Rainy Thursday Morning

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Rainy Thursday Morning

Postby Colliemom » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:36 am

Morning everyone. Breezy and a light rain here this morning. 40°. It has been raking everyday this week, with exception of Christmas Day where we actually had some sun through thin clouds in the afternoon and 50°. It really was a good day till the rains moved in late in the day. I would much rather have snow, as at least we can go for walks in snow. But we have had breaks in the rain, so we have been out walking.

Sounds like everyone had a nice Christmas and now back to same old, :lol: I like O’Sharon, was home here by choice. Took the dogs across the highway and we went for a walk in the woods, their favorite lace and my Christmas present to them. Made a really yummy pot roast with carrots, mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. Put my ceramic tree and decorations I had put out, away yesterday. Will pull the ones at the entrance and change over the ones by my garage tomorrow probably. Haven’t decided if I am going to put any more out front or not.

But for today I’m going to clean kitchen, bathroom and my refrigerator this morning. Then work on my Diamond Painting. It’s almost done. My big custom made canvas is on their way. Probably be here next week I figure. Was shipped by air from China earlier this week, so is probably in the U.S. somewhere, going through the channels. Also need to call MSU School of Veterinary Opthamological dept. and set up an appt. ForMolly. Her eye has gotten worse and my vet says she needs to see a specialist. She’s thinks she will lose it. They are baked out till March, but I’m go g to book a date anyway. They told me yesterday that if my vet thinks that it is more of an emergency situation, for her to call down there after they come back from Christmas break on January 3 and talk to the ophthalmology department and see if they think we should get in there earlier. If so, I can always cancel that March date but at least we will have it. There’s a infection in there from what the holistic view vet said last Friday. She seems to be comfortable though, and it doesn’t seem to be bothering her. Looks like 2024 isn’t going to be starting off too good. We shall see.
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Re: Rainy Thursday Morning

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:47 am

Rain showers predicted here today also. And no really sunny days in sight. We are in the 50's tho so that is okay.
I am going over to one of the neighbors I havent met yet this afternoon. She is having a group over and told Mary, my next door neighbor, to be sure and invite me. So I will go this afternoon, Will just continue sorting and organizing here at home. I organize one place, and fill up another that will need organizing. LOL I have a box for the donation center and cardboard to dispose of so I am getting that ready.

So sorry Molly is still having eye trouble. I am glad it doesnt seem to be bothering her tho, poor baby. Sheila No, the series I am watching (off and on) is called
Crossing Jordan. It is a bit of a no brainer, easy watching kind of show. I watch it when I want to be on the computer or doing something else as it doesnt require alot of my attention ha ha I like some of the characters and some are dumb LOL BUT it suits my purposes when I dont want to watch a heavier duty show that I have to give my undivided attention to. Martha there is no such thing as "too much shrimp" in my book ha ha Glad you had a good check up and good to go for another year.

Off to have some breakfast and get in the shower so I can continue my puttering around the house.

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Re: Rainy Thursday Morning

Postby RitaMc » Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:14 am

33 and cloudy today. We set a record on Christmas day of 50 degrees and over the 24th through 26th had 3 inches of rain. Don't know what that would be in snowfall if it had been normal weather. We had a nice but rather unorganized Christmas. Although I feel like hosting the gathering is becoming too much work all friends and family like to come here and since life circumstances keep others from hosting I guess the tradition will continue on. Since the weather remains warmer I will be able to get into the unheated attic storeroom to organize the Christmas decorations and set aside the unused ones to donate to our church holiday sale next October. We haven't set a date to leave for Yuma yet. Getting in and out of the pickup irritates the sciatica irritation and we are looking for a different vehicle but have not found what we want yet. Not so sure I want another cortisone shot. The first one only relieved the pain about 20 percent. Our quilting group received a box of denim 6 inch squares that needed to be sewn together. All eyes in the group focused on me so I couldn't say no so will be busy stitching. Have been looking on Petfinders and several humane societies for a dog too adopt. Has to be out of the puppy stage and like kids as grand daughter spends so much time here. Oh and has to be smaller in size. House is just too quiet without a furry friend here. I see the bird feeders are almost empty so I best get busy.
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Re: Rainy Thursday Morning

Postby Irmi » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:09 pm

Good morning Sue, Karen, Rita and all that check in!

