I also have cauliflower that needs to be used so will go looking for a recipe other than just cooking them
you all have a great day