Morning. Cloudy here this morning, temp 54°. Supposed to stsrt clearing out and be around 67 today. Looking at temps in 60’s, low 70’s for the next week. Great outside working weather.
Did get house cleaned yesterday, although dusting part was more just the high spots. Spent some time in kitchen, washing my cupboards, wanted to be done with cleaning. I like to do the cupboards, outside, about once a month. Keeps them clean and shiny. Then the weeks in between, just keep after the countertops, stove range hood and floor.
So today is off to Meijer for some groceries and may e put the figures back out in the flowerbed with the new outfits. Am making great progress on the next ones. Going to be very colorful.
Judy, that’s really good news on your test results. Peace f mind for sure. Martha, that storm must have been a doozy if you sat it out in a safe spot.
Watching the hurricane progressing across the Atlantic. Turning into a monster. Supposed to turn north. Hope it does. Would be really bad news for FL, GA etc.
Off to the shower and head to town. Have a nice day everyone.