Sue, I hope things work out for Molly's eye. Karen, I agree that there is no such thing as too much shrimp. That's a staple in our house and have it fairly often. Rita, I believe and inch of rain equals 10" of snow. I hope you find the dog you want. Martha, friends in our resort introduced us to Total Wines and More and the store is huge! What was really nice was the shelves of assorted nuts, chips, and any accessory you might need for your bar or entertaining. We bought lots of Whiskey Cakes and cans of nuts for Christmas gifts and have a nice stash for ourselves. Sheila, when my parents were alive, we had French Toast for our Christmas brunch. My father would buy several loaves of French bread and I would slice them to be about an inch thick. Then I would dredge them in the beaten eggs until totally saturated and fry them. They were so good. Pat, how much snow did you get?

It was 55 degrees and lightly raining when I got up. It has been unusually cool in central FL for this time of the year. I'm wearing layers again, including leggings under my jeans and Under Armor under my top. We are almost out of leftovers and will have to start cooking meals again. I'm always puttering around here but we're both good at putting things exactly where they belong. Everything has a home. When I walk into the casita in the mornings, I can find the TV remote without turning a light on. It makes life so easy this way.

Enjoy your day!
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Re: Rainy Thursday Morning

Postby Cudedog » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:46 pm

RitaMc wrote:Have been looking on Petfinders and several humane societies for a dog too adopt. Has to be out of the puppy stage and like kids as grand daughter spends so much time here. Oh and has to be smaller in size. House is just too quiet without a furry friend here. I see the bird feeders are almost empty so I best get busy.

Good morning! Hope you find the dog you are looking for, and that he/she fits in perfectly with your life.

I surely do love dogs. Dog stories warm my heart.

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Re: Rainy Thursday Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:27 pm

Good morning gals!

Yesterday, I got the living room cleaned and rearranged the furniture, which I like so much better now! Between the porch carpet and the throw rug in the living room, I had to clean fur clumps out of the vacuum cleaner container about 5 times! :shock: So much fur!! (and dust and kitty litter :roll: ). I will take down the tree next weekend.

Didn't get to the kitchen tho. Ran out of steam. So that is the plan today. The bathroom and bedroom don't need much so those will be quick.

It was cloudy all day yesterday and cool (60's, which is perfect for me), and is sunny today but still feels on the cooler side. I like cool!

Rita, I hope you find the right car and dog! As far as little dogs go, I love Pomeranians. They have nice personalities and aren't too hyper. I love their "smile". :D Altho you need to keep up with their long fur. I heard that Lake Minnetonka has frozen and melted twice already this season! Someone was waterskiing on Christmas Day! Crazy!

Sue, I hope you find some treatment and answers for Molly's eye problem. Your pot roast dinner sounds delicious!

I guess I better get up. They are remodeling a Park Model down the street and I can't relax with all the sawing, drilling, and pounding going on! :shock:

Back to work tomorrow. For the next week, I have every other day off. After next week, the minimum wage goes up to $16 per hour (.50 increase) and my SS goes up about $40 per month. So, some good news for the new year. Altho, my storage unit cost goes up about $25 too. :(

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Rainy Thursday Morning

Postby snowball » Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:14 am

that is too bad Sue about Molly's eye hopefully you can get a quicker appointment than March... hopefully they will have a better option
we had a buck in the yard today could see the branch moving a lot but zero wind so wondered then I realized that I could see the tips of his antlers and the nose size of it and the fact that we get lots of deer in the yard that it was a deer the antlers indicate that it was a buck... so the question arises what is the difference between a buck and a stag?? age? seniority in pool? or in the species? for someone that grew up in the West you would think she would know that answer...
got mom showered and hair set that was my day I think my bed is getting worse it's old old old and the last couple mornings I've had a back ache today's was worse but because the bed is more comfortable than the couch and I can stretch out I spend more time lounging on the bed ... today took forever to finish my scriptures niece and nephew came and I kept falling asleep ... however I did do something on the fingerless gloves... Dawn's cousin suggested that I don't skip two spaces I do that and I have the 25 stitches... put in several rows so hopefully this is the answer
you all have a great day
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