Beth, can't a bad headache be a symptom of a stroke?? At least check your blood pressure. Anyone out there know for sure how you tell a bad headache from a stroke? (I do know that not all strokes cause obvious physical symptoms.)
I felt pretty good this morning after my exhausting day yesterday. It was not just the heat, the humidity was very high yesterday as well, and even the two girls were dripping. I need to be more careful about doing too much in such high temps and humidity, but at least I was drinking ice water all day. I take a bottle of water and freeze it, then drink it and add water to it all day while it keeps a big ice cube in it. Anyway, this morning, I knew we had only a two-hour drive to the condo in Sandusky, so I told the girls they could sleep in, which they did until 11 am, and I also slept in.
Girls took all their stuff, but there was some stuff in the refrigerator I knew I would not eat. Took the hot dogs and hamburgers and buns to condo, and we ate them for dinner when parents showed up. However, I did three loads of laundry at the condo--some of my clothes and sheets, towels, and one comforter. Then I barely got set up before dark, and ended up having to hang some things that were still damp, fold everything, and iron some of my shorts to put creases in the cuffs. Plus, I had to damp mop floor, and clean out half-bottles of stuff left in the refrigerator. The result is I am really tired again. I think I have lost some weight, which is good and bad, but I am trying to drink more water because I think I am still dehydrated, which is where the weight loss is.
This is a tight campground, so instead of getting out and in tomorrow, I think I am going to get my son to come pick me up. Sunday, they are going to a baseball game in Akron, and I am just going to hang around here, then move to Maumee Bay SP on Monday. It is a much newer and nicer campground, with more space between sites and sites that are easier to get into. This place could give you claustrophobia because sites are old and small, with roads too narrow, especially with a lot of pickup trucks parked along it. I just don't want to have to fight it.