Good afternoon. 86° currently. Supposed to hit around 90. Humidity is 89%, so up there a bit. Rain and thunderstorms due here this afternoon, evening, tonight and through tomorrow morning. Cold front coming in. Probably have some strong to severe storms thrown in especially as the atmosphere beats up. Heavy rains also possible. I’m already seeing some towering cumulus clouds starting to form, an indication of heat rising into the atmosphere.
Just came home from town. Trip to Credit Union safe deposit box, run to Walmart for new watch Chinese buffet for lunch and stop at State Farm for quick review of Homeowners and Truck insurance policies as both are renewing for another year. All’s well there. Home and inside for rest of day.
Thanks for the compliments on my little figures in the flowerbed. I’m going to leave them that way through July. Brought in a piece of ply wood to trace the pattern out, for at least one of August’s outfits. Will get another piece of plywood next time I’m up town. Forgot about it today. This is actually the full display I put out for the 4th,
We are going to be taking down the posts, sign and canopy as the posts are rotting and it’s getting very wobbly. Plan at moment is to replace the posts and put sign back up but not the canopy, as the shingles are in bad shape as well and it prohibits the rain from getting to the flowers. Got to get some volunteers first.
These are some of the flags the businesses around Gaylord have out front during the summer holidays. It’s pretty neat driving down a couple of the roads leading into town with these flags flying in the breeze.
Velda , sounds like quite the 4th going in around you. Glad you enjoy the BBQ and the neighbors. Was very quiet around here. Lots of traffic heading south today. Back to work they’re go.