by JudyJB » Mon May 29, 2023 11:27 pm
I just signed up with the Snug free plan. What you do is download an app and allow it to find your location. Then you enter in your phone number and email address, as well as the phone number of someone who would contact you in an emergency. What made me decide their method was a good one is that it works on a cell phone, not on a landline phone as some of the other programs do. Also, some of the other programs assume you will always be at a single home.
While I did not like allowing it to find me, I think it is necessary in this case. My biggest fear has always been falling in the shower, so I decided to select the latest time available--9:30 pm EDT. So what will happen starting tomorrow, is that it will send me my cell phone a signal. It will make a noise and show a check mark on the screen. If I grab my phone and tap on the check mark, it will turn green and do nothing else.
You can choose to have the app send a notification to your emergency contacts only if you FAIL to check in, or you can choose to send a notification every time you DO check in. I like the former, but your son or daughter may want to know the latter. If you choose the free plan, nothing else will happen. They will not make sure your emergency contacts do anything, but at least they will be notified.
If you choose the $99 per year "dispatch" plan, if you fail to respond to the check mark, a real person will call your cell phone to see if you answer. If you do not answer, they will call your emergency contacts to ask someone to check on you. If the dispatcher cannot confirm that someone will check on you, they will notify the local police or fire to check on you. They also require that you put a key to your home in one of those realtor boxes, and give them the code on the key box so they can get in without breaking a window.
In my case, I have given my sons my schedule for the next few months, and I almost never go out at night, so I should be able to check the app easily. They also can find my location on their cell phones and call the campground or state park rangers to check on me. They can also call the police or fire themselves, and give them information about the realtor key box. Also, I was concerned about times when I am out of cell service. There is a way to set it to be on vacation, so they will not respond or get upset if you are in Spain without a phone or on a cruise to Antarctica. I very occasionally stay somewhere without cell service, but I always let me kids know ahead of time. They would know my site number and the name of the campground I am in from my schedule to give to police or fire.
We shall see how it works. I talked to my kids this afternoon, and they both said it will relieve their concerns if they knew I was checking in and they would get notified if I did not do that. The thing I like is that I do not have to remember to check in with someone, and they only get bothered if I do not respond to a message.
There are other details, so you should read the whole thing online at