I was able to get my engine started late yesterday with the help of a service person who banged on the starter motor, which they determined was the cause of my problem. Rather than spend the night in the Walmart parking lot, I managed to drive to a state park 25 miles away that had a lot of empty spots. Got here around 9:30 pm, even though I don't like to drive after dark, and logged into the reservation site and ended up with a site where I had electric and could get satellite TV.
CoachNet called and the earliest they could get me service was Thursday or Friday, so I am trying other options but may be stuck here until then. Got lots of food, propane, and am comfortable, but a little low on water. Messes up my schedule, but am hoping to hear from one company that may try to fit me in. More later.
Update: Called another place on my own and they originally said next week, but I used the "old lady traveling alone" ploy and they squeezed me in today! Got it started and am now sitting in vehicle while workers finish lunch. Yea!! Keeping my fingers crossed that the starter is only thing wrong. Son says it is quick to replace.